Shaykh Khalil Quqa, one of the Gazan leaders of llamas deported by Israel, says the Koran holds it illegal to make peace with Israel. He believes Jews "are the epitome of wickedness in the world, the epitome of plotting in the East and West, and the epitome of the longstanding historic conflict among na- tions. . ." He makes no ar- tificial distinctions between Jews and Zionists: "We are against the Jews only. We have no enemies other than the Jews" (Al-Anba, Nov. 8). One would be hard-pressed to find any positive statements about the U.S. in the Arab press. Even American "friends" like Jor- dan and Saudi Arabia regularly criticize U.S. policy. While trying to buy arms from us, they are also fre- quently negotiating with other nations, including the Soviet Union and China, for additional weapons. Thus, the choice is rarely between U.S. arms and those of another country, as administrations to cast it, but usually whether the U.S. will supplement the Arabs' other purchases. The recent sale of American F-18 fighters did not satisfy Kuwaiti needs since they signed an agreement to buy armored vehicles and a sophisticated air defense system from Egypt (KUNA, August 7). In addition, Kuwait began negotiations with Soviet officials focusing "on ways of fostering bilateral cooperation in the military field in addition to inspecting various Soviet advanced weapons" (KUNA, August 29). Arab leaders always reassure us that American weapons would not be directed against Israel, but the Kuwaiti defense minister told the Arab press some- thing different: "It is sad and painful that the blood of two neighboring Muslim coun- tries [Iran and Iraq] with a common desire — the fight for the liberation of Jerusalem from the filth of Zionism — is shed" (Al-Siyasah, August 7). The American press ignores much of what goes on in the Middle East. If one Pales- tinian is killed in the oc- cupied territories. however, it makes page one. The media's excuse for not covering the Gulf war carnage was that it had no access to the bat- tlefield. There is no such ex- cuse for failing to report on the incessant fighting in Lebanon where Palestinians are killed every week, fre- quently by their fellow (Paris Palestinians. Radio Monte Carlo, May 22). I'm on the phone with a prospective client who wants to sell his home... and competition for his favors is keen. "Why Chamberla in!", he says, 44 you REALTORS are pretty much the same." "I say, "WRONG"... and he listens. Bud Chamberlain, President "YOU see, we accept the challenge of being distinctively different. Over the years our reputa- tion as a *listing company is something we have earned and are proud to admit. Our professionally trained sales associates are aware of our 40 year record . . . with thousands of happy sellers and buyers alike. We are NOT a franchise or- ganization with independently owned offices. We are struc- tured as one DEPENDENT group interlinked and working as a TEAM. Inspect our offices! We be- lieve they are the finest in Mich- igan . . . strategically located and designed to attract the dis- criminating buyer. List your home, "For Sale" WITH CHAMBERLAIN. He did! , mberlain C ha REALTORS * *A listing company specializes in representing the homeowner. FIRST and FOREMOST. This company's philosophy and all their energies are directed to serve them beet. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 29