PURELY COMMENTARY Siddur Jewish Sacredness Steeped in Learning PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus p erhaps with the exception only of the Scriptures, the Siddur, the prayer book of the Jewish people, is the most widely used and never interrupted textbook. Jews who daven, who pray, not only utilize it for the sacredness of prayer. They also keep learning from it. It is, indeed a sacred textbook and assumes the most important significance for all who wish to keep ac- quiring knowledge about traditions, commitments, historical experiences and the sanctity of home as well as synagogue. Here is one volume on the subject that retains complete significance on the topic of davening, praying. It is the inspirational Service of the Heart — A Guide to the Jewish Prayer Book by Evelyn Garfiel. First published in 1958, it has just been reissued by Jason Aronson Publishers. That's the additional sur- prise of it — that there was such a lapse for its published continuity. It was a great contribution to Jewish literature as well as to an appreciation of sanctity from the very beginning. It became in- valuable and now again treasured as a definitive work that should be utilized by everyone who davens devotedly. Evelyn Garfiel, who taught at several universities and was on the teaching staff of the Women's Institute of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, was married to the renowned scholar Max Kadushin. She died in 1987 at the age of 87. Dr. Garfiel provided a very impor- tant definition of the Siddur in her most definitive work. She also traced the history of the Siddur in the truly great legacy she left for the generations. In defining the great values and the noteworthy significance of the Siddur, she provided this inspirational knowledge for the prayerful and those researching for historical knowledge. Unfortunately, many of the Jewish classics have become just so many impressive tomes on a library shelf. The prayer book is almost the only one among the great source books of the Jewish religion that still re- mains functional. For as solid Jewish learning becomes rarer, and as personal piety comes to seem more and more an oddity, as even basic home observances of the religious tradition dwin- dle away, the synagogue service becomes increasingly the only mode of religious experience for many Jews. And in the synagogue it is the prayer book, however modified or abridged, which every Jew actually holds in his hand, perhaps reads or hears recited. This prayer book, the siddur, is the one ancient text still in common use by Jews all over the world. The Hebrew name for the prayer book, siddur, means literally "order" or "arrange- ment." It is, in fact, an abbrevia- tion for the full phrase, Seder Tefillot, order of prayers. No matter how far from home a Jew may wander, no matter how strange to him the language and the customs of the people among whom he finds himself, he need only enter a synagogue and open the Hebrew prayer book he finds there to feel himself in familiar surroundings, perfectly able to share and communicate his ex- perience with brother Jews. Prayers acquire deeper understan- ding than mere reciting. The function of the Siddur attains deepest inspria- This scholarly work provides a history of the prayer book and the historic data is a growing enrichment for the community and the individual worshipper. tion in the explanatory text by Evelyn Garfiel. This scholarly work provides a history of the prayer book and the historic data is a growing enrichment for the community and the individual worshipper. The historic data is a fascinating record. The author of this most valuable volume provides us with this history: It is reasonably certain that by the early days of the Second Temple, about 400 B.C.E., some form of group prayer service ex- isted among the Jews. That ser- vice included recitation of Psalms, the Shema, possibly some other prayers, and readings from the Torah. At the Temple in Jerusalem during this same period, almost the same prayers — without the readings from the Torah — were recited daily in addition to the sacrifice service. The prayer service grew in importance during the next two or three hundred years until it became, in addition to the Tem- ple service, an established mode of worship — the synagogue. Its prayers increased in number; two benedictions were added before the Shema and one after it. The benedictions of the Shemoneth Esray (the "Eigh- teen Benedictions") were com- posed by various rabbis, pro- bably in large part during these years, and they became an essential element of every service. For some mysterious reason, not much is actually known about the religious development or, for that matter, about any of the events of this period in Jewish history. But it must have been a time of active spiritual ferment, for the rabbinic tradi- tion and its literature, including a large part of the prayers, were in process of creation during those "silent centuries!' By the generation after the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E., the synagogue service was fairly Continued on Page 38 The Evidence Of Children In The Ifurban' R ecords of the 20th Century hurban, the Holocaust, vol- uminously unprecedented, fill the libraries and archives of the world with endless outcries putting to shame the perpertrators of the most inhuman acts in mankind's history. They are the records of the Holocaust years and the crimes that stemmed from a nation that had been among the world's most civiliz- ed powers. Survivors of that immense pogrom are men and women who suf- fered unforgettable tortures. There were the very young who have lived to see the THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCV No. 6 2 FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1989 April 7, 1989 end of the Nazi terror and to relate their impressions made upon children and re- memories for the historians of the world tained in adulthood, make Too Young to to assure the perpetuating of the Remember (WSU Press) a volume of condemnations. great importance in the Holocaust Were the children too young to have library. The author, Julie Heifetz, is a share in damning the Nazi brutalities? writer-in-residence in the Center for The number of victims who were mere Holocaust Studies in St. Louis, Mo. She infants reached more than a milion ac- has a record of many years' devotion in counted for in the tragic recordings. the assembling of Holocaust data. Some survived. Do they retain memories Additionally, the foreward to the engraved upon their minds from their book adds immensely to the importance earliest ages? of the psychological and historical em- The horrors that were engraved phasis given to this volume. It was upon many minds caused a measure of authored by Alice L. Eckardt, who, with silence. Many had sleepless nights fill- her husband, Prof. A. Roy Eckardt, has ed with distress resulting from recurring made the Christian interest in exposing reminders of what had occurred. Some the German crimes a deep human even refused to talk about the numerals commitment. engraved upon their arms when they The Eckardts have rendered many were counted for the gas chambers. Some hesitated to discuss their services in retaining the Holocaust miseries with family and friends. It was memories, in their condemnations of the inhumanities. They are especially effec- a price for terror. There are the continuing outcries re- tive in their jointly-written Long Night's jecting silence. "Never forget" is a Journey Into Day, which has just been reminding motto for prevention of reissued in a revised edition by WSU Press. Christological in its main essence, repeated genocides. Now a volume of great significance as "retrospective on the Holocaust," it is contains the voices of the children who a powerful denunication of anti-Jewish remember, who will not forget, who add cruelties. Its emphasis on justice is a to the inhumanities of a terrifying message on behalf of the civilized in mankind. There is one special record. The revelations, the deeply moving declarative ideal which is thus defined by the Eckardts Long Night's Journey Into Day. Inexorably, human memory fades, as does human resolve. This will be true of the Holocaust, as of earlier afflic- tions of the people of God. For this reason above all others it is imperative that Christian con- gregations incorporate the memory of the Shoah into their liturgies and calendars. Only in this way will the past live meaningfully in the present. Only in this way will this rupture in history, this cataclysm that must shatter all equanimity and shallow optimism, become part of the common store of memory of the two peoples and a perpetual challenge to work against any repetition. Only in this way can we hope to built up a deposit of moral reserve on which we may draw when other ideologies attempt to subvert the proclaimed ethics of our com- munities or when dangers tempt us to abandon our morality. We can only trust that our remembrances and intentions Continued on Page 38