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December 23, 1988 - Image 60

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1988-12-23

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Traveling Jewishly

Continued from Page L-1

Aim at making the trip a bonding
family experience in which you have
a good time together exploring a
world quite different from the one
you know."
Some of her tips for family
travel include:
• Talk ahead of time about
everybody's expectations for the
trip. If everyone has a chance to
choose a site or activity for the trip,
they may feel a greater part of it.
• Do it, don't say it. If a child
can climb into a castle and pretend
to be a guard, he/she will
understand how that edifice was
strategically important. Children like
to touch, feel, smell and taste as
well as see.
• Plan to get an early start

each day and to alternate active

and passive activities.
• You and your children will
spend more time together than
usual. Although togetherness has a
romantic charm, you can have too
much of a good thing. Allow times
and places where your child can be
alone to think — on his/her own
blanket at the beach, reading in the
hotel or climbing at a playground.
Children need time to relax and
absorb all their new experiences.
You will need some time alone, too.
Family travel is also an ideal
opportunity to see how Jews in
other places mark and celebrate
their Judaism. Visits to local
synagogues, Jewish bookstores,
bakeries and special landmarks help
children understand that Jews live in
a variety of places. Participating in a

Shabbat service in another place is
one of the best ways to illustrate
that even though we are different,
we are very much the same. Even
opening a telephone book to identify
names and places that might be
Jewish can be an interesting

Car travel affords its own set of
opportunities. Singing in the car,
according to Larry Ziffer, a parent of
four, creates an environment that's
both educational and fun. His family
makes great use of the tape deck
as well as word and guessing

Identifying landmarks, road
signs and the luxury of spontaneous
side trips can make car trips a real

Family travel is a chance to
create family history, have a new
and interesting experiences, learn
new things together and, most of
all, spend quality family time. A
combination of realistic
expectations, flexibility and a sense
of adventure can make the whole
event a positive experience. By
remaining relaxed and not
excessively schedule-bound one has
the opportunity to see things
through new eyes and even be
surprised at how perceptive family
members can be. Using the trip as
an opportunity to explore Jewish
sights, one exposes the family to
new and vital Jewish experiences,
and makes it clear that Judaism is a
pervasive value and does not end
after pulling out of the driveway.

American Travel Treasures

Continued from Page L-1

Shalom. It is one of 120
congregations. Of interest to the
Jewish community are Brandeis
University, the Gosman Jewish
Community Center and the Judaica
libraries at Harvard, Brandeis and at
Hebrew College. The American
Jewish Historical Society is located
on the Brandeis campus.
Denver, Colo., got its first
Jewish settlers during gold rush
times in the mid-1800s. German
Jewish settlers followed the masses
west seeking riches in streams and
mountain lodes. The late 1800s
brought waves of Eastern European
Jews, mostly Russians. Denver
produced many nationally known
Jewish personalities, including Sen.
Simon Guggenhaim, Jesse
Shwayder of Samsonite Luggage
fame and David May of the May
Co., according to The Jewish
Traveler, edited by Alan M. Tigay.

Jews came to Houston, Texas,
prior to statehood in 1836. French-
born Eugene Chimene was the
city's first Jewish resident, The
Jewish Traveler records. The first
Jewish cemetery was created in
1844 and the first synagogue
founded in Texas in 1854. The East
European immigration wave brought
many Jews to Texas. They founded
synagouges and became

eChtzger- 11


20300 Civic Center Drive
Suite 240
Southfield, Michigan 48076
December 23, 1988
Associate Publisher Arthur M. Horwitz
News Editor Heidi Press
Jewish Experiences for Families
Adviser Harlene W Appleman
Illustrator Neil Beckman



acculturated into the general
Today, there are 30,000 Jews in
Houston, and the city has a Jewish
center, Jewish Home for Aged and
several synagogues. There is a
museum named for a rabbi, The
Robert I. Kahn Gallery.
Congregation Beth Yeshurun has a
collection of Judaica and ritual
objects. The Rothko Chapel, near
the University of St. Thomas,
displays 14 expressionist paintings
by the Jewish abstract artist Mark
Miami, Fla., has a national
reputation for being a vacation
haven for Jews and a retirement
destination for elderly Jews. Its first
Jewish settler was Samuel Singer,
who came to the city in 1895,
according to The Jewish Traveler.
The first Jewish congregation, B'nai
Zion, was founded in 1912. The
Miami Jewish community numbers
about 400,000.
Some unusual synagogues can
be found in Miami. Tropical-classical
is how The Jewish Traveler
distinguishes Beth David. There is a
Cuban Hebrew Congregation, Beth
Raphael (dedicated to victims of the
Holocaust) and Beth Sholom with a
domed sanctuary. There are about a
dozen kosher hotels on Collins
Avenue in Miami Beach.
Jews played an important role
as merchants during the gold rush
days in San Francisco, Calif. The
early peddlers and tradesmen
became the leading department
store magnates. (The founders of
Gumps, I. Magnin and Joseph
Magnin were all Jewish, according
to The Jewish Traveler.)
The Jewish community is
spread out in San Francisco; its
Jewish population is estimated at
80,000. In San Francisco, one can
visit the Steinhart Aquarium. The
Golden Gate Bridge, The Jewish

Traveler notes, was built by a Jew,
Joseph Baerman Strauss, with help
from consultant Leon Solomon
Temple Emanu-El has a
Byzantine flair and is a must-see
site. Jewish visitors also will be
interested in the Western Jewish
History Center and the Magnes
Museum, both in Berkeley. A Jewish
community museum is in the Jewish
federation building and on a trip to
the wine country, one can find the
kosher wines of Yayin Corp.,
HaGefen, Kedem and Winestock.

Wyatt Earp is buried beside his
Jewish wife, Josephine Marcus Earp
in the Hills of Eternity Jewish
Cemetery. There is a Jewish artists
network and periodic exhibits of
Jewish crafts.

Books consulted for this article include The
Jewish Traveler: Hadassah Magazine's Guide
to the World's Jewish Communities and

Sights, edited by Alan M. Tigay (Doubleday)

and Traveling Jewish In America for Business
and Pleasure, compiled by Bryyna C.

Bloomfield and Jane M. Moskowitz and
edited by Ellen Chernofsky (Wandering You

The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the San Francisco's most famous landmarks.

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