EDITORIAL PLO Overkill Syndicated columnist George Will sees the media as myopic, uneducated and wishful thinkers when it comes to Israel and Mid- dle East peace. But there may yet be hope for the world's journalists and public opinion makers. It comes in the form of Yassir Arafat. The more the Palestine Liberation Organization leader takes the world stage, the more the American audience he is trying to cultivate has the opportunity to see through his pronouncements. Little has changed between the Nov. 15 Palestinian "Declara- tion of Independence" and Arafat's ambiguous speech this week before the United Nations in Geneva. Although his tone may have been more diplomatic, the substance of Arafat's text offered little to hopeful Israelis and Palestinians and the cheering U.N. diplomats. Arafat and Palestinians everywhere must come to grips with Israeli mistrust of the PLO — a group that denies Israel's existence, helped foment five wars against Israel's borders and continues to call for anti-Jewish terrorism and civil disturbances within those borders. Arafat has renounced terrorism . . . outside of Israel. That may warrant a standing ovation from U.N. diplomats, but it will not sway the nation the Palestinians refuse to recognize, negotiate with, and whose destruction they advocate in the PLO Covenant. Until the PLO or the Palestinians in the territories take con- crete steps toward meeting Israel half way, instead of posturing for American public opinion, the 40-year impasse will continue. Some Arab hard-liners say they have numbers and time on their side in their war against Israel. But George Will recalled a Golda Meir comment for his Detroit Allied Jewish Campaign audience on Monday: "The Jews have one great advantage — they have nowhere else to go." ed by human error, like the Challenger space tragedy or the Cher- nobyl nuclear reactor crisis, reminds us of our failings and short- comings. And a natural disaster reminds us that we — all of us — are subject to the whims and the awesome powers of God and nature. It reminds us that behind our ideologies, religious or political, or the collective egoism of nationalism or the individual egoism of the self, we are, quite ultimately, one human family. Perhaps the human suffering in Armenia will serve to remind the two superpowers that the fate of mankind lies in their hands; that we may have no authority over nature, but we certainly have some say over the mega-death weapons in our arsenals. And it may remind Soviet leaders that there are varying degrees of human woe: The woe that emanates from such.frightful events as earthquakes — and the woe that stems from such misguided policies as the Soviet stance toward emigration, especially for Soviet Jews. We may be powerless to stop nature from its occasionally terrible course, but we — and in this case, the Kremlin — are certainly not impotent to minimize the human suffering caused by human hands. Nor, vu 'WE DASKR4 DELECAriON *1,643 Wi1*iiI12 TO SPEAK liD 'CU ON Mt ZUE.JEZT OF INO 18 4 40.A r L Armenia Tragedy Last week's earthquake in Armenia was a human tragedy of the first dimension. Fatalities are estimated in the tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands are homeless. Entire villages and broad sections of cities have turned into rubble. Disasters remind us of our common mortality. A disaster caus- COMMENT How Should We React To Who Is A Jew'? EZEKIEL LEIKIN Special to The Jewish News T he "confrontation" be- tween American Jew- ry and Israel sparked by the likelihood of a change in the "Who Is a Jew" legisla- tion has produced an escalating mood of anger and acrimony which, if left un- checked, may threaten the solidarity and unity of the Jewish people. There is no ldenying that the relentless pressures on the part of Israeli haredim (ultra-Orthodox) to saddle the Ezekiel Leikin is executive director of the Zionist Organization of America- Detroit district. 6 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1988 "Who Is a Jew" legislation with the proviso that only halachically sanctioned con- versions be recognized as legally valid is an affront to American Jewry, which is predominantly identified with Reform and Conser- vative congregations. What exacerbates the issue is that the proposed amendment to Israel's Law of Return would stipulate that halachically approved conversions be per- formed only by Orthodox rab- bis acceptable to Israel's ultra-Orthodox hierarchy. While in practice, the pro- posed amendment is likely to affect an insignificant number of American olim converted by non-Orthodox rabbis, the symbolic implica- tions of the change may be perceived as an attempt to delegitimize the majority of American Jews. The outcry against this legislation is, therefore, understandable. But its nuances, as reflected in a number of simplistic or "over- heated" declarations and statements, are out of focus. lb be sure, saner voices in the Jewish community, notably Rabbi Alexander Schindler (Reform), Morris Abram (President's Conference) and Milton Shapiro (Zionist Organization of America) — to name a few — have called on American Jewry not to overreact and not to retaliate by cutting contributations to the United Jewish Appeal and other Israel-centered causes and institutions. It would be seriously damaging to the unity of the Jewish people and the vital interests of the State of Israel, if the so-called "confronta- tion". between American Jewry and Israeli officialdom -- irrespective of whichever party is in control of the evolving government — is allowed to deteriorate into a lingering, festering feud con- ducive to alienation and estrangement. American Jews must realize that their disagreement is not with Israel per se, but with a tran- sient, highly politicized party officialdom struggling to coalesce into a tolerably cohesive inter-party government. In a lighter vein, one wonders whether the religious controversy has been engineered with a view to boosting Israel's sagging tourist industry. With American Jewish delegations trying to outrace each other in a headlong rush to but- tonhole and cajole Israel's "movers and shakers," Israeli tourism has received an unex- pected and much-needed lift. It appears that what the in- tifada failed to accomplish "religion" did. Of course, American Jews should not hesitate to lobby Israel's political leaders not to succumb to the pressures of the religious parties, which have made their support for a narrow coalition-government contingent on a passage of the Continued on Page 11