'MEDIA MONITOR Rejection By Israel Merely One In String ARTHUR J. MAGIDA Special to The Jewish News T he Israeli govern- ment's December re- jection of an in- telligence report that the Palestine Liberation Organization was ready to ac- cept a two-state solution to the Mideast mess was the latest in a decade-long series of rejections of similar reports. This assertion was made in a cover story in New York's Village Voice entitled "How Israel Suppressed the Truth About Arafat." Free-lancer Robert I. Friedman wrote the piece from Jerusalem, where he is researching a book on Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the Jewish Defense League and leader of the right-wing Kach Party. Friedman stated that he had been told by a "highly placed Israeli intelligence of- ficer" that "top secret reports" had been contra- icting since 1986 "the Israeli government's public view that the Palestine Liberation Organization's apparent move toward moderation is just one more insidious trick by a FOREIGN 1 DOMESTIC Maxie Collision, Inc. 32581 Northwestern Highway, Farmi ngton Hills, MI 48018 (313) 737-7122 JIM FLEISCHER 2733 W. 12 Mile Rd. (2 blocks W. of Coolidge) Diane Thibault, Owner/Operator r- MARK CLEANING AND TAILORING 32730 Northwestern Hwy. Farmington Hills, Michigan 48018 737-0360 No tailor shop in West Bloomfield, Farmington Hills or any other city can offer a service like this. , LET US BE YOUR TAILOR — FREE 1989 CALENDARS 32 HEADS UP HAIR SALON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1989 548-3320 • Full Service Salon • 15 Years Experience • Ask about our 5 minute perm Tues.-Sat. 9-5, Eves. by appt. LET US CREATE A HAIRSTYLE THAT BECOMES YOUR LIFESTYLE! New Clients Only New Clients Only $500 OFF $300 OFF ANY HAIR SERVICE Except comb out • Participating operators only MANICURES Reg. 58.00 gang of terrorists dedicated to the Jewish state's destruc- tion." Friedman charged hat Shamir's "top aides have tried to purge [Israel's Military Intelligence agency] of analysts whose conclusions fail to support current, Israeli government policy. The witch- hunt has gone so far as to have the minister of educa- tion remove books that pre- sent a less-than-demonic view of the PLO from state-run schools." For more than a decade, ac- _ cording to Friedman, Military Intelligence has been documenting the evolution of Shamir: last believer in PLO Covenant?' PLO thinking "as it has mov- ed slowly away" from the 1964 Palestine National Covenant, which calls for Israel's destruction, and "toward Arafat's recent recognition of Israel during his historic speech" in Geneva last November. Between 1974 and 1986, stated Friedman, Military In- telligence chronicled "the emergence of a pragmatic wing of the PLO led by Arafat, which prodded the organization increasingly in the direction of restricting itself to a state in the West Bank and Gaza" rather than toward the "liberation" of all what had formerly been Palestine." "Ironically," stated Fried- man, "Ariel Sharon's attempt to destroy the PLO in Lebanon in 1982 had more to do with moderating the PLO than almost any other factor. Despairing of ever destroying Israel through armed strug- gle, Arafat realized that diplomacy was his- - only recourse if he wanted to gain at least part of Palestine." According to Friedman, Israeli intelligence has con- firmed that Arafat has kept his pledge to cease terrorist attacks against Israel. De- spite the current lull in ter- rorism, Israeli intelligence analysts say Arafat will not give up violence until he has achieved a political state- ment. But the PLO chiefs goals, according to Military Intelligence, are different than in the past. "Armed struggle is meant to ac- celerate the political process, not todestroy Israel," said one intelligence source. "If Israel wants a settlement, it must deal with the PLO. The whole world recognizes that. "The problem," said this of-