PURELY COMMENTARY Saluting Israel At 41: The Book In Its Arsenal PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus F rom the time redemption as statehood was proclaimed, under the name Israel, on May 14, 1948 — Iyar 5, 5641 — Yom Ha'atzma'ut became a festival for world Jewry. On the eve of this celebration, during these approaching days, we again salute each other with a Gut Yom Tov, with Hag Sameach, happy festival greetings. Yom Ha'atzma'ut 41 continues as oc- casion to appreciate the immense ac- complishments, the creativity of a state reborn into a history of unforgettable commitments and historic legacies. The sadnesses that have been im- posed on that Eretz Israel environment of glory under the violent name of in- tifada is not overlooked. It exists and is acknowledged. The interruption in the striving for amity is deplorable. It must be met with the declaration that a people whose aspirations of the milen- nia, the prophecies of whose redemption have acquired reality, does not submit to terrorism and to threats of destruc- tion. On the contrary, this redeemed people reasserts that the aim is to reach high human goals, uplifting the op- pressed in Jewry and offering the benefits of them to neighbors to be lived with in peace and in amity. As lessons in such aims we offer an accounting of what has been achieved, and we apply it as a duty to continue the attained and to make it a sense of glory with the pride with which it is measured. Forty-one years are representative of a very brief period in our history. In Israel they are a continuity of progress in the striving to end homelessness, in the creativity of our people who have built universities, made advances in medical research, adhered to high goals in music, the arts, the sciences. The people marking an anniversary in redeemed statehood have great pride in the knowledge that in this redeem- ed new land hundreds of thousands, most of them survivors from Hitlerism, had a welcome and are now protecting as "home." Israel continues as the means of acquiring visas for resettle- ment. That's how Russian Jews ac- quired the new Israel home. That's how Iraqi, Syrian, Iranian, Ethiopian and Yemeni escapees from oppression can re-establish themselves with dignity, as Jews. There is another symbol in the redemption that is not to be overlook- ed. It is "The Book" and it has attain- ed great power in the people's existence. It received minimal attention in a period when people were obsessed with "gun" and "rock." There is a biennial Jerusalem Book Fair which by far over- powers humanly and spiritually the destructive weaponry. There will always be a time to give priority to "The Book." It is thanks to the dedicated Detroiter, Irwin "'Baby" Holtzman, that the ideal of it will remain superb. For nearly two decades he has encouraged book publishing and Hebrew writers in Israel. He has been a factor in the Jerusalem book fairs into which he has drawn the participation of Wayne State University Press and the Jewish Publication Society, among others. He was a factor again at the book fair in March. Bibliophile Toby Holtzman returns to us from the 11th Jerusalem Book Fair with an enthusiastic report. He at- tended the last six of them and his ex- periences attest to what he terms an in- ternational emphasis stemming from the Jerusalem municipality which sponsors the functions under the in- spiration of Mayor Teddy Kollek. His report contains important data to in- dicate how the event has grown, draw- ing more than a thousand publishers as participants. Therefore his report merits total consideration when he states: I have been attending since 1973, The Jerusalem Interna- tional Book Fair. I discovered that this outstanding literary and cultural event is by far the single largest held in Israel, both in length (six days) and in terms of international visitors doing business. It is sponsored by the Municipality of Jerusalem and Mayor Teddy Kollek considers it his favorite happening. As a representative of the Jewish Publication Society, I can attest to its active booth at the fair and a special presenta- tion of books to President Chaim Herzog in his library. The book fair, a biennial event, began in 1963 with 820 publishing houses from 22 coun- tries and featured some 15,000 titles on display. This year the numbers have grown to 1,000 publishing houses from 40 coun- tries and featured some 100,000 titles. This year's book fair includ- ed delegations from Poland, Hungary and Yugoslavia. Also, Yuri Zhizin, managing director of the Moscow Book Fair, at- tended with three other Soviet publishers. I was present when an invitation was extended to Zev Birger, director of the Jerusalem Book Fair, to attend the Moscow Book Fair in September. Thus does Israel's cultural presence in the world extend itself. I took Yuri Zhizin to visit Jerusalem's largest Russian bookstore to show the extent of interchange of business. After all, the Israeli publishers go to Continued on Page 40 Walter Reuther In Weizmann Institute Archives R euther is a name that will always be treated as a dominant figure in labor unionism. Whether for any single member of this important family group or as a militant family striving to unify labor's forces, the name is inerasable from the unionization tasks of this century. The most dominant person in that group was Walter Reuther, and recollections of him by his daughter assume an im- portant place in labor union history. Reuther: A Daughter Strikes (WSU Press) by Elizabeth Reuther Dickmeyer is the story of the labor leader whose organizational skills marked the foun- ding of the UAW, who confronted threats to his movement and to his very THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCV No. 10 2 FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1989 May 5, 1989 life with the courage defined in his daughter's tributes. With the massive material available from her father's accumulated records, as well as the memories of the struggles in which the Reuthers were involved, this biographical account marks a most valuable enlightenment in the history of unionization and the war that existed in the early years of this century between capital and labor. The sit-down strike in the Flint auto plants, the gangsterism that marked many of the threats to labor, the deter- mination with which Walter Reuther carried on his mobilizing activities — many unforgotten occurrences are unveiled here giving an assurance of eventual success. The most eminent Americans of his time were associated with Walter Reuther. The list of those who visited in his home included Eleanor Roosevelt, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr. in addition to many world leaders. Elizabeth Reuther Dickmeyer was invited by her parents to associate with them in a visit to Israel in 1969. The occasion was the dedication of a chair for the peaceful use of atomic energy at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel. It was established in perpetuity in Reuther's honor. The genesis of plans for this honor was the fund-raising event that marked the establishment of the Reuther Chair at Weizmann In- stitute. It is described as follows in the author's report of the function: Before our departure, the Weizmann Institute and a 250-person international com- mittee sponsored a fund-raising dinner, attracting 1,500 persons. At the dinner, Israel's Foreign Minister Abba Eban extolled father's contributions as a social statesman. Ludwig Rosenberg, presi- dent of the German Trade Union Federation, added: "It is not in- cidental that this chair, established for the advancement of mankind has been named in honor of Walter P. Reuther, who has stressed the importance and demanded the full utilization of atomic power for economic and scientific progress, [but] did not weaken in suporting all ap- propriate means to protect men against the threat of martial use of atomic energy." The reported friendship that developed with Meyer Weisgal and his family contains an especially in- teresting account that was related to Elizabeth Reuther Dickmeyer by Weisgal's wife, Shirley. It's a pity that more is not related about Shirley Weisgal, who possesses a sharp wit and is a marvelous storyteller. In her talks Walter Reuther with Shirley, Dickmeyer reveals the following about the Weisgals' daughter: We flew to Tel Aviv. After touring the city, we dined at the home of President Meyer Weisgal. The occasion gave father the opportunity to meet political and labor leaders like Becker, Dayan and Barbour. Weisgal's wife befriended mother and me. Sensing our Continued on Page 40