PURELY COMMENTARY Freedom Front: Diaspora To The Rescue PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus I srael's very serious problems, im- posed by the enemy that is now rallying additional support, keep causing tensions that demand amassed defensive means. It is a continuation of an aggravated struggle that began even before Israel's statehood. It is difficult to become accustomed to, yet it demands unified action by all Jews everywhere. This menace is dastardly enough. There is no need for an internal Israeli disease splitting Jewish ranks. Israel is a political factor in the world. With Jewry as a totality it is also a religious community. One element in that faithful sphere has now attained a political means of dictating to the en- tire country and its population such religious dogmas that threaten the unification so vitally needed for defense, security and self-respect. It has reach- ed so serious a stage that Jews outside Israel, the Diaspora, have found themselves compelled to express opi- nions on matters left to the Jewish state. Diaspora leadership, never fully wishing to attempt influencing Israeli actions, now finds itself duty bound to tell the threateners of divisiveness that forcing restrictive rules upon Israel will be viewed as menacing to the entire Jewish people and will not be tolerated. "Freedom Front" (Hofesh) has therefore developed as a new force in Jewish life, the liberal forces in world Jewry joining with the Israelis who re- ject extreme religious domination to prevent a calamity that could become a political cancer for Israel. Let it be understood that not all religious affiliates are guilty of the disease that has as its aim domination in the Israel government. There are Or- thodox elements that do not condone the political blackmail of those who now threaten the unity of the People Israel. But when the rebbe himself will not set- tle in Israel, preferring to await the ar- rival of the Messiah, preaches from Brooklyn to followers in Israel to vote for the Agudat Yisrael in the Israeli elections, he indicates a role that can be judged only as divisiveness. Because "Freedom Front" unifies the seekers of amity and Ahdut in Israel, participation in it of Jewish THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCIV No. 14 2 December 2, 1988 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1988 leaders worldwide is a happy sign that Diaspora counts, that in a time of crisis Diaspora comes to the rescue. This is how it should be. RCA To The Rescue: An Orthodox Blessing I n the dispute that has arisen under the title "Who Is A Jew," there should be no generalizing about Orthodoxy leadership. Just because the rebbe has chosen to enter Israeli politics and to appeal to Israel's ultra-Orthodox constituents to vote for Agudat Israel — a movement I never en- couraged — does not mean that Or- thodoxy should be aligned on a total basis with extremism. There is an Or- thodoxy that is tolerant and even liberal. The Rabbinical Council of America, the moderate factor in Orthodoxy, has urged the removal of the issue from the political policies of Israel. In a statement cabled to Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, the RCA leaders emphasized that it was acting "to preserve the unity and support of the American Jewish community with and for Israel." The Orthodox leadership that is of consequence thereby came to the rescue for all Jews and for Israel with this action. The RCA action provides a sense of relief, after the negative militancy that was assumed by Chabad and their associates. There is an Orthodoxy that is liberal and shares in the courage of preserving Jewish principles. There are many guides to be respected in Orthodox ranks. Em- manuel Rackman, Norman Lamm, Yit- zhak Greenberg and the leaders in the RCA will now gain support and an ad- miring fellowship in defense of common sense in all Jewish relationships, especially Israel. More power to such pragmatism. Brutal Realities: Preventing Scapegoating eace hopes are pronounced. With peace remote, neighbor- liness is dreamed of and it is constantly undermined. This is the desperation of our time. The sensation revealed in Algeria under the headline of a Palestinian state keeps adding to the menace that lurks under a long time provocation aimed at the destruc- tion of Israel, and even in some Jewish quarters there is the misdirected belief that talking with the PLO has become a necessity spelling into a command. Therefore the need to unmask the fanning of a mirage, the demand that facts be known. It is of the utmost urgency that the imbedded threat to Israel's very ex- istence be recognized in the Arafat- produced proclamation. The very root of p it is the ultimate of its aim to seek a death blow at Jewish statehood. Jews and Israel have been scapegoats long enough in the Middle East political games. There should be an end to it. Therefore the deep ap- preciation to those who get at the root of developing threats to Israel and to Jewry in that process, the debt of gratitude to searchers for truth and the dissemination of it. We have an immediate "Thank You" to A.M. Rosenthal for his New York Times Nov. 17 Op-Ed Page frank statements revealing the true aims in the continuing Arab declarations and the threats to Israel in the unchanged PLO policies. In his blunt statement, "The Cynics of Algiers," Rosenthal indicated the double talk called self-determination, the undeniable intention to destroy the Jewishly existent, the adherence to resolutions equating Zionism with racism. It is especially his introduction to his column that reveals the evil inten- tions. It is important that the introduc- tory in his accusatory should be known: I hereby declare that I am the rightful owner of the house in which you live. I have created a new corporation to take it over. Take notice that I intend to establish the headquarters in your living room. You are a usurper, a squatter, totally vile. I have sworn a holy oath to drive you and your children from the house. I sum- mon you to a court at which my rights and the new corporation will be recognized by you and all. However, if you attend, I will consider agreeing that you are entitled to live somewhere on the grounds, maybe in the yard. Meantime, to persuade you to hurry up, I will throw more and more rocks at you through your windows. Be grateful. • That is a political translation of the deal the Palestine Libera- tion Organization is now offer- ing the Israelis. Meeting in Algiers, the PLO announced the creation of a new Palestinian state on ter- ritory Israel happens to con- sider hers by right of interna- tional law, statehood, religion or the conquest and outster of in- vading Arab armies. The PLO did not specify the boundaries of the new state but did announce that its capital would be in Jerusalem. It im- plied that at an international conference it might accept an ambigious U.N. resolution recognizing Israel's right to con- sider herself among the living. But at the same time the PLO made it clear that it still embraced the UN resolutions condemning Israel, including the international piece of anti- George Will: Peace as war tactic. Semitism that equates Zionism, the philosophic root of the Israeli state, with racism. It did not even consider renouncing or even changing the PLO charter that calls for war to the death against Israel. This is the realism that negates the trickery in Arab-Israel intentions, and it must be studied in all its realism. The Jewish community especially must not be misled by confusions and distortions. If and when Arab leaders wish to recognize and adhere to Israel's reality as a sovereign nation, they must state it and must begin by erasing, totally abandoning venemous U.N. resolutions. They must sit with Jews to plan proper neighborliness, without rock-throwing. What is flagged now is a mere addition to more violence and destruction. Let there be realism built on amity that will be recorded not by double talk but by genuinely human decisions. Rosenthal is not alone as an impor- tant member of the media who exposes the charading of the U.N. resolutions while claiming to be endorsing peace. Even U.N. Resolution 242 is being paraded falsely, yet there are Jews who are misled into believing there is a breakthrough for peace and that Arafat's hand should be grasped. George Will has joined in exposing the trickery inherent in the Arafat pro- clamation when he wrote in his syn- dicated column: The PLO has long been divided about how to pursue li- quidation of Israel. One faction has simply favored terrorism leading to war. But so-called moderates argued for violence supplemented by diplomacy. They say force will only work after Israel has been shrunk to indefensible borders. This two-stage, two-state solution was affirmed in Algiers. It is peace as a tactic of war. What flummoxed wishful- thinking Westerners was the PLO's dusty semi-approval of Continued on Page 44