I LOCAL NEWS Actors Alliance Has Workshops The Actors Alliance Theatre Company will pre- sent its "Hot Summertime Theatre Consevatory '89" June 19 through July 28. A rotating faculty of 21 pro- fessional performing artists will work with theater students in age-appropriate sections, building skills and developing showcase perfor- mances throughout the sum- mer program. Highlighted faculty for 1989 include: Sheri Nichols, Richard Berent, Ursula Walker, Buddy Budson, Dinah Lynch, Ramon Ramos, Lisa Nowak, Annette Madias, Patricia Kihn and Annette DePetris. Call Actors Alliance Theatre Company, 642-1326, for free brochure and application. 7 mg tar 0.7 mg nic • • • aGAETTE-1; Summer Of Fun Attractions Set ASONNIKSak . - Of a By U.S. Gov't. testin 1988 R.J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. ALL BRAND STYLES ABOVE ARE 100mm. Competitive tar and nicotine levels reflect the FTC method. SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health. BOX: Less than 0.5 mg. "tar,' less than 0.05 mg. nicotine, SOFT PACK FILTER, MENTHOL: 1 mg. "tar',' 0.1 mg. nicotine, ay. per cigarette, BOX 100's: Less than 0.5 mg. "tar,' less than 0.05 mg. nicotine, SOFT PACK 100's, FILTER: 2 mg. "tar;' 0.2 mg. nicotine, SOFT PACK 100's, MENTHOL: 3 mg. "tar,' 0.3 mg. nicotine, ay. per cigarette by FTC method. Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village will open its 60th Anniversary Sum- mer Of Fun attractions with "America Remembers," Memorial Day weekend. America's armed forces, from the Civil War to the pre- sent, will be honored in this three-day weekend address- ing what Memorial Day is really about. Other summer of fun Weekends include, "Motor Muster," June 17; "Pageant of Power," July 1; "A Family Fourth," July 4; "Colonial Life Festival," July 8; "Sus- quehanna Plantation Weekend," August 12; "Old Car Festival," September 9; and "Farm Harvest Days," September 29. Humanities Class Offered Oak Park recreation depart- ment outreach office will pre- sent a summer humanities class beginning June 14. The classes will be held in the Oak Park Community Center at 9 a.m. There is no charge. Pre- registration is required by calling the Outreach Office, 541-0900. Early Deadline The advertising deadline for The Jewish News issue of June 2 is 4:30 p.m. Fri- day, May 26, because of the Memorial day holiday. . 58 FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1989