I ENGAGEMENTS ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION WOMEN'S DIVISION OF DETROIT CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE BY-LAWS OF WOMEN'S DIVISION Pursuant to the by-laws of the JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION of DETROIT the text of amendments to said by-laws are herewith published. The membership of the Federation Women's Division will meet Wednesday, May 17, 1989, 11 am. at the Annual Meeting, held at Adat Shalom Synagogue, 29901 Middlebelt Road, Farmington Hills, Michigan to vote on adoption. ARTICLE IV By changing Sec. 3 to read as follows: "Between Board meetings, the business shall be conducted by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers, the immediate former president, the chairmen of the standing committees, the associate Campaign chairman who may be designated, and two (2) members elected from and by the new Board at its first meeting." -4 Purpose: To make possible the inclusion on the Executive Committee the associate Campaign chairman who may be designated. By-laws available at the office of the Jewish Welfare Federation. By-laws Committee: Helen Shevin, Chairman Tillie Brandwine Marcy Feldman Susan Citrin Linda Lee Michael Byck and Stacey Goldberg JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION OF DETROIT Conrad L. Giles, M.D., President Martin S. Kraar, Executive Vice-President Michael E. Berke, Executive Director FEDEggT Goldberg Byck Beverly and Howard teaching in the Pontiac Goldberg of Oak Park are School District. pleased to announce the engagement of their Michael, a graduate of daughter, Stacey Beth, to Eastern Michigan University, Michael Larry Byck, son of earned both his bachelor's Shoshana and Arthur Byck of and master's degrees in West Bloomfield. psychology and is employed Stacey, a graduate of with Macomb County Com- Eastern Michigan University, munity Mental Health as a earned a bachelor's degree in psychologist. special education and is A July wedding is planned. - 163 Madison Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48226-2180 • 965-3939 .0^ 3:1 DAVID M. DEUTSCH Certified Professional Photographer . "Elegant Photography Never Goes Out Of Style" '-I es• DMD photographic 471-4446 C C Qs, Party Favors -4 Hospital Cheer. Ups Your contem room s ecialis Featurin9 Tthchline and exclusive c ontemporary bedrooms in woo formica, labquer and mirror. DAVID A. LEAVER Professional Video Services 462-2150 Otchard Mall Maple at Orchard Lk. Rd. 855-4065 , Mon. & Thurs. 10-9 Tues., Wed., Fri:, Sat. 10-6 88 FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1989 Elyssa Schneid and Howard Halpern b e droom IGUE ORCHESTRA Schneid Halpern - Marilyn Schneid and Ar- thur Schneid are very happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Elyssa Sue to Howard Halpern, son of Sandy and David Halpern. An August wedding is planned. eN4