CLOSE-UP Joe Eisenberg, the Community Centre and Peretz Apartments. I he Windsor Jewish Com- munity Council is embark- ing on a mission it hasn't had in 31 years. The coun- cil's executive director, Joseph Eisenberg, has announced plans to retire by June 1990. True, he isn't exactly leaving the organization in the lurch, but the council may need that long to find the unique in- dividual who will succeed Eisenberg. Eisenberg and his family moved in 1958 from New Britain, Connec- ticut, where he had been working for the Jewish Federation. He remembers thinking, "It seemed like an, exciting idea to expose the family to a foreign country for a couple of years: As the "couple of years" turned in- to 31, Eisenberg looks back at a fruit- ful career highlighted by the opening of the Windsor Jewish Community Centre's facility on Ouellette Avenue in downtown Windsor, the construc- tion of the adjacent I.L. Peretz senior citizen apartments, and the uniting of the Jewish community. Although these accomplishments are a testimony to Eisenberg, he is quick to credit the "continuous flow of leadership' he has experienced in Windsor. Shortly after assuming his new responsibilities, however, the 33-year- old Eisenberg spotted a weaknes .s. "There was mature, steady, solid leadership," he says, "but there was not a conscious effort to involve younger people. They were all older than I was." Eisenberg eventually attracted his peers to the Centre by organizing the Centre Theatre Workshop, which staged productions of many hit musicals. From its enthusiastic ranks, the potential leaders Leavin a egac Joseph Eisenberg has only one more year at the helm of the Windsor Jewish community. KATIE DEUTCH ELSILA Special to The Jewish News Eisenberg was seeking began to emerge. "In a way, you could say we grew up together:' says Eisenberg, who cites the current president of the Cen- tre, Alan Orman, as a case in point. "Alan played the lead in many of our early theatre productions. His wife was involved too. (In a nostalgic twist to the story, their 26-year-old son, Dan, recently played the lead in the workshop's production of Damn Yankees and is also an emerging leader in the Centre.) Referring to his successor, Eisenberg muses, "No possibility will be overlooked, but wouldn't it be nice if a younger person was selected who would grow together with our current group of young people . . . It's a ques- tion of a leader helping to involve them. They have the largest stake in the community because it is their kids who will be growing up here." Will their kids be growing up in- Windsor, or do the attractions of Toronto pull young Windsor Jews towards life on a faster track? "It's a factor," says Eisenberg, "but it's not overwhelming. Although the college aged may want to go where the action is, the Jewish population in Windsor is fairly stable!' "Attracting young people to the Centre is a priority, but to be suc- cessful, the new director should be able to get along with those of all ages,"says Eisenberg who is a member of the search committee. "Windsor has a Jewish popula- tion of 2,000. Fifty percent of our com- munity is over 60 years .old and 25 percent is under the age of 20," he points out. Actually, the new director will be in direct contact with many of the senior community because the 72-unit I.L. Peretz House is attached to the Jewish Centre. Its residents can pass freely from the lobby of their building into the lobby and activity rooms of the Centre. The Centre also provides activities for all ages in its 12,000 square foot building, which in- cludes a gym/auditorium, several multi-purpose rooms, a library/board room, a dairy kitchen, health club, youth lounge, an outdoor swimming pool and a wading pool. "Of course, the new director must have a lot of skill in interpersonal relationships," Eisenberg says. "What is crucial, however, is that he or she be committed to Jewish survival." Eisenberg's conviction is based on personal experience. "In World War II, I was with General Patton;' he ex- plains. "My division wound up at the end of the war in Czechoslovakia meeting the Russians. I became familiar with the camps and the sur- vivors. Something happened to me. I felt a deep sense of commitment to seeing that the Jewish community,