sA°4/4 From Devouring Tree To Moses' Sapphire Staff Sc After killing the Egyptian overseer whom he found beating two Hebrews, Moses had to flee Egypt. Little of his 10-year absence is recounted in the Torah, and thus it became a fertile subject for the legends of the rabbis. Between the time that he had to flee and the period in which he encountered the Burning Bush, the primary event recorded in the life of Moses was his marriage to Zipporah. From the midrashic perspective, an equally important event was Moses' discovery of his rod (or staff), to which the rabbis attributed a glorious history. In the Midrash these two events are woven together. Moses, on his way home to Egypt from Ethiopia, reached the city of Midian. It was early in the morning, and as he came to the well he noticed a great commotion. A mob of people milled around the well. They were shepherds who had come to draw water for their flocks. As Moses came close, a man on the edge of the group saw him. "Halt, stranger," he said angrily. "What are you doing here?" Moses answered quietly, "I come from Ethiopia and on my way back to Egypt my journeys brought me here to Midian. But tell me, what is the excitement at the well?" "Oh, that?" The man laughed loudly. "Just a little fun we're 16 Tcbt S449 /i* having. You see, stranger, here in Midian lives a man whose name is Jethro. He has seven daughters. They must do the work of the shepherds because we will not work for their father." "Why not?" Moses asked. "Because," one man said angrily, "he's gotten some peculiar notions into his silly head. He says he believes in only one God!" "Imagine," sneered the first L 6 - FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1989 man, "he worships a God you cannot even see!" "And today, stranger," another man said, "today we threw all seven girls into the well!" The man broke into a fit of laughter. "Thrown into the well!" Moses began to push through the crowd. "They will drown! Make way, make way, before they drown." "Let them!" cried one man roughly. "They worship an unseen God." "I too worship the unseen God!" Moses said sternly. "Throw me into the well if you dare!" The men began to mutter angrily, then, looking at Moses standing proudly, his tall strong body straight, they were afraid. Moses forgot them because he was busy pulling the girls out of the well, all seven of them. It took quite a time because it is no easy matter to pull up seven girls. Moses reached the seventh girl. This one did not weep. Her eyes blazed with anger. she looked as mussed up as her sisters, her wet dress clinging to her body, her long hair, dripping water, plastered to her head. But that head she held high. She gazed directly at Moses and said, "My father is Jethro. My name is Zipporah. I thank you, sir, for rescuing my sisters and me." She turned to the girls and told them to fill their buckets and get along home. Then she invited Moses to come to their home to have breakfast and to meet their father who would want to thank him, too. The other sisters, chattering excitedly, hurried on ahead. Moses and Zipporah walked more slowly and talked. He told her who he was and where he was going, and she told him how she and her sisters had to tend their father's sheep. As they walked and talked, Moses liked her more and more. And finally, just before they reached her home, he said, "Zipporah, I have searched everywhere for a girl like you, all over the East, in Egypt, in Ethiopia, and nowhere did I find her till I came to Midian. Now I have found you, I want to marry you." "That you can never do," Zipporah answered sadly. "The tree will not let you marry me." "The tree?" Moses exclaimed. "You mean a tree growing in a garden? How can a tree stop me from marrying you?" "The tree will devour you." Moses laughed. "I have never heard of a tree that eats people. You are joking." Oh, no," she answered. "In my father's garden there grows a magic tree. If you tell my father you wish to marry me, he will ask you first to pull that tree out of the ground. You will try. But the moment you touch that tree, it will devour you. I have seen it happen. Every young man who has tried to marry me or my six sisters has been devoured by that tree." "Where did your father get this magic tree?" Moses asked. "It's a long story," Zipporah said. "But I will tell you. When God first created the world, at twilight of the first Sabbath eve, God created a rod. It was the Sapphire Rod. God gave this rod to Adam. Adam gave it to Enoch, Enoch to Noah; then it descended from Noah to Shem, to Abraham to Isaac, and then to Jacob. When Jacob went to Egypt