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JEWELRY APPRAISALS At Very Reasonable Prices Call For An Appointment Vhateity tan - established 1919 F INE JEWELERS GEM/DIAMOND SPECIALIST AWARDED CERTIFICATE BY GIA IN GRADING AND EVALUATION 18 FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1989 30400 Telegraph Road Suite 134 Birmingham, MI 48010 (313) 642-5575 DAILY 10-5:30 THURS. 10-7 SAT. 10-3 Democracy Continued from Page 1 found ways of brokering disa- greements without resorting to armed conflict. Democracies have too many negotiation options for get- ting a half of a loaf for the populace to be willing to have their lives endangered for a possible second half. When people participate freely in the political process, they make sure the government realizes that their lives are too precious to be wasted un- necessarily on the battlefield. What are the objections against Israel trying to create an independent democratic political entity out of Judea and Samaria to be called, say, Paleo-Judea? The most salient one is the lack of democracy in the Arab world. Many would consider the ef- fort sheer folly out of the belief that Arabs and democracy mix like water and oil. And since democracy as the means of guaranteeing the right of the people to non- violently remove those in power hardly exists in the Arab world, how could anyone believe that Israel could bring it about or that Arab Palesti- nians would take to it? These are serious objec- tions, so serious that even Arab Israelis do not believe it could happen. Thus a promi, nent Israeli Arab, after castigating his government and declaring that only a Palestinian state will restore peace to the land, admitted candidly that even were such a state to emerge, he would choose to remain an Israeli because he wants "to live in a state where I am free to speak my mind." Apparently, even Israeli Arabs take it for granted that a Palestinian state would be no more democratic than other Arab states. This seems to have resulted from the conster- nation of Palestinians every- where that of all the govern- ments in the Middle East only Israel allows Palestinian Arabs to demonstrate. Why then of all the Arabs are the Palestinians ripe for democracy? No one assumes that their brothers and cousins on the east bank of the Jordan area. And are not the events of the last several months counterevidence? On the contrary, we are arguing that is precisely because so many Palestinian Arabs have been politicized that democracy can take hold. While a politically conscious population does not guar- antee democracy, a political- ly passive population remains the most fertile soil for authoritarian rule. Since a larger percentage of Pales- tinian Arabs have now par- ticipated in political acts than probably anywhere in the Arab world, a decisive first step has been taken. Reject- ing Israeli authority is a formative experience for rejec- ting other imposed authority. The more Palestinian Arabs seeking to participate in their political destiny, the greater the chance of democracy tak- ing root. Even more important is the nature of the uprising. Originally, it was not a coor- dinated attack by the authorities in or beyond the territories. It bubbled up far more than it trickled down. The traditional local notables as well as the PLO activists were scorned. It is important to note the degree to which Arab women played a major Under MacArthur, America imposed a policy of demilitarization and democratization to produce a Japan that would be less likely to go to war. role in instigating spouse par- ticipation. There was even a case of women stoning their husbands for trying to stop them from demonstrating. In other words, the whole Arab authority structure was called into question. The irony of the situation is that it is precisely contact w'.:h permissive Israeli society that undermined the traditional authoritarian leadership of Palestinian Arab village life which en- abled the uprising to take place. Moreover, much of the intellectual backing for the uprising comes from grad- uates of the (mostly Israeli- established) eight univer- sities. Indeed, one of the most salutary aspects to the Israeli response has been the outcry against press censorship by. Arab editors. Could one im- agine a similar outcry in, say, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, or even Jordan? This democra- tizing tendency reached its peak in the demand for democratic elections for municipal refugee-camp councils. Lastly, the intermittent Arab work stoppage was so ef- fective precisely because Israel has been able to absorb so much of the surplus Arab labor into its -economy. In other words, the conditions in the territories, which enabled the uprising to gather steam, Continued on Page 20