PURELY COMMENTARY • • Coughlin Recollections Decry Panicking PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus T he "American Experience" tele- vised film recalling the hate- mongered activities in the 1930s and early 1940s of Royal Oak, Mich., Radio Priest Charles E. Coughlin merits applause for the splendid analyses of the economic, social and political conditions in this country. They were crucial years in our democracy and the challenges of those years are recalled in the presentations by producer Iry Drasnin. The one aspect in the Coughlin ap- peals to hatred that needs continuation, although its harshness can never attain absolute completion, is the anti- Semitism that will ever retain the Coughlin name in history's records as reminders of an era when hate predominated in one section of the media, that of the WJR programming of that time. Drasnin also did not sufficiently in- dicate to what extent the WJR owner- ship of that time gave courage to Coughlin to carry on his political cam- paign, against Franklin D. Roosevelt and in related occurrences. It was especially in anti-Semitism that the radio lent power to venom. That's what needs added elaboration in a supple- ment to what Drasnin already provid- ed in his introductory television film. What the Drasnin documentary could do is add, to further elaborate, the outrageous way in which Coughlin republished and reintroduced the nefariously faked "Protocols of the Elders of Zion." He printed them after their appearance in Henry Ford Sr.'s Dearborn Independent and after Ford repudiated them to avoid judicial punishment in the court case against him. Had this been mentioned, the part played in the Coughlin proceedings by the Free Press and the legal action that was threatened against the newspaper would have become better known. Coughlin invited me to write a re- ply to his "Protocols" acticles. He published it in Social Justice and then proceeded additionally to distort all available facts about the frightening collection of lies in his magazine. The publication of his Social Justice weekly had a procedure that indicated the dishonorable way in which he acted. Initially Morris Steinberg, a prominent printer who gained fame later for spon- soring chess and checker tournaments and contesting games of a variety of in- terests, printed the Coughlin materials. Coughlin broke the contract he had with Steinberg in an unanounced transfer to a Chicago printer. It ruined Steinberg financially. Steingerg's lawyers urged continuation of a lawsuit and they were shocked when leaders in the Jewish community urged that the offered $12,000 settlement be accepted. This is one indication of the frequent ex- periences of fright to action among Jews in the existing establishment when there is need for vigilance. Jews often panic when there is a demand to speak out. That's how the Sha-Sha and Hush- Hush occurrences have crept into our vocabulary. The truth need not be hidden — that there were similar experiences in the Hitler years, at the outset in dealing with Henry Ford the First and on numerous other occasions. In fact, in dealing with Coughlin, and with the then Catholic authorities who delayed ordering Coughlin's removal from the radio the repudiation of the bigotry was by a Toledo preacher. Imagine what Abba Hillel Silver and Stephen S. Wise would have done to the radio hatemonger! There is on the record a personal act which may add to the regret about panic invading our ranks and the fear of the threats to us when there is need for prompt action wherever and whenever we are besmirched. One of Coughlin's major claims was that he was fighting communism and was protecting this country, the Church and the world against the Red Menace. That's when he continually began to speak of Jews and their leaders as Com- munists. In a typically anti-Semitic fashion, he qualified his hate-spreading campaign with another villainous denial that he was an anti-Semite because he believed there were "Good Jews and Bad Jews." Those were the years of Witch Hunts and millions of Americans were scared out of their wits and feared to speak out against the hatemongers. Perhaps we should have been among the brave who risked a few more attacks in defense of good citizenship and fearless condemnation of bigotry. The Catholic Church proved, regrettably, a bit too late, with its repudiation of Coughlin and an indication that fearlessness need not be feared. The personal experience: I met twice with Coughlin. At one meeting he failed to show a human spark by rejecting the Hitler program that had begun to develop into an in- troduction to what we now refer to as the Holocaust. At the other, I dealt with the outrageous "Protocols" and he in- vited me to write the reply I referred to. It was on the charge of Jews being Communist that I challenged him in a telegram I sent to him on July 27, 1938, the text of which follows: "You are grossly misled, Father Coughlin, regarding the "Protocols" and many other phases of Jewish life which you have undertaken to criticize at this juncture when dictators are destroying every vestige of human decency and freedom for Jew and Catholic alike. Because I feel that you have been misled by men who are not friends of ordinary decency and because I still consider you a man of decency, I urge you to meet with a small committee who will supply you with basic facts pro- ving to your complete satisfac- tion the libelous character of "Protocols" and other charges contained in your periodical. Prepared to meet with you and any committee or associates you may designate tomorrow morn- ing." There was an immediate response. The meeting was called for and held the next day at 10 a.m. July 28, 1938. At my invitation, the Community Council President, James I. Ellmann accom- panied me. The text of the telegram and my bylined article reporting on the meeting with Coughlin appeared in The Detroit Jewish Chronicle on July 22, 1938. The summary of the discussion with the Coughlin view appeared in my article in The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, as follows in part: Father Coughlin received us informally in his rectory office at the Shrine of the Little Continued on Page 55 Warning Of A 'nap' As A Threat To Israel There can be no limit to the ten- sions accompanying the "negotiations" conducted by the United States with Yassir Arafat. What is happening is like a fulfillment of schemes that turned most of the effort into a "Palestinian- American" dialogue much more than a peace effort between Arabs and Israel. Until the U.S. yielding to Arafat, much of the expressed venom was against the U.S. much more than against Israel. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCIV No. 18 December 30, 1988 2 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1988 The culprit was the U.S. Until the negotiations became an Arab-Israel question, participation there may be too little to look forward to. Israel's invitation to the Arabs was to consider the Camp David decision for autonomy for the Arabs in the Israel- occupied areas. Out of it was to emerge other property-arrived-at decisions leading to peaceful neighborliness for all. It was rejected. The delays were deplorable. Does Israel stand alone in an un- friendly atmosphere, with nearly the entire U.N. membership voting against her in menacingly-worded resolutions and continuing animosities? It would be ingratitude not to acknolwedge the U.S. support that hopefully will promising- ly be continued. Nevertheless, Israel must plan her own defenses and gird for actions to avoid calamities. It is the self- defense that is most urgent as an ad- monition to the American partner and co-defender to be ready to confront dangerously serious threats in a war- threatening Middle East. Catapulted into a hero-worship category, public opinion must be alerted to Arafat's bloody record. It must not be kept hidden. Public opinion must be alerted to the horror he instigated against Israel and the U.S. The notorie- ty he receives may even lead some misguided to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize. Therefore the urgency of placing emphasis on the major terrifying PLO commitments, contained in its "cove- nant:" in which the destruction of Israel is its aim. The Wall Street Journal exposed the Arab intentions editorially as follows: We are less sanguine. The State Department's willingness to talk with the PLO leads the U.S. toward a familiar trap that the Soviet bloc and its proxies set continuously around the globe. Faced with a determined, U.S.-aligned adversary, all these opponents decided to go over the heads of their U.S.-aligned adversaries and communicate directly with the American public. The message is in- variably the same: Behold, they say, the endless turmoil and violence to which your govern- ment is a party. Would it not be better to end the violence and negotiate a peace settlement? This tactic has been used in Korea, in southern Africa, in Central America and in the Mid- dle East. It is used becaue it works. The insurrection on the West Bank, the PLO's "intifada," has little to do with the Israeli government and nearly every- thing to do with U.S. opinion. The correct policy, one the U.S. supports in principle but too often ignores in practice, in- sists on direct negotiations among the affected parties. That, too, has long been a sup- posedly sacred plank in American Mideast policy. It would have forced the PLO to address the criteria set down by Israel, which has to live in the area. Mr. Arafat no doubt has many skills, but an ability to Continued on Page 55 J