WANTED TEENS BETWEEN the ages of 13-17 Teen Calendar Continued from preceding page p.m. DeRoy Theater, Maple/Drake Jewish Center, open to all members of BBG, B'nai B'rith Women and guests. for the COMMUNITY JEWISH HIGH SCHOOL United Hebrew Schools • meeting other Jewish teens from the area • learning about your Jewishness • volunteering in community settings • Intensive Learning • exploring Israel for a semester • spending Shabbat at camp • acquiring college credits For serious students with strong Hebrew back- ground interested in original text study. Biblical and rabbinic texts will be explored. Conversational Hebrew and current events etc. (Sundays & Tuesdays.) • Creative Arts AZA Conducts `Bagelympics' INTERESTED IN — For students of vocal and instrumental music, dance, theater, storytelling or fine arts, who seek out the Jewish dimension in the arts and would like to develop pro- jects of a performing nature. (Sun- days and Tuesdays) — For further information please • visiting Toronto and Washington on special Jewish tours • receiving scholarships for Israeli programs TRACKS • Paraprofessional — Teacher's Aide: For students who want to serve as teacher's aides. Students work as aides in a classroom setting or as tutors, train- ing in observation, learning techniques and developing games and materials (Sundays & Tuesdays) Community Service: For students who want to learn about the Jewish com- munity and work with a number of social service agencies. Students will be link- ed with an agency during their intern- ship and develop practical learning ex- periences by working with a supervisor on a one to one basis. (Sundays & Tuesdays) • Family Living Room For families who wish to study and explore Jewish values through text and T.V. This pro- gram is a joint venture with Jewish Ex- periences for Families & National Con- ference of Synagogue Youth. (Sundays) • H e b rew Ulpan For serious language students. Four hours weekly of conver- sational Hebrew, Israeli literature, culture, current events and Hebrew corn- position. (Sundays & Tuesdays) • Other Offerings In addition to the tracks, students take courses in Bible, History, Israel, Holocaust, Ethics, Teen Issues and many others. — — — call United Hebrew Schools at 352-7117 or 354-1050. .aella11111 ■ ••• ■ .111111111•1111111111111111 ► •■ sowa••im•••. ilgolumnilleeln MILI11111111101111111•11111. e ■ 1111 ■■■■■■ 111•11 1111 1111••••••111111111111111111 ionsillu111111111111111111111111111 lemso nlimulOO1111111111 IIIIIMOMMOSIM cemsam• ■ ins — 11.11411111111, Im111111 ■ 11111 vim 'I 111111111111111161 IIMMOOMMOM from Morrie, Gary Schwartz, and the staff at MORRIS'S Service Center, Inc 24848 Southfield Rd., Sfld. corner 10 Mile 557-1747 86 FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1989 N , a' Give every NEWBORN the advantage March of Dimes P.G. C. Orchestra GREAT MUSIC BY Patty Grant Ceresnie 661-1756 LOCAL NEWS /1/ omo••o••i•now Imommummair ALL OCCASIONS Golden, silver and bronze bagels will be awarded for the first time 1 p.m. April 30 at AZA's first "Bagelympics" at Southfield/Lathrup High School. Bagelympics will be organized similarly to the In- ternational Olympic Commit- tee, with the 15 AZA chapters competing in individual and team sports. The individual events include long-jump, the quarter-mile run, 100-meter dash, one-mile relay race, quarter-mile race-walk, and three-point shot. The team events will include soccer, dodgeball and tug-of-war. The goal of Bagelympics is to promote fraternity among the boys of AZA and to pro- mote fellowship with the men of B'nai B'rith, who will par- ticipate as officials and judges. Participation in the athletic events is open to current na- tionally registered members of BBYO; guests from B'nai B'rith International, B'nai B'rith Women and B'nai B'rith Girls. For information, contact Nathaniel Warshay at BBYO, 788-0700. Blood Drive At High School West Bloomfield High School will host a blood drive, sponsored by the American Red Cross, on April 28. The blood drive will run from 8 a.m.. to 2 p.m. in the school's media center. The blood drive is open to both students and adults but all students must be 17 or older and have a signed parental permission slip. For information, contact Mrs. Barbara Plilka, 851-6100, ext. 330. Blood Drive Due Sunday On Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. an intercongregational blood drive will be held at Temple Beth El, sponsored by rIbmple Beth El Brotherhood. For details, call Byron E. Siegel, chairman of Temple Beth El Brotherhood blood drive, 354-2500, days or 626-1666, evenings.