ON THE AIR r- HBO Film Depicts Wiesenthal Mission I MORRIE WARSHAWSKI Special to The Jewish News W \MITER FERZ INTERIORS INC Diane Fishman, A.S.1.D. Walter Herz Interiors 350 Pierce Street Birmingham, Michigan 48011 (313) 647-2100 .Attektte Caw 1 1,k4 REBATES $1000—DEVILLES $2000—ELDO'S, SEVILLES, BROUGHAMS* *FOR QUALIFIED CUSTOMERS DAVID BURKE SALES & LEASING AUDETTE CADILLAC, 7100 ORCHARD RD. 851-7200 FOREIGN DOMESTIC Maxie Collision, Inc. 32581 Northwestern Highway, Farmington Hills, MI 48018 (313) 737-7122 JIM FLEISCHER COLLECTION ATTORNEYS Experienced in compelling payment of business and personal accounts. Fees paid only out of collection. Schreiber and Grier, P.C. 34 FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1989 569-5335 hen Robert Cooper was a young boy growing up in Mon- treal he lived in a duplex with his Jewish parents and grand- parents. Cooper's Russian grandfather used to talk to him about civil rights, about individual responsibility for the injustices of the world and, as an aside, about ". . . a very important man who wants to make sure that we never forget!' That man was Simon Wiesenthal, the subject of Cooper's new film for HBO, Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Story, which airs on HBO Sunday at 8 p.m. (Continental Cable Channel 5). Cooper nurtured the project along for years as a producer, and brought it with him to HBO when he took over the job of senior vice president, HBO Pictures. Cooper's past credits in- clude The Terry Fox Story, Between Friends (starring Elizabeth Taylor and Carol Burnett) and The Guardian (with Louis Gossett, Jr. and Martin Sheen). Before becom- ing a filmmaker Cooper hosted the Canadian Broad- casting Corp.'s investigative journalism program, "Om- budsman!' Gaining Wiesenthal's per- mission to film his life story was not easy. "I spent lots of time with him in Vienna," says Cooper. "What I was quickly able to figure out was that the best tack to use was the following; I said to him: `Mr. Wiesenthal, you are 75 and you say your mission in- life is to make sure people don't forget. With the greatest respect, you will not be around forever. A movie if properly done can carry on your mission. The issue is not should there be a movie, but how can you ensure while you are alive that the movie is done well and effectively! " Cooper cautions that Murderers Among Us is not a movie about the Holocaust. He explains: "This is a movie about after the Holocaust. It's the only movie I know about a survivor talking about his life. The flashbacks to the concentration camps are there only to explain what he did in his life.' One of Cooper's main themes is remembrance. "I hope the film will make folks realize that they want to • Simon Wiesenthal, left, and Robert Cooper, confer during the shooting of "Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Story." forget. The public generally, not rationally but viscerally, would like to believe that this happened during the Roman era. If you asked people when it happened they would say 1939 to 1945, but they don't feel it. Most feel it happened somewhere else, in another time, in another place having no connection to us. But in fact, look how brief a time it has been. For some reason we built these mechanisms to try to deny that it happened or that it has any relevance." As an example, Cooper points to scenes in the film where a prominent world Jewish organization denies Wiesenthal's appeal for $500 to pursue Eichmann, and to an incident when a group of rich American Jews refuse him money because they want to put the war behind them. Cooper's opinion is that Wiesenthal's role as a Nazi hunter has had great value. He quotes something that Wiesenthal once said: "One of the greatest things for Jews was that Eichmann escaped for so long, because when we got him in 1960 at least we could teach a whole new generation. If he had been caught in the '40s where would the mechanism have been for the next genera- tion?" Cooper says that the film has had an enormous impact on his own life. "I believed I could assimilate very easily and comfortably. Now I make greater references to the fact that I am Jewish whereas I wouldn't have before. Not that I wanted to hide that I am a Jew, but rather that I didn't see its relevance in many ways . . . Like many an adolsecent when I grew up I just said 'Who cares?' Now I've answered the question — I care." 11 1 If the film does its job, then Cooper wants it to have a similar effect on a large number of people and rein- force his belief that ". . . words can have an enormous impact on people." This explains Cooper's reliance on dialogue to carry much of the film. 'The single most important part of the movie is the words, not the images but the words. "The single most important part of the movie is the words, not the images but the words. It took four years to write that, to be accurate, dramatic and original," he says when describing the arduous pro- cess that involved three writers and many meetings with Wiesenthal. Cooper points to one par- ticular scene that exemplifies his theory and of which he is, particularly proud. In the scene, Wiesenthal is sitting on a bench and tells his daughter the story of his own youth when he was slashed across the face by a man who was never punished. The young Wiesenthal ran crying to his grandmother who told him, "Every cry of pain is heard forever in the mind of God." "This is a simple scene," says Cooper, "but it contains words than can haunt you." ❑ elo '14