[PURELY COMMENTARY r - With Presidential Cheers Especially In Liberalism PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor Emeritus co n the night of Nov. 8, 1988, the new commitment commenced, with the unanimity of greetings to our nation's new chief. It will be President. George Bush on Jan. 20, 1989, and as an organized community we will be one nation. There were bitter disputes and there may be a lapse of years ahead to aim at resolving them. In our democratic way of life we will surely make the desired unity a basis for rais- ing our standard of living. Therefore, the especially vital greeting to President-Elect George Bush. The record of liberalism that was a process turned into a disputation dur- ing the election remains a factor in the history-making of American idealism. Thumbing through pre-election magazines, attention is drawn to a car- toon in the New Yorker depicting a restaurant, the manager advising a waiter: "Should anyone inquire, Harr- ington, our portions are generous, not liberal!' This is a reminder of the political philosophy that has gained dominance in diplomatic etymology. The results of the 1988 elections are carried influen- tially into the new challenges that com- mence with the Electoral College decisive results. The changing era is at hand. It is not mere allusion to the recent political disputations to believe they will now be accepted as decisions by the American citizens even though they voted for the party advocating them. The ideological factors remain on an ac- tive agenda. Capital punishment is not unanimously imposed on the nation. There is an opposition to it that cannot be silent. There is a "separation" prin- George Bush ciple that does not eradicate the idealism of James Madison and his generation in support of it. The "liberal" does not bend knees, even though in political strife the ultra- conservative reduces him to "Mister — or Ms. — L!' There are many more mat- ters under dispute not to be ignored. Central to the many themes is the ideological and the sentimental that have created puzzles over from the view- points involving either liberal or conser- vative. We have begun to hear the escape into "progressivism!' There will surely be clarification now that we have a lull politically and the choice of terms, of etymology, will not be motivated by clamoring for votes and/or jobs on a political basis. Sensationalized "L" contains the secret of what occurred in our political thinking. It has affected our social philosophy and it is no surprise. The country at large has gone conservative. The university campuses are thinking conservatively. The leading countries in the world are performing conserva- tively. Israel is exemplary on that score. As one who would be labeled a "card carrying liberal," I believe that there is no compromise for it from the seekers for a substitute in a "progressive" label. It is apparent that the "E' commitment calls for a measure of both devotion and militancy in an effort to retain whatever has been achieved in liberalism. The record is too rich to need repetitive explanation for the knowledgeable. Yet, there is a realism not to be ig- nored. It is an uphill battle for a strengthened idealism. The Jewish ex- perience is in evidence. The Orthodox in our ranks, their overwhelming ma- jority, are ultra-conservative. It is a new trend in Jewish life. There is much to contend with for the liberal. The triumphant American political party is not only conservative. Its leaders, including the president- elect, have invented the "L" brevity. As far as they are concerned the liberal is a sinner. Such "sinning" adds pride to liberalism. My rabbi made a Holy Day sermon an evaluation of "Hatanu — we have sinned," when errors are committed. He urged admission of it in the striving to make life liveable. Therefore, as a "card carrying sinner" of liberalism, I must plead for a recommitment to the ideal that continues to have a high goal for the betterment of human values. The battle lines on the subject are now sharply drawn under the leader- ship of the duly-elected president and the political party of which he is now the acknowledged chief. Therefore, in the interest of differing with that par- ty and its leaders, the ideological weapons need to be sharpened. In order not to abandon the lifelong in- volvements in the liberal principles, this "card carrying liberal sinner" believes in the necessity of retaining association for a goal aimed at human values. My conferes in liberalism and I will surely be judged honorably in the course of time. Genealogical High In Batkin Family G enealogy has become a science that attracts very many who are making it both a habit and a devotion to find and learn about family roots. The Batkin family has become a leader in such root-searching. It becomes evident in a voluminous work, The Batkin Family Genealogy (ktav). This large book with its many scores of facts, profusely illustrated, was edited by Stanley I. Batkin. Some chapters about the ancient and medieaval world of the Batkin ancestors were written by Harold Drimmer. In a summary of the contents of this work that will be tempting for all aspir- ing genealogists, the growing number of roots-seekers, there is this notewor- thy sentence: "What do the president of Waldbaum's Supermarkets in New York, real estate developer Bernard Mendik, an Episcopalian priest in Jacksonville, Fla., and Tibok Hollo, owner of the Eden Rock Hotel in Miami, have in common? They are all members of the prolific clan of Batkin." The Batkin Family Genealogy in- cludes 1250 family names, addresses Continued on Page 32 One-Woman Szold Performance Glorifies Hadassah A one-woman stage performance by accomplished actress Muriel Nussbaum, as a tribute to Henrietta Szold, is certain to add in- creased glory to Hasassah, the move- ment founded by the personality thus acclaimed. The Nussbaum performance, plann- ed to commence Nov. 30, should provide THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS (US PS 275-520) is published every Friday with additional supplements the fourth week of March, the fourth week of August and the second week of November at 20300 Civic Center Drive, Southfield, Michigan. Second class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster Send changes to: DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, 20300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 $26 per year $33 per year out of state 60' single copy Vol. XCIV No 12 2 November 18, 1988 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1988 thrills for the ladies of Hadassah, the movement founded by Henrietta Szold who is about to be honored in this fashion. There should be an assurance that the approaching staging in New York will eventually also be for Detroit audiences. Hadassah has so important a share in modern Jewish history, in the Zionist record, in Israel, that every step in the direction of the limelight for this com- mendable Jewish movement should be encouraged. There are many aspects in the life of Henrietta Szold that are unforget- table. She was the first editor of the Jewish Publication Society of America and was the translator from the Ger- man into English of the five-volume History of the Jews by Heinrich Graetz. She was a scholar whose translations indicated linguistic ability as well. She was head of the original Hadassah of in Jerusalem where the nurses who were brought to Palestine by her movement provided succor for the needy and their children. One of her associates in managing that Jerusalem office, Dr. Reuven Katznelson, often related to me her dedication and tirelessness which brought to the Hadassah cause widest support and acclaim. Not to be forgotten are Henrietta Szold's contributions to Zionist educa- tional activities. She was among the ac- tivists in support of Young Judaea. She worked closely with Emanuel Neumann in that as well as other Zionist educational programs, and it was in that capacity in the Young Judaea movement at the same time as the founding of Hadassah that I was closely associated with Neumann and Szold. The introduction of the Nussbaum show will serve as a reminder of the early Hadassah years in Detroit. Miriam Hershman, the wife of Rabbi A. M. Hershman, was Detroit Hadassah's first president. Mrs. Noah E. Aronstam was the group's second president. An- nette Steinberg was among the move- ment's most dedicated activists. Dora Ehrlich was an inspiration to the thousands of Hadassah women and to the community at large. They and numerous others pioneered and will surely be remembered. Henrietta Szold