THE JEWISH NEWS THIS ISSUE 60(P SERVING DETROIT'S JEWISH COMMUNITY JUNE 23, 1989 / 20 SIVAN 5749 Perle Is Skeptical Of Soviets' Motives RICHARD PEARL Staff Writer The Jackson-Vanik Amendment should not be repealed until concrete assurances are received regarding Soviet Jews, Detroiters were told Tuesday night. Richard N. Perle, who was an aide to the late Sen. Henry (Scoop) Jackson during creation of the legislation ty ing United States trade with the Soviet Union to Soviet human rights, said, "We've waited 15 years" for Soviet compliance and "are now on the verge of persuading the Soviets to make the deal originally planned. "Once those who want to leave (the Soviet Union) can, and once those who want to stay in the Soviet Union can and live in dignity as Jews," only then should the Jackson-Vanik Amendment be repealed, Perle told the 59th annual dinner of the Coun- cil of Orthodox Rabbis of Greater Detroit. Perle, a Jewish Democrat, was the Reagan administration's assistant secretary of defense for international security policy from 1981 to 1987. He is resident scholar at the America Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., and a contributing editor to U.S. News and World Report. He urged the gathering at the Westin Hotel to be skeptical of the Soviets, whose government is "a dismal, national failure." Despite Soviet pledges, "They have been unable to supply bread" to their people "and they certainly have been unable to supply freedom;' Perle said. The Soviet Union needs $14 billion to service its national debt and, while Soviet life expectancy is Continued on Page 14 Borman Renovations Are On Schedule KIMBERLY LIFTON Staff Writer Renovations to the 22-year-old Borman Hall in Detroit are on schedule and should be completed by August, Jewish Home For Aged of- ficials said this week. Cost of the project, which includes renovations to showers, the synagogue chapel and the occupational-physical therapy area, is estimated at $450,000. The Home For Aged secured funds through a loan from United Jewish Charities. Home For Aged Special Project Coordinator Cindy Schwartz said the loan will be repaid through Medicaid reimbursements and the general operating budget. Home officials said renovations are necessary to help Borman Hall ac- commodate needs of its residents un- til the Home relocates to a proposed site in West Bloomfield, which is ad- jacent to its Fleischman Residence. The Home is waiting for another cer- tificate of need from the state to replace 212 beds at Borman Hall and 100 beds at Prentis Manor. The Home already received a nod of approval in the form of a state- issued certificate of need, but has put aside plans to move due to a pending legal battle with private competitors. A co-owner of the West Bloomfield Convalescent and Nursing Center fil- ed a lawsuit in Ingham County Cir- cuit Court in February, challenging the state's authority in issuing the certificate of need. Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Carolyn Stell heard the case in April. Now both par- ties are awaiting a decision. Home Executive Vice President Alan Funk has said officials want to wait to move until they receive a se- cond certificate of need for more beds. At that time, Funk said, Borman and Prentis can be relocated into one building. Borman, Prentis and Fleischman house 418 residents. "We are waiting with bated breath for Judge Stell's decision," Funk said. Meanwhile, the Home's renova- tion project at Borman Hall aims to "tide us over until we move," Funk said. "We need to leave the building in a state so it can be saleable." The Home's Board of Directors ap- proved the renovation project in March. Crews began construction in April. When the project is complete, state-of-the art equipment will be in bathing rooms on all three floors. Therapeutic activities will be moved from the basement to the first floor and some offices and leisure activities will be relocated to the basement. Attorney Michael Barnhart is fighting for prisoners' religious rights.