T U E' it THIS ISSUE 60cP SERVING DETROIT'S JEWISH COMMUNITY DECEMBER 23, 1988 / 15 TEVET 5749 Is Israel Treading A Perilous Path? Washington's decision to talk with PLO leader Yassir Arafat has thrown the Middle East, including Israel, into a paroxysm of indecision. And it escalates the danger for Arafat, too. HELEN DAVIS Special to The Jewish News After all the media hype has sub- sided over Washington's decision to open a dialogue with the Palestine Liberation Organization, serious problems will confront both Israel and PLO chairman Yassir Arafat. For Israel, the central question is how to respond to the challenge, how to move out of its corner of perceived rejectionism and grasp the political initiative once again. As the PLO carves ever deeper in- roads into Israel's traditional alliances with Western Europe and Washington, Israeli leaders must per- suade an impatient, doubting world that they have a realistic political solution to the Palestinian problem. Their problems are compounded by the fact that they simply do not have a cohesive, credible political response. Indeed, seven weeks after the general election, there is still no effective government in Jerusalem. Moreover, their predicament is in- tensified by the continuing uprising in the occupied territories, where Palestinians — who regard the U.S. decision as a direct product of the in- ti fades — are likely to step up both the scope and intensity of the violent uprising. In Arafat's address to the United Nations General Assembly in Geneva, and in his subsequent press conference which preceded Washington's dramatic turnaround, the PLO leader expressly exempted the Palestinians in the occupied ter- ANALYSIS ritories from his rejection of violence and his renunciation of terrorism. Indeed, even as the PLO leader "totally and absolutely" renounced terrorism, he heaped praise on "the generation of the blessed intifada," which, he declared, had adopted "a civilized, democratic approach" to confronting the Israeli occupation. The year-old uprising has already produced a public relations catastrophe for Israel, placing a serious strain on its diplomatic rela- tions with the United States and in- Continued on Page 17 Soviet Jews May Face Housing Crunch RICHARD PEARL Staff Writer Soviet leader Mikhail Gor- bachev's glasnost policy may create a housing crisis for Soviet Jews who want to resettle in Detroit, Jewish Family Service officials say. The problem of resettling Soviet Jewish immigrants results from the apparent change in the federal government's interpretation of who qualifies for the refugee status in the wake of Gorbachev's glasnost — or openness — policy. Under glasnost, Soviet Jews are allegedly free to emigrate. Yet they may not be considered refugees by the U.S. government. In that case, the Michigan public assistance program would not provide Soviet Jewish im- Caring for the elderly has left government and Jewish leaders struggling to find answers. PAGE 2 migrants with housing and food, says JFS Director Sam Lerner. "If the U.S. government inter- pretation takes over and they will not be considered refugees, then the burden will fall on the Jewish com- munity," Lerner said. "It's a very ex- pensive and a dangerous thing, but that's what's happening. "It's not formal U.S. policy yet, but the U.S. government is not going to consider Russian Jewish immigrants as refugees unless there is a well- founded fear of persecution," Lerner said. In Detroit, the Jewish Family Ser- vice provides housing and other assistance for incoming refugees for their first 120 days. Afterward, the state's refugee assistance program of- Continued on Page 21 4