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We'll show you a vari- LIFE IN ISRAEL t's mid-afternoon — Israeli siesta time — and everyone but Howard has drifted back to the apart- ment. They sit in their living room — posters covering dingy walls, an old bed for a couch, a couple chairs, utilitarian desks and tables, a TV set — smoking Time cigarettes. Only two of the six smoked before coming to Israel. Now almost everyone does. The four women sleep in one bedroom, the two men in the other. The women's room looks like an adult version of the "crowded to the rafters at nap time in the day care center" scene on the Yavneh Project Renewal video tape that is shown to visiting groups. It illustrates how far the city needs to go before it can properly provide for all. The six share a small bathroom with shower. The kitchen has a stove, sink and refrigerator. "It's not bad," Lisa says. "We all get along very well. But after nine months I miss my own space." "I'm a camper, so I'm used to this communal living," Alyssa says. "It's to see if you can make it," Amy Kahn, 19, of Far- mington Hills says about their quarters in particular and Otzma in general. "You're pushing yourself to see what you can survive with." On this particular day, Amy is surviving with and recover- ing from pneumonia and a frustrating round of visits to Kupat Cholim health clinics and the hospital for treat- ment. "In Israel you need a sense of humor and a lot of pa- tience," she says. "If you're waiting for a bus and it doesn't come, what are you go- ing to do?" According to Amy, doemstic life in Yavneh is easy com- pared to their winter in the Youth Aliyah village. "There was no heat. You had to sleep in all your clothes. It was warmer outside than in o ir rooms. But we did learn to make toasted cheese on elec- tric heaters." And despite the daunting challenge of the endless cold, the real time of darkness was their month on the moshay. That's one topic that gets everyone taking. Says Amy: "We worked from six to six picking flowers with a half-hour break." "They said to expect it," Wen- di reminds her. But the warning didn't help Lisa. "It was the one part of the program that I was ter- rified about," she says. "But I loved it. You meet the wildest people, the traveling volunteers." A fter a year of Israeli life, none of the six sees Israel as a future home, although each one says he'll be back. "After living here a year, the question of aliyah is even harder," Marc says. "You know the reality of things. It's hard to make it here. And it's easy to give up." "Aliyah is a 'should do,' but it's not for me," Lisa says, ad- ding she would like to come on missions when she is older. "When I worked on the moshav, I felt very close to Israel. And damned close to Jordan," Amy says laughing. (Their moshav was on the border.) "But you shouldn't have to live here," she says, serious again. "You should be where you're the happiest." "Nothing's written in stone," Alyssa says. While in Israel she realized how much she likes being around Jews, but "I didn't realize until I got here how close I am to my family." Between the aliyah of the long term and the Chinese dinners of the short term, there is the broad stage of the middle term. The Otzma par- ticipants say they would like to fill it with more Jewish ac- tivities than in the past: stu- dying Hebrew to keep up their proficiency, volunteer- ing at Borman Hall, or becoming more active at their synagogue or on campus. When Marc, Lisa, Alyssa, Howard, Wendi and Amy came to Israel, they found much that was familiar, but always with a difference: a modern country where people pushed in line; modern buildings, but with no heat. "Everything here is a little off," Howard says, "but I've gotten used to it." "It might sound like a commercial, but it forces you to grow • up," Alyssa says of her first visit to Israel. And now, with culture shock far behind them and their systems adjusted to Israeli ways, the six prepare for their departure. Could home seem just as strange as Israel once did'? At least one group member thinks it possi- ble. Says Howard: "I think I'm going to go home and things are going to be a little off again." E