Each month in this space, L'Chayim will look back into issues of The Jewish News to see what was happening in the Ic^al Jewish community or in the Diaspora 10, 20 and 40 years ago. TEN YEARS AGO The study of the Holocaust became compulsory in all high schools in Israel. The dedication of the Beth Israel Congregation of Ann Arbor marked the completion of that city's first synagogue building. Commerce and Industry, Detroit Chapter. 20 YEARS AGO 40 YEARS AGO A letter sent by Moses Maimonides from Egypt to surrounding North African communities in the year 1170 C.E. was found as the first recorded fund-raising appeal. Two top Israeli economists and leaders of the private sector of the Israel economy, Baruch Ber and Col. Peleg Tamir, addressed a special American-Israel Chamber of Israel was accepted into full membership in the International Wheat Conference. This was the first international trade organization that admitted Israel with complete equality with other nations. Completion of the school building section of Northwest Synagogue was celebrated. The congregation shared the space with United Hebrew Schools. il CAt wvp veibC# P arshat Tazria Aims At Peace Regarding the Torah portion for this Shabbat, Tazria, was Ahron morally right in distorting the truth in order to bring about peaceful relationships between people? Is it enough for us to celebrate our Exodus from slavery without working to free those who remain enslaved today? Is it enough for us to recite "Let all who are hungry enter and eat" without feeding the hungry in our own community? —Submitted by Rabbi A. Irving Schnipper, Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel Moses THE For four generations this special patchwork mother to quilt has been Passed along from ughte from one dar ft r has itual object to the been transformed story, perfect for children 6 next. to 10. A beautiful JARC Seeking Seder Leaders The Jewish Association for Retarded Citizens needs individuals to help lead sedarim at the Haverim Homes and its other residential programs. JARC staff will work with individuals to accommodate their own families' seder schedules and will also tailor the seder to the JARC clients' interests and abilities. Call Bonnie Cohn, JARC volunteer services coordinator, 352-5272, to lead a seder for the developmentally disabled. Since its beginning in the 1960s, JARC has established 11 Haverim Homes in southern Oakland County which provide individuals the opportunity to reach their maximum potential in a warm and caring Jewish atmosphere. JARC also operates the Maas Supported Independence Program and the DeRoy Independent Apartment Program which helps developmentally disabled individuals live in their own apartments throughout the community. Support to over 250 individuals and their families waiting for placement in a JARC residential program is provided by the Family Assistance Program. L-4 FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1989 KEEPING QUILT By PATRICIA POLACCO ur synagogue availability. Passover And The Number 4 Continued from Page L-1 "According to the knowledge of the child, so does the parent instruct, beginning with the shame (of the enslavement) and concluding with the glory (of deliverance)." In recognition of the varying levels of intellectual capacity and emotional maturity, it became customary to recount "Arba'ah Banim — Four Children:" "Chacham — the wise one," eager to learn, understand and participate; "Rasha — the wicked one," aloof and indifferent; "Tam — the simple one," who lacks even basic knowledge of the proceedings and their significance; and "the one who does not know how to ask," who cannot yet even question or inquire. Each child must be taught in an appropriate way, a reminder that every real young person must be guided and instructed in the manner suitable for him or her. Above all else, there are four things which must be done at the seder. One is the magid — the narration of the Passover story. The other three (according to Rabban Gamliel, Pesachim 10:5) are explanations of the Pesach: the paschal offering, of matzah — the unleavened bread, and of maror — bitter herbs. Each of these items is held up and described during the course of the seder. As Pesach begins the "Seder Quartets" are utilized in conjunction with other symbols, sights and sounds (prayers, songs, etc.) to engender special ceremony and to elicit the curiosity and engage the attention of youngsters. The Haggadah which contains these "Seder Quartets" (and a wealth of other materials) thus is the guidebook which enables us to fulill the obligations and the opportunities of identifying ourselves with the experience of Yetziat Mitzrayim — the Exodus, and of transmitting to future generations the celebration of the liberation and the birth of our People. As we have been taught (in Pesachim 10:5), In each generation every one should feel personally redeemed from Mitzrayim (Egypt), as it is stated (in Exodus 13:8), "You shall tell your child on that day: This is what Adonai did for me when I came out of Mitzrayim' " Rabbi Steinger is the spiritual leader of Temple Emanu-El. C/\