PURELY COMMENTARY Bar-Ilan U. Gains Global Role In USSR Links Teachers Cathedra supported with funds set for that purpose as a founda- tion by Sarah and Morris Friedman of Southfield. The link is between Bar- Ilan and the historic Jewish communi- ty of Vilna, the Lithuanian capital, whence a noted educator will be in Israel to perfect her Yiddish teaching methods. Prof. Winer also announced this progressive step, stating: PHILIP' SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus D edication of a new Jewish cul- tural center in Moscow assumed great cultural significance last month as a rejection of the previous pre- judices and as a commencement of a new era of human educational relations between Russians and Jews. That significant event gained a worldwide ac- claim upon its occurrence. An accompanying development, the possibility of introduction of Yiddish studies in the USSR under the direction of Bar-Ilan University of Ramat Gan, Israel, lends equally significant value to the new development. A major Israel university link with the current historic occurrences in the Soviet Union has just been made known by Prof. Gershon Winer, dean of the Yiddish language department of Bar-Ilan. Dr. Winer revealed an official letter to the currently functioning Israel delegation in Moscow, which was ad- dressed in care of the Dutch embassy which represents Israel's interests in the USSR. The Israel ministry was ask- ed to issue an official letter regarding sponsorship of Yiddish studies. The message from Israel em- phasizes the readiness by the Israel university to provide guidance, material, necessary assistance and per- sonnel when needed for the proposed Yiddish programs. Gershom Winer Of special interest is the informa- tion provided by Prof. Winer listing in- quiries that have reached the Bar-Ilan Yiddish department from tourists in the USSR and in written communica- tions from a number of Russian Jewish communities asking for assistance in Yiddish studies. There is another accomplished academic link in the Russian-Jewish scene involving the achievements of the Bar-Ilan Yiddish department. A major portion of the latter is the Bar-Ilan Sarah Lapicki of Vilna recently visited Israel and ap- plied for acceptance in the Moshe and Sarah Friedman Teacher Training Program. She will be in attendance for the academic year 1989/90 beginn- ing in October and will be retur- ning to Vilna afterwards to teach Yiddish in Vilna's public school system where Yiddish has recently been introduced and is offered whenever any group of parents request it. Miss Lapicki will be the recipient of the Harry and Adele Mondry Memorial Scholarship (of Detroit), contributed by their children David and Eugene Mondry. This is the first time that a student from the Soviet Union — not an immigrant in Israel — but a resident of the Soviet Union will be studying in an Israel university and will be returning to the Soviet Union. Prejudice Abandoned, Justice Restored R estoration of cultural rights and opening of a cultural center and yeshivah in Moscow was front page news on a world scale. Eminent scholars attended its dedication Feb. 22. Elie Wiesel, who was among the distinguished personalities at that event in Moscow, acclaimed it as an historic event. In a New York Times Op- Ed Page article, he expressed jubilation in the presence of Jews expressing pride in being Jews. He stated: "Here I am, on a Sunday in February 1989, participating in a ceremony marking the opening of a Jewish cultural center — the first to be established since the Stalin years — in the presence of Jews from all over the world. Things have changed in Miklaerit Gorbachev's Soviet Union: Jews wl4 want to live as Jews can do so openly without fear." The faculty of the restored yeshivah, in the re-created USSR Jewish cultural center will be advised by Dr. Min Stein- saltz, the world famed scholar who is known for his translation of the Talmud from Aramaic into modern Hebrew. It is important to indicate at this time that two important books by Rab- bi Adin Steinsaltz have just been published by Jason Aronson. Their titles: The Strife of the Spirit and The Long Shorter Way: Discourses on Chasidic Thought. ❑ Judges Over Israel Mounting Indignities lways judged and constantly maligned, there is really no- thing new in another chastise- ment of Israel. Even the charge against her in the human rights indictments by the United States — her only friend — there is mere repetition in the search for a villain. There is a "but" in the charge against Israel. There was a simple ad- dition that there is less brutality in the Jewish case when compared with Korea and Cuba. The reason for the "but": the world is expecting more from the acknowledged and acclaimed Israel morality. These are not the exact words, but this is what was meant. That's a compliment. Of course for justice the minority must fight against the majority, the aim always be- ing to reach a state of justice and decen- cy among the nations. The diplomats in such a majority status are always put to the test. It would be totally unfair to say that the indecencies recorded in the U.N. represent all concerned. Even in the media where there are leanings towards applauding the malignment of Israel there are the nobilities of exceptions. In the instance of the accusations against Israel in the human rights bill of guilt there is an especially pleasing excep- tion. It is the comment by Jeane Kirkpatrick, the former U.S. am- bassador to the United Nations. Under the Washington Post heading, "An Un- fair Report on Israel?' Kirkpatrick discussed the U.S. accusations in Israel's role, and declared: A THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCV No. 2 2 March 10, 1989 FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1989 there is morality in the very life of Israel. Much more needed to be said. It remains of great importance that Israel's right to self-defense is para- mount and unchallengeable. The way the young defenders of Israel still suf- fer from the many abuses is not only deplorable, it is outrageously humiliating. That's how "judging" over Israel has multiplied in diplomatic quarters with the single rejection, even when it is only an abstention, of the United States. Otherwise there is the continuity of 159 nations ganging up on the Jewish state, of a vote of 14-1 in the Security Council of the United Nations and the diplomatic waving of morality placards by those who claim to belong to the humanly democratic forces, yet keep condemning the defenders of Israel, with never a word of endorsement of the "right to life." Perhaps there is less to complain about than appears on the surface. There is the glory of the recognition of a mark of Jewish self-preservation in the condemnations leveled against Israel. There is also the lesson provid- ed in the treatment accorded the Jew through the ages: it may be high time to have learned that we are the "minority of one?' In such a status we could nearly always be right and therefore must realize that in a battle As The Post observed, it is "the most critical review of Israel's control over the ter- ritories in the 14 years since Congress began requiring the annual country-by-country report:' The 21 pages devoted to the discussion of human rights practices, especially violations, in Israel were so utterly bizarre- ly out of proportion compared to treatment of other countries — Angola, six pages; Ethiopia, 12 pages; Cuba, 15 pages; Nicaragua, 14 pages; Panama, 10 pages; Vietnam, 7 pages; Syria, 10 pages; Egypt, 16 pages; China, 20 pages; the Soviet Union, 22 pages — that the result in inevitably skewed and biased. Assistant Secretary for Human Rights Richard Schifter, an honorable man and a per- sonal friend, has provided disclaimers for the careful reader. The report acknowledg- ed that "Israel is a parliamen- tary democracy with a multipar- ty political system and free elec- tions?' It noted that since its founding in 1948 "only one Arab state, Egypt, has concluded a peace treaty" with Israel and observed that several Arab- Israeli "armed conflicts" con- tribute to a continuing "sense of insecurity?' It took note of the continuing "civilian unrest" in the occupied territories and acknowledges the continued existence of organized Palestinian efforts to destroy the state of Israel. It even mentions the murder by Palestinians of 13 Palestinians Continued on Page 42