PURELY COMMENTARY United Jerusalem Continued from Page 2 They could and should be im- plemented independently of political developments elsewhere, and without waiting to see what will be the future of the West Bank and Gaza. The future of Jerusalem is to remain united and the capital of Israel, under the overall sovereignty of Israel. There is, however, room for functional division of authority, for internal autonomy of each community and for functional sovereignty. This would go a long way toward showing that a Jerusalem united and shared is not an obstacle to negotiations; on the contrary, it would be a significant contribution to the creation of a climate conducive to constructive bargaining. Teddy Kollek provides an opportuni- ty for world diplomats to treat the anguished subject of Jerusalem with the pragmatism vitally needed for dignity and respect toward concerns im- bedded in religious disputes that have been transformed into antagonisms. All faiths are treated with dignity in his proposals and in his leadership. Nevertheless, he does not submit to suicidal threats. His plan for action is within the scope of Jerusalem's historic position and its adaption as the capital of Israel. In a matter of days after the U.S. concession to meet with the PLO, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick was in Israel. In a column written in Jerusalem she was skeptical of the latest U.S. attitudes. Fully aware of dire consequences, she warned against con- cessions upon our government. Kirkpatrick gave serious considera- tion to the Jerusalem aspect of the new- ly developing situation. She met with Mayor Teddy Kollek. Her column quoted this important comment by Kollek on the status of Jerusalem: There is also no doubt about the unacceptability of these ob- jectives to virtually all Israelis. That most generous inclusive Israeli politician, Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek, stressed to me this week: "Whatever Arafat may say, it is impossible to ac- cept any change in Jerusalem's status as one united city, under Israeli sovereignty and as capital of the state of Israel. Any attempt or suggestion to change this situation means . . . return- ing to the difficult days of a divided and neglected city, cleft by high walls and barbed wire. "Only under Israeli rule has the city known conservation of his historical heritage, freedom of worship and free access for all to the holy places of all faiths, and guaranteed rights for all the religions and nationalities in the city." These rights, he said, were denied when Jordan ruled Jerusalem (1948-1967). Kollek further emphasized that "despite the difficulties, the tensions and the distressing events that have occurred in the 38 FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1989 Teddy Kollek city, there is a firm consensus in Israel to live in peace in Jerusalem." What then does the future hold? A confrontation between the PLO and the State of Israel with the United States in the middle. At issue are the PLO objec- tives stated in Algiers and Israel's survival as a sovereign state. The West Bank may be negotiable. Gaza may be negotiable. A Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem is not negotiable to virtually any Israeli. There is nothing a conversa- tion between the American am- bassador to Tunisia and the PLO representatives can do to resolve this conflict. It is hard to understand why Ronald Reagan, George Shultz, George Bush and Jim Baker decided to insert the United States into the middle of so dif- ficult a conflict. Presumably, they found the pressure to negotiate difficult to bear. Wait until they feel the pressure to concede. As mayor of Jerusalem, Kollek has established a record for fairness that has won wide admiration. He continues to strive for a "United Jerusalem" with justice for Jew, Arab and Christian. Therefore the emphasis for "sharing" in the Foreign Affairs article. This is where he shows the plausibility of action predicated on cooperation from all elements in a population with scores of religious tendencies and with as many prejudices. Kollek's summary of his proposal for unity demands serious consideration by all concerned. He asserts in his outlined invitation for a sharing in a unified Jerusalem, summarizing it as follows: At present no leaders can be said to represent the Jerusalem Arabs. The Supreme Muslim Council and other bodies were formed after 1967 to direct Muslim affairs in opposition to Israel, not in cooperation. Nevertheless, these bodies exist and enjoy a measure of authority. An ancient and influential institution is the Waqf, the religious foundation that ad- ministers Muslim holy places and owns large properties. There are also members of centuries-old, venerable families who could regain the con- fidence of the Jerusalemite Muslim population . . . Should the Arabs one day agree to discuss how they want to live in one undivided Jerusalem, they have leaders to negotiate the ap- portionment of authority to each community under Israel's overall sovereignty. This is not utopia. For many generations there will remain some fear, resentment and religious fanaticism. Some Arabs will continue to deface Jewish tombs on the Mount of Olives as they do now from time to time, and as they did systematically after 1948 when Jewish gravestones were used for street-paving and latrines. Some Jews will insist on say- ing that there is no way of living with people who deface tombs and place refrigerators filled with explosive charges on busy downtown street corners. Such attitudes may last for a long time, but will eventually disap- pear — so we believe .. . We must be firm in declaring that the unity of Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is beyond negotiation. But we must be suf- ficiently confident to announce that everything else is negotiable as a matter of course. To sum up my modest pro- posal: we must make new and permanent arrangements in the city without waiting for negotia- tions on the national level, and we must do so independently of any such negotiations. Firmly embedded in the new status quo must be provisions for such important matters as the rights of the communities to internal self-administration in areas like education, welfare and sanitation; rights of com- munities to the geographical limits of their homogeneous neighborhoods as well as the authority to assess their members for the cost of services, jurisdiction of each communi- ty's tribunals, the modalities of access to all holy places and the regulations of dress and behavior in them, jurisdiction over trespassers in the holy places, and any other matter of importance to each and every community. As defense and foreign policy will be reserved to the government of Israel, there should be no problem with sovereignty, real or symbolic, within one unified city. We should expand the func- tional sovereignty and self- administration rights already transferred to the Arabs of Jerusalem. Those who think we should not are mistakenly afraid that we cannot afford it but we decidedly can. The day we understand this we will be able to relieve legitimate Arab grievances without fear of show- ing weakness, and deal with violence without outraged sur- prise or feelings of failure .. . What Kollek has written here and has declared in his appeals for tran- quility can be an important adjunct for world peace. Hopefully it will not fall on deafened ears and blinded eyes. There are many obstacles, from Arab belligerence to occasional Jewish fanaticism. The intifada added grief to an agonized situation. In a very impor- tant article in a recent issue of the New York Times Sunday Magazine, Myron Benvenisti, the former deputy mayor of Jerusalem, reported on his saddening experiences with his Arab neighbors in Jerusalem in an article entitled "Two Generations — Growing Up in Jerusalem!' Benvenisti, who has been among the most outspoken advocates of Israeli policies to abandon creation of addi- tional settlements in Judea and Samaria, related earlier experiences when he and his fellow Arabs were friendly neighbors. Then came a new hatred generated by the intifada. His NYTimes story is a most depressing one. Benvenisti turned his attention in his revealing article to the man who is governing Jerusalem to indicate the policies sought for an accord. He wrote about Teddy Kollek as follows: When soldiers smashed glasses and damaged property dispersing a rioting crown in the Christian quarter, Mayor Kollek paid for the damages. When Moslem worshippers rioted on the Temple Mount and clashed with police, he calmed the situa- tion by talking to the Moslem of- ficials. Kollek says: "We should have told the Arabs: 'You've made your point, you showed that you are able to fight back, it is your moral victory. "Now come forward and take matters into your hands. I am ready to give you represena- tion in the municipal council, a deputy mayor who will be in charge of your own affairs: But nobody is making any decision, neither the Israelis nor the Arabs:' .. . Add to this the fact the Kollek does have a solution, as outlined in Foreign Affairs, and you meet with the genius of the Kollek personality. It is clear that a serious effort is be- ing made to resolve the issues at hand. There are indications that the newly "unified" Israel government aims for the kind of autonomy that will also con- tribute to the peace of Jerusalem. The world powers have not been helpful. World Jewry's encouragement to the tasks for continued defense and sup- port of Israel must never diminish or be tampered with.