THE JEWISH NEWS THIS ISSUE 60r SERVING DETROIT'S JEWISH COMMUNITY JANUARY 13, 1989 / 7 SHEVAT 5749 The Key To Peace: Impose Democracy Challenging assumptions that an Arab Palestinian entity would present a danger to Israel, a noted scholar proposes following the model that worked with Japan. REUVEN KIMELMAN Special to The Jewish News Confusion about the nature of democracy has seriously befuddled the political discussion about Israel by simplistically reducing it to an issue of security versus democracy. The resultant popular assumption is Sinai's Quints Page 26 that Likud is hard on security and avoid the choice between democracy soft on democracy, whereas Labor is and security by deploying democracy strong on democracy and soft on for the enhancement of its security. Democracies are notorious for their security. Both are misconceptions. In fact, Likud argues that by inability to conduct offensive warfare. holding on to Judea and Samaria, it While they seem to have little difficul- will prevent the type of security risks that threaten the fragility of democratic institutions; while Labor holds that by excluding the Arab ty in mobilizing their citizens to de- population centers from much of fend themselves, voters are reluctant Jewish Judea and Samaria, it will to have their sons used as fodder for enhance Israeli internal security. what is seen as the political ambi- Both positions assume that an Arab tions of their leaders. Even Roosevelt Palestinian political entity will be budged the American people out of detrimental to Israeli security in- their noninterference policy in the terests; the only question is whether early days of the Second World War some form of Arab autonomy will be only when they felt their security an improvement or a deterioriation of threatened. Since World War II, no two demo- the status quo. There is an alternative: Israel can cracies have engaged in major war- ANALYSIS fare. Not that there have not been fre- quent wars, but they have all been between two authoritarian/ totalitarian regimes or between a democracy and a nondemocratic state. For a democracy to conduct an offen- sive war, even against an authori- tarian regime, it frequently has to resort to news blackouts as did Bri- tain in the Falkland Islands and America in Granada. The war between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands is an excellent case in point. The war took place precisely while Argentina was under a military dictatorship. Since Argentinians have regained a say in their political destiny, talk of war has dissipated. In the post-World War II world, democracies have all Continued on Page 18