UP FRONT RICHARD PEARL Staff Writer U H-H-H-H!" comes the grunt from the pint- sized player as he smacks the tennis ball across the net with a two-fisted backhand. No, it's not Jimmy Connors of the United States. It's 8-year-old Barry Kaufman of Israel, who has idolized Con- nors ever since he saw the world tennis star play in Israel. Barry, who adopted the grunt to be more like his hero, is one of the 100,000 Israeli youngsters — Arab as well as Jewish — who have learned the net game as result of the founding of the Israel Tennis Centers Association (ITCA) in 1976. Kaufman, a Beersheva youngster who plays at the ITCA facility in Ashkelon, was one of five Israeli youngsters participating in a demonstration and fundraiser last Friday evening at the Bloomfield Hills home of Dr. and Mrs. 'Terry Podolsky. Coach Gali Magin, 27, guid- ed the five through several fast-paced tennis drills to demonstrate how youngsters are taught. "Tennis is merely the vehi- cle we use to give quality of life to the children of Israel," said Seymour Brode of Franklin, president of the IT- CA. "We'll bring in as many as 200 youngsters a day on buses to centers such as Haifa and it's all free. All you have to be is a child" to participate. Besides providing tennis and instruction — including free rackets and balls — the centers offer counselling in fitness, nutrition and hygiene, social services, rehabilitation, libraries and tutoring. "We teach them manners, how to win and how to lose," said Ruth Kadar, an Israeli who chaperoned Barry and four other youngsters. "In our libraries, we teach them how to learn. In our classes, we teach them how to eat properly. We are molding leaders and citizens at these centers." Bob McKeown Young Israeli Netters Boost Tennis Centers Watching Israeli youngsters Barry Kaufman and Dudi Bitran are Darrell Rogers, Jack London, Meryl and Terry Podolsky and Denny Rogers. The Israel Tennis Centers Association can look at a number of accomplishments, said Brode. • With the support of con- tributions from Jews and non- Jews around the world, it has built tennis centers at Kiryat Shemonah, Haifa, Tiberius, Ramat Hasharon, South Tel Av iv/Jaffa , Jerusalem, Ashkelon, Arad and Dimona. • The more than 120 courts include a 5,000-seat stadium at Ramat Hasharon and a 1,200-seat stadium in Jerusalem. • Three new centers are on the drawing boards at Dimona, Beersheva and Jerusalem. • Programs for mentally handicapped and paraplegic children are offered and ITC coaches conduct tennis clinics at kibbutzim and other areas throughout Israel. • Those who learned tennis at ITCA facilities as children are returning as coaches. • lennis has beaten out soc- cer as Israel's No. 1 par- ticipatory sport. • Israel has begun produc- ing world-class tennis players, including Amos Monsdorf, ranked 24th worldwide. "Davis Cup tennis in Israel was a joke until a few years ago," said Brode, who owns Continued on Page 14 ROUND UP Israel Scientist Wins GM Prize Professor Leo Sachs of Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science was awarded the $130,000 1989 Alfred P. Sloan Prize of the General Motors Research Foundation for the most significant basic research advance in the understanding of cancer. Sachs, head of the genetics department at the Weizmann Institute, showed in his studies that the process of malignancy can be reversible and that the growth of leukemia cells can be controlled. Case Of The Missing Torah New York — "Ah, Watson! Something has gone astray in Abu Dhabi!" "Abu Dhabi, Holme0 Whatever are you talking about?" Watson, puffing his ubiquitous pipe, moved closer to his mentor. "It appears an Iranian woman recently decided to send a 150-year-old 'Thrall scroll to her brother in Brooklyn as a contribution to a new Persian synagogue, Beit Knesset Omid, in Queens, N.Y" "You don't say?" "Yes, I do. But it appears it never arrived, Dr. Watson." "Never arrived? Egads!" "The woman hired a courier to smuggle the scroll by boat to Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates. From there, it was to be forwarded to the United States. "But it's illegal to export a lbrah from Iran, so UAE of- ficials in Abu Dhabi con- fiscated the scroll." Watson grimaced. "Don't tell me that's the end of the story, Holmes!" "No, it's not. For I have discovered that Rep. Charles Schumer of New York is pur suing the missing lbrah. He recently appealed to Secretary of State James Baker and the State Depart- ment to take action on the matter." "We must stay on top of this case!" the doctor cried. "Indeed, we shall," Holmes said, stroking his chin. "In- deed we shall." Fungus, Rabbis And Scholarships It isn't every place that a blind Jewish graduate stu- dent who wants to be a rabbi can find a scholarship tailor- made to fit his needs. Yet workers at the National Scholarship Research Service have done just that. Located in San Rafael, Calif., the service has discovered more than 200,000 obscure scholarships available throughout the world. Among these are a graduate fellowship for Ph.D. candidates studying fungus, and scholarships for graduates of Mt. Cannel, (Pa.) High School who don't drink, smoke or play rough sports, for any student with the last name Anderson, Baxendale, Borden, Bright, Downer, Pen- noyer or Murphy, for creative writers aged 22-35 who are not communists and for aspir- ing parapsychologists. The organization has located a number of scholar- ships open solely to Jewish students. While the majority are fairly run-of-the-mill, the National Scholarship Research Service has manag- ed to find several less than routine funding possibilities. In addition to the scholarship for blind Jews, the office has identified scholarships for Jewish women studying in Boston, for American Jews Researcher enjoys a ride in a flight simulator at a school of aeronatical engineering: Could this be you? studying for one year in Israel and for Jewish students who have graduated from Har- risburg, Pa., area high schools. And then there's always the ever-popular scholarship for a Jewish orphan interested in pursuing graduate studies in aeronautical engineering. Any applicants? For information, contact the National Scholarship Research Service, (415) 456-1577. Something Funny Is Going On Tel Aviv (JTA) — Two men were shipwrecked on a desert island. The first ripped off his clothes to make flares and wrote HELP in the sand. The other did nothing. "What's the matter with you?" the first cried. "We're stuck on this desert island and you're just sitting there!" "Don't worry," the second man said. "I haven't made my UJA pledge yet. They'll find me." If they're lucky, they won't hear that one at the Third In- ternational Conference on Jewish Humor, which is being held at lel Aviv University this week. Lecture topics in- clude "Philip Roth and Woody Allen: Freudian Poetics and the Humor of the Oppressed" to "Fundamental Features of Jewish Humor and Space." Home Covered With Swastikas The Anti-Defamation League is investigating an in- cident last week in which a West Bloomfield home was covered with swastikas. The home, located in the Maplewoods subdivision at Maple and Farmington roads, was struck by lightning on June 9. Several days later, swastikas were discoverd on the side of the home. Compiled by Elizabeth Kaplan. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 5