PURELY COMMENTARY Proselytes Continued from Page 2 about religion. It is not about tradition. It is about power. And politics. Those who want the law changed, I truly believe, do so out of a conviction that it is what God wants. I cannot fault them for that. But they alsO believe that Israel should not just be a Jewish state, but a religious state, a theocracy, where their opinions and definitions are the ones that count. Those people should not be confused with Or- thodoxy, the majority of whom do not favor amending the Law of Return. Taking into account the interpretive viewpoint of a Reform rabbi on the dispute that was generated not only by Israeli extreme Orthodox but also by those who fanned its extremism in this country provides an opportunity to recall the family background of the author as a path toward understanding an aspect involved in mixed marriages, one of the elements in "Who is a Jew." Rabbi Steven Kushner's explanation of his grandmother's devotion is confirm- ed in the entire Kushner family's activities. The grandmother of Rabbis Steven and Lawrence Kushner, Emogene Ed- wards, was known to all of us who were acquainted with her and her husband as genuine loyalists. She was welcom- ed into the Jewish fold on Jan. 1, 1905. The witnesses to her conversion were two well known Detroiters, Adolph Freund who became a national leader in the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith as "Daddy Freund," and Samuel Summerfield. Freund was highly regarded in religious and B'nai B'rith circles and as a leader in Pisgah Lodge, then the only B'nai B'rith lodge in Detroit. Summerfield was prominent in the furniture business as senior member of the Summerfield-Hecht firm. Emogene's husband, whom she married upon entering Jewish ranks, was Max Edwards. He, too, was a B'nai B'rith activist. His major Detroit role was as lecturer on Jewish history and religious subjects. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Edwards, Miriam Kushner, is the na- tionally recognized archivist of Thmple Beth El. She succeeded the late Irving Katz in that role as curator not only of Beth El records, but of accumulated Michigan and national Jewish documentaries. She gained national recognition for her activities here. Her husband, the late Aid Kushner, established an important reputation for reproducing replicas of synagogues. They included many locally, all of Beth El's earliest, and of a number of world synagogues. Some of his creative results are in important museums. Rabbi Lawrence Kushner has established a reputation as a student of mysticism and has written several books on the subject. Such is the record of a family with a commendable Jewish activism, whose scion came from a non-Jewish background. Rabbi Steven Kushner did well to refer to his grand-maternal source as means of determining "Who is a Jew." The declaration welcoming 48 FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1989 Emogene to the Jewish faith, written in longhand by Rabbi Franklin and presented to her at the public ceremony in the Temple Beth El sanctuary at Woodward and Eliot in downtown Detroit, is a genuine relic in the historical archives. - Emogene thus became one of the proselytes, the Hebrew term for which is Gerim. The family record commencing with Max and Emogene Edwards and conti- nuing with the Kushners has a con- tinuity of interest for Detroiters of three generations. Conservatives' Goals And Added Quandaries 0 ne memory of the embittered 1988 political campaign carries with it a bit of sadness. Can we "card carrying liberals" continue with determination to strive for the highest means to raise the standards of living for this nation? _ The liberal is not a quitter. Neither is the conservative. Therefore the aim to reach the best out of whatever disputes may ensue ideologically in our American way of life. , In both the American and the Israeli elections there were reverbera- tionS of liberal-conservative confronta- tions. The evidence on a global fashion is of an increase in conservatism. In this country, it was a conservative triumph. In Israel, while a final decision is yet to be resolved, the conservatism of the right-wingers may succeed, although there it is more a matter of a minority, and a comparatively small one, com- manding a balance of power. It is worth noting for the record that in both instances it is the ultra- Orthodox who dominate conservative- ly. As has been arrived at, the Jewish vote was still predominately liberal in the. American election. The increased Republican Jewish vote was in the Or- thodox constituancy. Der Algemeiner Journal, the Yiddish weekly published in Brooklyn, N.Y., now perhaps among the major competitors of the Forward, gave continuing evidence of antagonism to the liberals and supported vehement- ly the campaign for George Bush for president. This weekly newspaper also gave evidence of support for the ultra- Orthodox in Israel. The week after the election. in Israel, Der Algemeiner Journal carried a headline that read "Hasidim Beziegen Misnagdim in Yisroel," (Chasidim Conquer Their Opponents in Israel") giving the impression that the extreme Orthodox who had expected to dominate over the Israel government as a balance of power were certain to rule over Israel. Noteworthy is the Journal's partisanship in drawing upon the old conflict over Chasidism. In the early years of the emergence of the Chasidic movement there was a strong viewpoint against it and the opponents were the "mitnagdim." The Vilan Gaon, Rabbi Eliahu, (Eliahu ben Solomon Zalman 1720-1797), whose acronym was Ha- GRA, was the chief mitnaged. A direct Jewish intimacy with con- servatism is now emphasized in an en- tire volume on the subject. Allan J. Steinberg, a new Jersey lawyer, has a book on the subject of American Jewry and Conservative Politics (Shapolsky Books). It is subtitled "A New Direc- tion" and is emphatic on all the aspects that have been referred to in the view- points of the political elements who have degraded liberalism in the recent camapign. Proving to be a good campaigner for his ideological approach, Steinberg has an occasional kind word for Jewish identification with the liberal movements. Nevertheless, he adheres to the claim that "Jews have had voting patterns that are at variance with those of the general American public. That in itself would not concern me except for the fact that American- Jewish liberal politicians have attempted to make liberalism part of Jewish theology, similar to the centrality of the Torah and Talmud as a Jewish philosophy." His aim in his book is to urge that "the covenant between the American Jewish community and American liberalism must finally be severed." The extremism of his views and his ideological approaches will prove shock- ing to the organized Jewish communal forces when they read that Steinberg goes so far as to affiliate himself with those who approve of religious studies in public schools. Thereby he negates the estblished Jewish attitude and at- tempts to destroy the basic American principle of separation of church and state. Here is his published view in his book: Religious conceit is only harmful — whether in Judaism or Christianity — when such religious conceit becomes religious intolerance. I have never heard Jerry Falwell in- dicate any contempt or in- tolerance for Judaism, in fact quite the reverse. Yet even among liberal Jews who concede that Falwell and his followers are not anti- Semitic, there is a continuing argument that if Falwell's pro- gram is implemented, it will have disastrous consequences for American Jews. Let me state at the outset that while I disagree significantly with Falwell on some issues, I hard- ly believe that the enactment of his proposals into law represents the death knell of American Jewish life. As an example, take the issue of prayer in the public schools. While I oppose prayer in the public schools if such prayers are sectarian —that is to say, in- voking the name of Jesus as a deity — I do not believe that non- sectarian prayers such as the old New York Regent's prayer have any real impact on our children in the public schols, positive or negative. Nor do I feel that displays of the nativity in public buildings are necessarily offensive, as long as they are not financed by the public treasury. The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights was never meant to preclude public display of religious preference by political leaders or the expression by government of a general belief in God (such as the printing of the world "In God We Trust" on coins and currency). Rather, it was meant to prevent govern- ment from discriminating in favor of any particular religious denomination, as former Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart pointed out in a number of key opinions. As an American, I realize that I live in a nation where the overwhelming majority prac- tices Christianity. I have no pro- blem with the Christian majori- ty in my nation having access to public places for the exercise of religion as long as I have the same rights. Furthermore, I have no pro- blem with our elected officials stressing their Christianity as a motivating force in their politics, as long as they do not express intolerance for my religion and people. I think that the reinstitu- tion of Christian values in our society and culture, without any concomitant intolerance for Judaism, is exactly what Rev. Falwell is all about. However, let us assume for the moment the very worst liberal -distortion of Falwell's philosophy, i.e. let us assume that Falwell really means to reintroduce Christian prayers in our public schools. I was educated in a public school where Christian prayers and readings from the New Testa- ment were recited every morn- ing, and where Christmas pageants were given every year. While these prayers and pageants made me uncomfor- table, they did not have any per- manent deleterious impact on my life .. . The issue of American sup- port for the State of Israel is far more important to me than the issue of prayer in the public schools. On this issue, with whom do my liberal American Jewish friends feel more comfor- table — the Rev. Falwell or the Revs. Jackson and Berrigan? There is enough evidence here to in- dicate to the fullest degree the ultra- conservatism of this advocate of ac- tivism against liberalism. The stand he takes on the separation ideal is suffi- cient to show opposition to viewpoints on the subject that have had near unanimous support in Jewish ranks in all efforts to introduce religion in schools and other public services. Many liberals may be amused by such attitudes just quoted. They may, however, develop into a continuing political debate in view of the attacks on the card-carrying liberals in the 1988 presidential campaign. Therefore, they cannot be ignored. •14 —4