PURELY COMMENTARY The Diaspora And The Galut As Our Degradation PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus A front page New York Times story from Kuwait (March 22), bylined Allan Cowell, was headlined: "The Palestinians in Diaspora: Vision Fades But Won't Die." Diaspora is not even used in quota- tion marks here. It appears at the outset as the kind of Arab possession, not even as a legacy. There was resentment in some Jewish quarters over Arab resort to the very term Diaspora. One New York Times reader wrote a protest: others ex- pressed it. It is as in the case of the term Holocaust. It is now applied in many quarters to anything and everything calamitous. The sufferers from the very mention of Holocaust would have it limited to the Nazi barbarities. What needs to be understood is that the lexicon is uncontrollable. Never- theless, the proper definitions are vital. In the American Heritage Dic- tionary we read: Diaspora — The aggregate of Jews or Jewish communities outside of Palestine. The body of Jews living dispersed among the gentiles after the Babylo- nian captivity. In the New Testa- ment, the body of Christians liv- ing outside of Palestine. A dispersion, as of any originally homegeneous people. (Greek) "dispersion" (Deuteronomy 28:25) from diaspeirein to disperse to scatter. The New Columbia Encyclopedia gives the following definition: Diaspora — Term used today to denote the Jewish com- munities living outside the Holy Land. It was originally used to designate the dispersal of the Jews at the time of the destruc- tion of the Temple (586 B.C.) and the forced exile to Babylonia. During this period there began to develop certain ideas and in- stitutions that were to form the foundations of Jewish life in ex- ile after the second dispersion (A.D. 135) — monotheism, the synagogue, personal accoun- tability for a righteous life, the hope of a return to the Holy Land, and so on. The Cowell Kuwait report is a con- firmation of Arab scheming to perpetuate their refugees as a weapon against Israel, always to point to their existence as proof of their contention that Israel is their enemy. There is the marked contrast bet- ween Israel and the Arab nations. The latter deny residence to fellow Arabs they force into the refugee designation. Israel has a welcome for Jews under all circumstances. Close to a million Jews have been forced out of Arab lands and they found a welcome in Israel. The Jews forced out of Moslem countries were robbed of their possessions. Many of them had ancestors who lived in the lands out of which they were exiled much longer than their Arab neighbors. Another contrast is the Arab aim now to borrow the term diaspora and to create it as an instrument in their bat- tle against Israel. Jews desire to end that humiliation. For Jews, Diaspora is galut, exile, and the aim is its rejection. The Diaspora Under Scrutiny Diaspora has reached a serious testing stage. The mounting challenges affecting Israel have become equally op- pressive concerns for the Jewish com- munities in progressive countries in the world. The extent of support for Israel from the latter is studied in the sense of duty to a beleaguered kehilla of fellow Jews. Therefore the emerging interest in the role of the Diaspora, how to relate to the numerous elements who make it a Jewish fellowship, whether the com- mitment is total in every respect, religious as well as secular, and whether a differing of views as well as commitments is permissible as well as respectful. 'Ib reach decisions on the many developing relationships, it is necessary to admit to a meaning of Diaspora, its role in history, its multiplicity of cultural and linguistic components and their differing ideals. Perhaps the most impressive and most revealing Jewish resort to it is the The Arab aim is to borrow the term as an instrument in their battle against Israel. common appellation to tragic occur- rences of the Yiddishism: "Men iz in Golles." "We are in the Galut." Whenever there was difficulty con- fronting anti-Semitism, when prejudice was difficult to overcome, it was often "men'z in Golles." Therefore the understable treat- ment of it was to escape from it and not to embrace it. The escaping from it as a calamitous designation is apparent in the Jewish Concepts of Rabbi Philip Birnbaum. He has definitions for galut and among them are the following designations he gives to Diaspora as galut: EXILE 71 1 :i Galut (exile) has the connota- tion of expulsion, as in the case of the Babylonian captivity, which lasted from the destruc- tion of the First Temple in 586 before the common era to the reestablishment of the Judean Commonwealth in 516, the year of the Temple's rebuilding, namely: 70 years. The second, Roman Exile has been the main cause in the extension of the Diaspora or dispersion of the Jewish people in the past nine- teen centuries. The name galut also denotes banishment to a city of refuge for involuntary manslaughter. In a case of manslaughter, galut was both a punishment and a protection against blood revenge. By fleeing into one of the refugee cities, a manslayer, pursued by a blood avenges was protected against the ancient law of life for life. In addition to the six cities of refuge, the forty- two Levitical cities served as a protection of the unintentional homicide. Galut has come to mean the abnormal life of the Jewish minority in the lands of disper- sion. In the words of Hayyim Greenberg: "Where ever Jews live as a minority . . . is galut." Moses ibn Ezra, one of the leading Hebrew poets of the Spanish period (1060-1138), describes galut as "a form of im- prisonment . . . the refugees are like plants without soil or water." The conventional con- notation of galut, as applied to dispersed Jewish people, is that of degradation and misery. Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch writes: "Israel's entire Galut history is one vast altar, upon which it sacrificed all that men desire and love for the sake of acknowledging God and the Torah ... I would grieve if Israel understood itself so little . . . that it would welcome eman- cipation as an end of the galut." In 1906, Solomon Schechter wrote: "The term galut ex- presses the despair and helplessness felt in the presence of a great tragedy . . . It is a tragedy to see a great ancient people, distinguished for its loyalty to its religion . . . losing Continued on Page 42 —4 -4 - '4 I 1 4 4 Tourism As Commitment In Israel History E yen when the Israel oranges, the Jaffa product grown by the early Jewish settlers, was the chief product in the economy of the Zionist pioneers, tourism was already a major means of income. The THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCV No. 12 2 FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1989 May 19, 1989 pilgrimages were in the main the in- spiration between the kibutzim and far- ming communities and the Jews "michutz la-Aretz" — out the ancient homeland. There was a sad interruption in tourism and now we have a return to the original years when hundreds of thousands made trips to Israel as corn- mitments to fellow Jews who are mak- ing the Land of Israel the joy of their lives. The encouraging factors now are the family group and mostly the youth who are pilgrims again. Many among the latter are mere children. Especial- ly noteworthy are the hundreds who are now enjoying the status of scholarship winners. In this community two synagogues earn recognition as scholar- ships sponsors — Temple Beth El and Congregation Beth Achim, and others are pursuing such a role. In Zionist ranks, scholarship allotments are being assigned more noticeably every year by the Zionist organization of America, Detroit District. Some of its winners have pur- sued graduate studies in Israel, and a few have gone there on aliyah. It is a meritorious accomplishment. Aliyah will always be the chief fac- tor in the continuing redemption. Tourist as pilgrim is vital in the corn- mitment in world Jewry as peoplehood. The emphasis is in urging potential set- tlers, the Russian Jews who acquire visas, to migrate to Israel, and others to strive for Halutzinut. On a large scale tourism is an urgency. That is why the World Zionist Organization and associated groups are treating tourist information most respectfully. Tourist guides have been published for many years in various fashions. Now Zionist concern is being drawn to a special guide and text as means of en- couraging the tourists. Most tourist guides are general in treatment. The current one, endorsed by the World Zionist Organization, has the character of a textbook. It makes an appeal for daily study of Israel's status and a call to learning as means of en- couraging tourism. That's the point: that just as Israel provides means for study of history and the great libertarian cause, so also is the character of a properly researched tourist guide. Therefore this recommendation of the Israel Travel Guide. It has value for synagogue and other groups for the pilgrimages to Israrel. The youth especially must be encouraged to make the preparation for it a course of study of Israel and related Jewish history. That's how tourism, which is already a Jewish commitment vis-a-vis Israel, msut be made a continuation of the legacy of pilgrimage. ❑ •