GREATER DETROIT SECTION making a difference 11M ACCESS GUIDE: a volunteer compiled directory for barrier-free living for the handicapped. ADOPT-A-SCHOOL: through tutoring and enrichment volunteers provide assistance in special schools. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL BRANCH: geared to the needs of working women, B&P meets in the evening and adds Networking to NCJW goals of Communi- ty Services, Advocacy and Education. CASA: Court Appointed Special Advocates — volunteers do independent Home Studies and make recommendations to the Oakland County Probate Court regarding placement of children in Legal Guardianships. ational Council of Jewish Women sets aside a special time to honor its volunteers. This year Greater . Detroit Section has selected April 9 to April 15 to acknowledge all of the wonderful volunteers who donate their time and talents toward helping NCJW meet human needs and improve the quality of life for people of all ages, races and religious backgrounds. Many Volunteers contribute by serving on various administrative committees, engage in advocacy, assist in public relations activities, and work in the office to supplement staff. A heartfelt THANK YOU to all our dues paying NCJW members without whose financial support we would cease to exist. EDUCATION ASSISTANCE: volunteer committee awards interest free loans and grants to needy Jewish students for undergraduate and graduate study. FASHIONS SPREE: hundreds of volunteers contribute to the success of an annual sale of gently used clothing, furs and boutique items. HIGHWAY EMERGENCY BANNER: a volunteer committee markets banner sales to individuals and groups. ISRAEL: The NCJW Research In- stitute for Innovation in Education at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, develops, implements and evaluates programs serv- ing the educational needs of Israel's disadvantaged young. JEWISH FEDERATION APARTMENT SHOPPING BUS: weekly shopping transportation for apart- ment residents. MEALS ON WHEELS: volunteers package and deliver two kosher meals to homebound individuals five days a week. SPACE: volunteers help meet the needs of single parent families (separated, widowed and divorced) through support groups, workshops and retreats. SPACE RAINBOWS FOR ALL CHILDREN: a peer support group for children aged 4-18 who have experienced loss by death or divorce of a parent. SPARC (Senior Project Advocacy Resource Coordination) specially trained volunteers assure autonomy and in- dependence for the elderly homebound. THRIFT SHOPS: a volunteer committee supervises the operation of two resale shops. UP AND OUT: volunteers administer a program providing entertainment, transportation and refreshments to seniors at a minimum cost. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 59