I OPINION 1 Counter Agenda Continued from Page 7 well-being did not ask their members to write or make calls in support of the foreign aid package. In fact, a review of their mailings and political directives found not one focus- ing on Israel. Their main foreign policy concern? Con- tra aid. During that same period, these two groups continued to actively endorse or criticize a number of important domestic and foreign policy issues, taking stances at odds with the vast majority of the American Jewish community. From civil rights to school prayer, from reproductive rights to parental and medical leave, the religious right has consistently staked out positions that can be viewed as directly or indirect- ly harming the American Jewish community. „ ................................... A nice hot bowl of chicken soup can often make you feel better. But sometimes you need more. Sometimes you need expert medical advice. Then it's time to turn to the medical experts at Sinai Hospital. We have specialists who can help with everything that's got you krechtzing, from the minor "oy vat's" to the serious "gevalt!"s. The doctors on our staff have offices convenient to your home or business, whose office hours fit into your busy schedule. If you need a good cup of soup, try our recipe. If you need medical care, try our doctors. For a referral to a doctor on staff at Sinai, call Shirley Stern, our physician referral maven, at 1-800-248-DOCS (248-3627). THIS IS SINAI Michigan's Only Jewish Hospital TABLE PADS CUSjart 7 &14■I DE SZY EOUR SAVE $18 ON ALL SIZE PADS WE WILL _ $ 48 88 Up to 42"x64" ' . , 2 WEEK DELIVERY F.O.B. FACTORY Vinyl top, felt bottom wasshable, heat resistant LEAVES PRICED SEPARATELY COME OUT AND MEASURE YOUR TABLE FREE 7' 1 °rec . rdl CUSTOM TABLE PAD CO, 557.4108 16 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1988 ] ROCHELLE IMBER'S Knit Knit Knit Fabulous Colors & Textures Full Selection Of Yarns 855-2114 "Stitching together to serve you better" • • • • FRAMING INSTRUCTION CUSTOM DESIGNING FINISHING ACCENTS IN NEEDLEPOINT New Canvasses Arriving Daily 626-3042 Orchard Mall • West Bloomfield The American Jewish corn- munity has long advocated the principles of pluralism and minority rights. The religious right, however, has sought to impose its view of a monolithic, Christian nation onto the American political system. The pro-Israel community has been fortunate that the U.S.-Israel relationship has deepened over the past eight years. During much of the Reagan era, there have been only a handful of controver- sial issues involving Israeli interest. Yet, on those occa- sions, the religious right corn- munity has not voiced its suport for Israel to policy makers in Washington. The sale of AWAC planes to Saudi Arabia in the fall of 1981 is an example. Among those members receiving the highest voting ratings from the religious right communi- ty, senators Gordon Hum- phrey (R-N.H.) and Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) supported the AWAC sale. Both Helms and Humphrey have consistently voted against the foreign aid bill. Although they explain their opposition to such packages is based on non- Israeli related provisions in the bills, it is discouraging to the pro-Israel community that these allies of the religious right are unwilling to support an assistant package vital to Israel's existence. To make matters worse, the religious right helped defeat a number of staunch Israel supporters, including senators Frank Church, Birch Bayh and Jacob Javits, and backed candidates more in line with the religious right on social issues. As the Jerusalem Post noted, "By their political works, the fun- damentalists have let us know their priorities. Ob- viously it is more important to them to support candidates who will stop unwed teenagers from getting abor- tions than someone who will provide Israel with the arms it needs to defend itself." Opposition to U.S. arms sales to Arab nations is crucial to the pro-Israel com- munity. Unless the ad- ministration senses consis- tent and deep reservations on the Hill to such sales, the president will believe the pro- posals are acceptable and will continue to arrange them. We must remember that one of Israel's largest ex- penses results from the need to maintain qualitative superiority over an Arab 'Obviously it is more important to them to support candidates who will stop unwed teenagers from getting abortions than someone who will provide Israel with the arms it needs to defend itself. world acquiring increasingly sophisticated weapons from the United States. Again, the majority of those members receiving the highest ratings from the religious right have been, at best, painfully incon- sistent in their opposition to arms sales to Arab countries. many Furthermore, religious right leaders, in- cluding Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Oral Roberts, subscribe to an apocalyptic belief — known as the millenarianism — that the world as we know it will come to an end, as planned by God, and a 1,000 year utopia of peace, abundance, and brotherhood reign. As Dr. Ruth Mouly of Midwest Research (an in- dependent research institute that collects and disseminates information on right-wing political groups and trends) summarizes millenarianism, this period of utopia cannot occur until the Jews are returned to their an- cient homeland and the State of Israel is restored. Once this happens, a period of great tribulations will shake the world and the anti-Christ will appear, leading to the battle of armageddon in which the