BEHIND THE HEADLINES Sinai's Quints Hours of planning and practice preceded last week's smooth delivery of the Wilson quintuplets. ARTHUR M. HORWITZ Associate Publisher A crisp, white sheet sepa- rates Mary Jo Wilson's tired gaze from the tangle of limbs and life about to emerge from her clamped, gaping uterus. Like magicians pulling rabbits from a top hat, the latex-gloved hands of Dr. Alan Goldsmith and Dr. Michael Salesin disappear into the red-black darkness, emerging seconds later with a boy. Gently suctioning his heaving nostrils of mucous, senior resident Dr. Susan Sherman passes him into the blanket-draped arms of a waiting nurse who whisks him out of the ,delivery room and into the em- brace of a neonatological team. Again, the gloved hands enter and, voila, another boy, loudly pro- testing his abrupt removal from cozy surroundings. Once his nostrils are suctioned and his umbilical cord clamped, he, too, is passed into another set of waiting arms for the same trip to a second neonatological team. Again, the hands go in. This time, the backside of a girl emerges, follow- ed by arms, legs, a hair-capped head and a lusty cry. And again. And again. Finally, the hands of the magi- cians rest. In less than three minutes, five births. No time for hocus-pocus. For Mary Jo Wilson and husband Bill, the birth of their quintuplets on Jan. 5 ended 31 weeks on an emo- tional roller coaster — joy and excite- ment one moment and trepidation the next. For Sinai Hospital of Detroit, it's the culmination of weeks of inten- sive planning. And for Drs. Goldsmith and Salesin, it concludes a drama for life that started last spring with ef- forts to coax Mary Jo Wilson's reproductive organs into producing ovum ripe for fertilization. T 26 he Wilsons first sought assist- ance from Dr. Salesin and Dr. Goldsmith in 1984. Follow- FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1989 ing a review of her medical records and their own evaluation, the doctors decided to utilize fertility drugs. "We induced a cycle with Perganol (a follicle-stimulating hormone) and she didn't get pregnant," Dr. Goldsmith recalled. "Then, the next month, there was some sort of re- bound or stimulatory effect on her own body and she came in pregnant." Dr. Goldsmith delivered Brad Wilson by Caesarean section in June of 1986. When the Wilsons' newest at- tempts to conceive failed, Dr. Salesin and Dr. Goldsmith used Perganol for one cycle. If Mrs. Wilson didn't become pregnant, they would wait a month or two for any stimulatory ef- fect before trying again. "When we followed her throughout the Perganol — there is a particular regimen and protocol for this drug — she had basically the same estrogen values as the first month two years ago, and they were not significantly high," Dr. Goldsmith said. "We induced ovulation with hCG (human chrionic gonadotropin) and she came in, obviously, preg- nant!' At that time, Drs. Salesin and Goldsmith didn't know just how preg- nant Mrs. Wilson was. An ultrasound revealed a multi- ple pregnancy which, according to Dr. David Schwartz, chairman of Sinai's Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and director of maternal- fetal medicine, occurs in 6 to 30 per- cent of cases where a regimen similar to that followed by Drs. Salesin and Goldsmith is undertaken. "We originally thought there were six, but then we lost one sac after a week," Dr. Goldsmith said. "Throughout all this, Mary Jo knew the risks and benefits of taking the drug and when we had an accurate ultrasound on the number of children, we sat with her and had a long, long discussion and ongoing discussions Dr. Alan Goldsmith, center, and a neonatal team check Baby A.