about the type of pregnancy she was going to have." The possibility of selectively reducing the number of embryos to enhance the odds of survival for those remaining was discussed. The Wilsons elected not to do so, according to Dr. Goldsmith. Initially, Dr. Salesin and Dr. Goldsmith could do little. "Our treatment really began at 13 weeks," Dr. Goldsmith said. "She was given the usual precautions, such as not having intercourse and getting as much bed rest as possible; the things we do with • all multiple pregnancies." She also was given a cerclage, a procedure whereby the cervix is sewn closed, and injections twice weekly of Delalutin, an oil preparation of progesterine. "While not used widely recently, we used to give it (Delalutin) to all our patients who had multiple pregan- cies," Dr. Goldsmith said. "We felt that with five pregnancies, we need- ed to use all of our methods to try and get them to maturity." During Mrs. Wilson's treatment at Sinai, Drs. Salesin and Goldsmith held their first consultations with Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Gregory Goyert, assistant director of maternal/fetal medicine at Sinai. "We discussed the realities of suc- cessfully carrying quintuplets and the potential risks," Dr. Schwartz said. These included spontaneous miscarriage, pre-term delivery and logistical concerns. "We wanted to make sure she knew of the availabili- ty of selective termination and that we would use all the means at our disposal to avoid pre-term delivery." Mrs. Wilson returned to her Auburn Hills home for bed rest, with Drs. Salesin and Goldsmith monitor- ing her progress. By 18-20 weeks, she already was at term size for a single birth, Dr. Goldsmith said. "At 20 weeks, she called me one The medical teams wait for "their" babies inside and outside the "annex." evening and said she was feeling a lot of pressure," he said. "That was on Oct. 20. I met her at the hospital and confirmed it. The stitch (for the cerclage) was intact and she was con- tinuing on Terbutaline to decrease or eliminate uterine contractions." She was admitted, not to leave Sinai again until this week. hortly after Mrs. Wilson's ad- mission, Dr. Schwartz met with Dr. Rajendra Desai, direc- tor of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Joan Schmidt, head nurse in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Arlene Wofford, nurse manager of labor and delivery, Dr. Jim Kelly, former vice president for clinical and medical affairs and Joe found from sources outside Sinai, he Hooper, administrator in the turned inside to a plan developed in Obstetrics and Gynecology Depart- 1985 for the care and delivery of the ment, to determine when all of the Nader quintuplets. All were delivered hospital's resources would be used to after 24 weeks' gestation with none surviving. preserve the lives of the fetuses. Dr. Schwartz said the plan ad- "We had to decide at what point dressed many issues, but needed to be they (the fetuses) were viable so we could do all we could to sustain life; upgraded. During Mrs. Wilson's 22nd week, Dr. Schwartz said. "We all said 24 weeks, even though doing something Dr. Schwartz expanded the core plan- ning group to include Drs. Goyert, effectively at 24 weeks is remote." But Dr. Schwartz didn't wait un- Salesin and Goldsmith, Margaret til then to put a plan in place. Follow- Rand of the Risk Management ing his initial consultations with Mrs. Department and Bobbie Lewis and Wilson at 13 weeks, Dr. Schwartz Suzanne Timma of the Corporate sought information about planning Communications Department. At brainstroming sessions, Dr. for multiple births, with emphasis on four or more. When nothing could be Schwartz said many issues were - A Healthy Start Mary Jo Wilson's ability to carry quintuplets for 31 weeks was due, in part, to a healthy body and mind. Joanna Copes, a clinical nurse specialist who assisted Mrs. Wilson during her 11-week stay at Sinai, said the patient's overall health, coupled with emotional support from her husband Bill and other family members and friends allow- ed her to endure the discomfort and uncertainty associated with multi- ple pregnancies. Ms. Copes worked closely with Adrienne Nader who came to Sinai in 1985 carrying quintuplets that were delivered after 24 weeks' gesta- tion, with none surviving. "Meeting Mary Jo, I could feel a bit more optimistic (about the likelihood of a successful outcome) than I did with the prior quin- tuplets," she said. "Mary Jo was much healthier coming into the pregnancy. She needed, and had, emotional support." . Ms. Copes said Mrs. Nader had four children under age 7 at home and had unplanned, spontaneous quintuplets. She also was very thin and undernourished. "They were a very needy family for emotional support;' she said. "One of her quintuplets was named for me and I keep that as a special memory," she added. "For care givers involved with the prior quintuplets, it was a traumatic event?' —AMH THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 27