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June 30, 1989 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1989-06-30

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Thanks the Community for helping make the Keter Shan Toy Award Dinner honoring Jack and Miriam
Shenhman a huge success. In addition to the several hundred people who purchased tickets for the dinner,
we thank the following Scroll of Honor supporters for their most generous contributions:

Parkland Supporters:

Woodland Supporters:

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Must

Mr. & Mrs. David B. Hermelin

Grove Supporters:

Silver Sponsors:

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Borman
Mr. & Mrs. Martin R. Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Jackier
Mrs. Joseph (Edythe) Jackier

Mr. & Mrs. Irving Nusbaum

Mr. Barry Klein
Mrs. George (Helen) Klein

Dr. & Mrs. David Jacknow
Mr. & Mrs. D. Dan Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Schelberg
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Slatkin

Mrs. Sol (Ann Y.) Eisenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Eisenberg
Ms. Sue Ellen Eisenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dorfman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Maddin
Mr. Robert H. Naftaly

Mr. Sid Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Max Sheldon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Perlman
Mrs. Morris (Emma Lazaroff) Schaver Mr. Joseph N. Trombley

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Garber
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Harvith
Ms. Jeanne M. Hildebrandt
Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Joffe
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Laker

Mrs. Harry (Sarah) Laker
Mrs. Joseph (Doris V.) Markel
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Pivnick
Mr. & Mrs. Asa Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sosnick

Table Sponsors:

Mr. Norman Allan
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Boschan
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Cohen

Scroll Subscribers:

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Beznos
Mr. & Mrs. Morris J. Brandwine
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Charlupski
Mr. & Mrs. Hi Dorfman
Mr. & Mrs. David Engelbert
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard R. Farber

Lawrence S. Jackier
D. Dan Kahn

David B. Hermelin

General Chairman

Associate Chairmen

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Stollman
Mr. Max Stollman
Mr. Phillip Stollman
Mrs. Paul (Helen) Zuckerman
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Zwick

Sue Ellen Eisenberg

of Greater Detroit

Studio In Harvard Row Mal

Thank You


Our sincere thanks to all our friends and the en-
tire community for their generous support and
good wishes for making the Jewish National
Fund Dinner a tremendous success.
Our project to reforest the area at Rosh Nigra
near the Lebanese border which was burned out
by arsonists will be replanted and again become
a lush garden.

We Thank You All
Jack and Miriam Shenkman
and Family

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