• 411111111 ■ 11111111111 ■ 11111 Cable T.V. Advertising Is Not Out of Your Reach • synagogue for the holidays and that was just life in Marshalltown, Iowa." The Bucksbaums had no trouble main- taining their Jewish identity. But Dr. Stanley Talpers. who grew up in Casper. Wyoming, said it was difficult, because there were very few Jewish families and no synagogue. For the High Holidays, however, they would get as a rabbi a stu- dent from the Hebrew Union Theological Seminary in Cincinnati. "The rabbis thought Casper was a terrific place to come," he remembered, "because Harry Yesness, who was the clothier, would give each rabbinical student a new suit and a cowboy hat and boots. - But this adoring view of Casper was not shared by Dr. Talpers' grandparents, who lived in Denver, almost 300 miles away. They never traveled to Casper. "It was like going into foreign territory for them," he said. "They lived in a Jewish world, and we lived in a Gentile world, and they really didn't want to step out of their world into our world. We were always expected to go down to Denver." One aspect of this "Gentile world," Dr. Talpers suggested, was the way Christmas impinged on him and his family. "Christ- mas," he said, "is when you find out whether you are Jewish or not." Simon Bourgin ▪ ▪ • o• 70, writer and consultant, Washington, D.0 I was born and grew up in Ely, Min- nesota, which today has a population of 5,000, almost the same population it had when I grew up. Ely is an exotic place. First of all, it's at the end of the line. The railway, when it went there, stopped and came back again. Ely is 20 miles from Canada, and all the way up to Hudson Bay there is no city its size. It has about 2,000 Finns and another 2,500 Slovenes, and then it has a few Swedes and a couple of Bulgarians. When I grew up there it had five Jewish families. Four of them had clothing stores, and one had a little run- down hotel. There were two brothers, Mike and Louie Gordon, who each had separate stores. My father had a clothing store. The Rosenblums had another clothing store, and then there were the Bourgins, who had the little hotel and were distant cousins of mine. But the Jewish families did not con- sort much with the people in the town, who didn't consort with them. They saw each other almost exclusively, and they played pinochle and poker endlessly. And at these poker games they quarreled endlessly. They would all come back again in a week because they had nothing else to do. They all had clothing stores and were com- petitive and watched who went into each other's store. Somehow they never quar- reled about that. Ely is an iron-mining town. The miners were Finns and Slovenes. If you didn't go away to school. you just took it for granted you were going down into the hole. It was nothing that people looked forward to very much. Because I was middle-class and belonged to a family that obviously was not going to send its son down into the hole, I was regarded as sort of special and elite. My father was born in Lithuania, about 20 miles north of Vilna. He came to the United States, like a lot of others, to avoid military service in the Russian army. He left my mother there pregnant, and went first to Liverpool for a couple of months — the only trade he had was a tailor — then to Brooklyn for a couple of months. By good fortune — my good fortune — there were two people from his village who somehow had gotten up to northern Min- nesota, and he wrote to them. My father came to Ely in 1908 and he must have been about 19 or 20. My mother followed him about five years later. She said that she had heard nothing from him for several years and thought it was all over and he was undependable. Then came two tickets. I never discussed the emotional problems involved, but the thing I remember most vividly is my mother say- ing that when she came to Ellis Island she got on a train and she got on a train and she got on a train and she just went on and on and she finally got on the last train and it went obviously from Minneapolis up to Duluth. She couldn't understand what this husband of hers had done. It was the most godforsaken country; nothing but pine trees and boulders and a few lakes. My father started out like a lot of other people. He became a peddler. But he was an unusual peddler in the sense that his customers were unusual. They were In- dians who lived in the woods and on Indian "My brother Dave [who owned the Jewish cemetery in the town of Virginia, Mimi.] married a Lutheran. By her wish, he was buried with her mother, away from the Jews. So he's not in his own cemetery." — Simon Bourgin, Washington, D.0 reservations, and they were loggers and iron miners. He used to hike between lbwer and Ely, 20 miles. There was still no road then. He used to carry all this stuff on his back and sell it on the way, and eventually he made a grubstake enough to open a small clothing store in Ely. My mother kept a kosher house until a certain event happened. We got our meat by railroad from Duluth, 120 miles away. Cohen, who was the kosher butcher in Duluth, used to send us the very worst meat. It came wrapped in paper and in a burlap sack. It wasn't very good when it started out, and it just got worse and Turn On To Cable T.V. Advertising — It Is More Affordable Than You Think! • Cable Advertising is low cost. As low as $14.00 per commercial. • Cable Advertising targets your market. • Cable Advertising shows your product. For More Information On How To Receive A MIF . 11"i 1.A. FREE MONTH OF ow NM: ii- 1111111CABLE ADVERTISING Ilk WIN On Continental Cablevision Call Today . . . 353-4130 Images & imagination. . . 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