LIFE IN ISRAEL ESTATE JEWELRY Tear-Gas Incident Highlights Dispute Over Women At Wall DIAMONDS AND GEMS IN THE MOST ELEGANT WAY ... CLASSIC! DAVID HOLZEL —4 Special to the Jewish News I *Merchandise subject to prior sale Ti Fine Jewelry & Gifts 26400 WEST TWELVE MILE RD., SOUTHFIELD, MI • 357-5578 n full bloom Spring Fashions at 107 West Third Street Royal Oak, MI 542-4747 HOURS: Mon-Sat 10-6 • Thurs - 10-9 36 FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1989 FULL FIGURED FASHION Casual to Cocktail SIZES 16-32, lx-5x t was the first time tear gas had been used at the Western Wall since Judaism's holiest site had come under Israeli control in 1967. A group of 50 women gathered at the Wall early on the morning of March 20 to mark the Fast of Esther preceding Purim with a prayer service. They were at- tacked by ultra-Orthodox Jewish men who reportedly threw chairs over the mechit- zah separating men and women. Some men entered the women's section. Others threw rocks and bottles. "I was terrified," says Gila Svirsky; one of the women who had come to the Kotel to pray and sing. Police did not intervene un- til they were summoned by the Ministry of Religious Af- fairs that oversees the site. The police fired two tear gas canisters at the men's side of the mechitzah. A man threw one of the canisters over to the women's side. Worshipers of both sexes were driven from the Wall. According to the Jerusalem Post, Rabbi Yehuda Getz, chief rabbi of the Kotel, pro- mised the women beforehand that they would be protected. Rachel Levin, a 20-year-old U.S.-born Hebrew University student was injured by a chair thrown in the riot and re- quired hospital treatment. Her attacker was not arrested. This pre-Purim fracas was a more violent replay of an in- cident that occurred in February. The same group of women had gathered at the Kotel to welcome the new month of Adar I. Then, too, chairs were hurled at them from over the mechitzah. The fierce reactions these women have inspired point to the minefields women must negotiate as they try to redefine their role in tradi- tional Judaism. They are do- ing so in public — at the most visible and symbolically charged Jewish site — because they have chosen to wed acts of faith with a political message: Judaism is for women, too. Women are not barred from praying at the Kotel; one sec- tion of the wall is set aside for them. The Kotel group's in- novation is that it is meeting on the women's side of the metchitzah as a community, • -4 4 0) z tz Scuffle at the Wall: A policeman confronts an Orthodox man who tried to prevent women from praying as a group. not as individuals. Their weekly Friday morning prayer gathering has at- tracted little attention. What appeared to arouse the ire of the ultra-Orthodox men — and women — at the Adar I Rosh Chodesh (new month) gathering is that the women donned prayer shawls and began to read from the Torah. Group members maintain that women reading from the Torah is not against Halachah (Jewish law) and that while the custom is almost unknown in Israel, it has been making inroads as a public act of tefillah, or prayer, in North America, even among Orthodox women. But Zevulun Or-Lev, direc- tor general of The Religious Ministry, said that the pro- hibition on women holding services is "tradition in Israel, and this tradition is law and cannot be changed?' It's no accident that most members of the Kotel group are North American-born Israelis or American women now studying in Israel. Members function as a com- munity despite their disparate religious backgrounds, according to Bonna Haberman, one of the group's initiators. "There are Reform, assimilated, ba'al teshuvah, Reconstructionist. What's im- portant is that they are able to transcend these barriers. The relationships are more important than the ideology," she says. The group attempts to live within Halachah. When the women pray together, they do not recite the prayers re- quired for a minyan, like Kad- dish and Borchu, she continues. Haberman led the women in a self-examination session after the Adar I incident. At the meeting the women, many of them college students, grappled with what some saw as a conflict bet- ween prayer and Torah on the one hand, and political ac- tivism on the other. Some advocated caution — studying the Halachah more deeply or establishing greater community support — before venturing out into the public again. Others expressed sadness that they were par- ticipating in acts that caused Jews to hate each other. One woman chastised the others for expending so much energy when Israel had so many more serious problems. At the next Rosh Chodesh, the group met privately. But the March 20 attack will not drive the group underground, Haberman says. The following day, four of the group's activists appealed to the High Court of Justice to order the Religious Affairs Ministry to show cause why it will not allow women to read from the Torah and wear prayer shawls at the Kotel. The activists took this step to guarantee the women's safe- ty at the Wall since the Religious Affairs Ministry and Jerusalem police have been unable to do so, Haber- man says. "Decisions have to be made to protect us?' Feminism is still a dirty word in Israel, according to -4 4 —4 4 1=4