I PURELY COMMENTARY I Armenia-Ararat: The Biblical Connection PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus A great tragedy caused by the earthquake in Soviet Armenia and the concern continually caus- ed by reminders of the mass murder of Armenians in Turkey forces the limelight upon this interesting people. The record contains many important Armenian-Jewish relationships. There is a voluminous account of American sup- port for the Armenians in the years of the fearful massacres. Interesting chapters in Detroit Jewry's friendly associations with Armenians from Israel and in this community emphasize mutual interests. Therefore the subdivision of historical recollections about Armenia and Armenians in the Purely Commen- tary analysis: Taking into account under three allied headlines of that people's genesis that have a scriptual connection, the American compassion dating back to the tragic years 1915-1916 when Henry Morgenthau Sr. was U.S. am- bassador to Turkey in the administra- tion of Thomas Woodrow Wilson, and the several experiences of cooperation with the Armenians in support received from their dignitaries for Israel Bonds and in an enthusiasm here over an Armenian museum in Israel. In Vallentine's Jewish Encyclopedia, edited by Albert M. Hyamson and A.M. Silberman, the historic record of the peo- ple of Armenia is provided as follows: The greater part of the coun- try has, since 1921, formed an autonomous Soviet republic within the U.S.S.R., which, at the time of its foundation, included about 2,000 Jews. According to legend, Nebuchadnezzar, after the destruction of the first Temple, settled a number of his captives in Armenia. In the first half of the first century B.C.E. King Tigranes the Great who ruled Northern Palestine, transferred many Jews from Palestine to Armenia. The Jewish population, which lived in prosperity under its own administration (exilar- chate), exercised a strong in- fluence on the oldest Armenian culture and literature. As a result of the civil war in the 4th century the Armenian towns were destroyed, and the Persian King Shapor II exiled the urban in- habitants (including a large Jewish population to southern Persia). Two centuries later Jews were again influential in Armenia. They took their place in the history of the country and one of them, Guram, is said to have been appointed king of the neighboring Grusia by the Emperor Heraclius. In the ninth century the Jewish community of Armenia was sufficiently large and important to split into sects. Benjamin of Tudela and Petachiah of Ratisbon found Jewish communities there at the end of the 12th century but not in large numbers. ceeded in size only by the collec- tion in Soviet Armenia. Though always available to scholars in the past, these treasures were ex- hibited to the general public for the first time in 1969. An extensive historical record about Armenians in the Encyclopedia Judaica concludes with references to their ac- tivities in Israel, including the current: The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia has additional data worth utilizing in the study now conducted. Its historical record retains this accumulated addition to Armenian historiography: Mosaics with Armenian in- scriptions point to an Armenian population in Jerusalem as early as the fifth century C.E., and scribal notes on manuscripts in- dicate a school of Armenian scribes of the same period. In Armenian history 21 bishops of Jerusalem are mentioned in the Arab period .. . In the 20th century the com- munity has been centered around the patriarchate and the Monastery of St. James, and the Church of the Archangels, all in the Armenian quarter of the old city of Jerusalem, and " Church of St. Savior These institutions h... _ the centuries inherited a large collection of manuscripts donated by bishops and pilgrims, firmans granted by sultans and caliphs, and special- ly commissioned religious ar- ticles for the services of the cathedral. The library of manuscripts in Jerusalem is ex- Armenia is in the Near East, in the western part of Asia Minor, east of the Caspian Sea and bounded on the south by Lake Van, and on the north by the valley of the river Araxes and Ararat. It is supposed to have been the haven of refuge for some of the descendants of the Jews who were carried away from Jerusalem by Nebuchad- nezzar. According to the reports of the Armenian historian Moses of Chorene (7th century), the noble imy of tn-02ragratuni, indepen- princes during the Middle .;1 who had th , ! privilege of trie crown on the monarch's head, are said to have been descended from these Jews. This tradition is certainly good evidence for the impor- tance of Jews in ancient Armenia. The Jews were engag- Continued on Page 40 Armenian Pogrom, Morganthau Indictment T urkey's archives, access to which has been denied for perhaps a century or more, will be made available soon for a study of the extent of the massacres in 1915-1916 in which a million and a half Armenians are said to have perished. The United States shared in many of the investigations in the studies that were conducted involving the charges against the cruelties of the Ottoman regime. A voluminous American record has accumulated on the subject of Armenia. Major in this record is the impor- tance of the concerned involvement in the study of the accusations by the then THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCV No. 1 2 March 3, 1989 FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1989 U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, Henry Morgenthau Sr., president Woodrow Wilson's appointee. A summation of the horrors which have recently been described as one of the resorts to genocide, since their occurrences refer- red to as "pogroms," accumulated into a massive chronology of events in an American encyclopedic recording. For the recapitulation of events, with the deep Jewish interest in them, I am in- debted to the help given me by Michigan Congressman William Broomfield, who provided his staff, under the direction of Robert Jenkins, for my needs. I am frequently indebted to Rep. Broomfield for assistance in opening valuable files in American and world Jewish relations. The indictment perpetuated in the Morgenthau judgments of the Arme- nian events is very significant. In his memoirs, Ambassador Morgenthau compiled these charges against the guilty: On August 2, 1914, general mobilization of the Ottoman Turkish army was declared. Like their fellow Turkish citizens, all able-bodied Arme- nian men, with few exceptions, were called up for military ser- vice. Beginning in February, 1915, the Armenians in the arm- ed forces were segregated into labor battalions, disarmed and ultimately worked to death or massacred. Also in August, 1914, the Young Turk government began to release murderers and other confirmed criminals from prisons throughout Asia Minor and placed them in the Special Organization (Teshkileti Mahsusa) for the express pur- pose of ending the "Armenian Question" by annihilating the Armenians. Whole villages were massacred outright in the fall and winter of 1914 in the eastern provinces. In February, 1915, the Ot- toman Turkish government disarmed the Armenian moun- taineers of Zeitun, near Marash, and deported the population to the Salt Desert near Konia, or to the Syrian desert. Packed into boxcars, or forced to walk, often without food or water for days, they quickly perished. Deporta- tions and massacres soon became the plight of Armenians in other areas .. . ". . . When the Turkish authorities gave the orders for these deportations, they were merely giving the death warrant to a whole race; they Henry Morgenthau Sr. understood this well, and, in their conversations with me, they made no particular attempt to conceal the fact. "I am confident that the whole history of the human race contains no such horrible episode as this. The great massacres and persecutions of the past seem almost insiginifi- cant when compared to the suf- ferings of the Armenian race in 1915." The basic charges contained in the Continued on Page 40