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November 11, 1988 - Image 21

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1988-11-11

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Lieberman Beats Weicker
In Connecticut Race


Staff Writer


he major upset in the race
for the U.S. Senate took place
in Connecticut between At-
torney General Joseph Lieberman
> and incumbent Lowell P. Weicker Jr.
Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew and
a conservative Democrat, ousted
Weicker, a liberal Republican who is
considered a strong friend of Israel.
In other Senate races, New Jersey
Democrat Frank Lautenberg defeated
Pete Dawkins; Ohio Democrat
Howard Metzenbaum was victorious
over George Voinovitch; and in Rhode
Island, Republican John H. Chafee
was the winner in his race against Lt.
Gov. Richard A. Licht. Licht, a Jew,
has been closely identified with pro-
Israel groups.
Nevada Republican Chic Hecht
held his seat in the Senate by
defeating Democratic challenger, Gov.
Richard Bryan. Hecht, a Jew, was
shunned by pro-Israel political action
committees for his support of Presi-

dent Reagan's visit to the Bitburg
cemetery, his opposition to the yar-
mulke amendment and for his opposi-
tion to the Genocide Convention.
In Mississippi, Republican Trent
Lott defeated Democrat Wayne
Dowdy. Dowdy was generally seen as
In Minnesota, incumbent
Republican David Durenberger
defeated Democrat Hubert Humphrey
III. Both are seen as friendly to Israel,
but Durenberger's incumbency was
seen as having more value to pro-
Israel PACs.
In California, Republican incum-
bent Pete Wilson defeated Democrat
Leo McCarthy. Both received support
from the California Jewish
In Michigan, State Sen. Lana
Pollack (D-Ann Arbor) lost her bid to
unseat Republican Carl Pursell from
the U.S. House of Representatives.
Rep. Howard Wolpe (D-Lansing) re-
tained his seat in the traditionally
Republican Third District that in-
cludes Battle Creek and Kalamazoo.

Boston Area Voters Pass
Pro-Palestinian Measure


Staff Writer


oters in Cambridge, Mass.,
this week approved by a nar-
row margin a measure that
calls on congressmen to support a pro-
position denouncing Israeli "violation
of Palestinian human rights." It also
calls for an end to Israel's presence in
the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
On Wednesday, returns indicated
that about 19,000 voters supported
the proposition and some 17,000 op-
posed it.
Voters in four cities in
Massachussetts and California were
asked to approve pro-Palestinian
measures. The Cambridge measure
was the only one that passed.
The proposition was introduced by
several Arab groups in the area, ac-
cording to Philip Perlmutter, ex-
ecutive director of the Jewish Com-
munity Relations Council of Greater
He said the measure, which is
non-binding, marks the first time
voters in the state have supported an
anti-Israel proposition.
Rep. Joseph Kennedy of Cam-
bridge opposes the measure and was
co-chairman, with Rep. Barney Frank
of Newton, of a coalition that fought
the proposition.

Pearlmutter said he thinks the
Cambridge question gained some sup-
port through deceptive advertising.
He said supporters ran ads touting
the measure as pro-Israel and design-
ed to bring peace to the Middle East.
Meanwhile, voters in Newton,
Mass., defeated by a 2-1 margin a pro-
position asking the U.S. Administra-
tion to "support the principles of self-
determination for the Israeli and
Palestinian people; the creation of a
Palestinian state in the West Bank
and the Gaza Strip next to Israel; and
security forIsrael and the new Palesti-
nian state."
The JCRC's Perlmutter said
several Jews introduced the measure.
He said about one-third of the city's
population is Jewish.
San Francisco voters also defeated
by 69-31 percent Proposition W, which
calls on the city to officially support
"statehood in the occupied territories
of the West Bank and Gaza, side by
side, with the state of Israel, with
guarantees for the security of both
And in Berkeley, Calif., residents
voted 31,799 to 13,017 against
Measure J, which would have estab-
lished the Palestinian Jabalya
refugee camp in Gaza as a sister city
of Berkeley.

Howard Metzenbaum
Frank Lautenberg
Jewish incumbents held their seats.

Jewish Areas

Continued from Page 1

Quayle's "lack of experience and
Barry Rose of West Bloomfield
said he voted for Bush so Ronald
Reagan's economic policies would
"Jesse Jackson is a turn-off, but
I tried to look at the issues, not the
personalities?' Rose said.
Added Helene Levy of West
Bloomfield, who voted for Dukakis,
"George Bush is nuts if he thinks he
doesn't have to raise taxes. Look at
the national deficit. Somebody has
got to pay for it?'
Michael Traison, also of West
Bloomfield, said he voted for Dukakis
because he is concerned with basic
fundamental principles.
"I voted for him because he is con-
cerned with Jewish values?' he said.
"I am concerned with prayer in public
schools. We can't let all these priorites
be outweighed by Jesse Jackson,
although he is a concern."
State Democrats hoping to
celebrate a Dukakis victory gathered
at parties in downtown Detroit. And
nearly 200 members of the Jewish
Welfare Federation's Young Adult
Division gathered in West Bloomfield
to wait for the election returns.
At a party in Greektown, red
balloons were printed with "Dukakis-
Bentsen" and "The Duke 1988 Vic-
tory?' A jazz band played "In the
But by 9 p.m., Mark Fox, director
of the Michigan Dukakis-Bentsen
campaign, was less than optimistic.
An hour later, Sam Fishman was
on his way out the door.
"Bush's victory is cause for con-
cern to all minorities," he said. A
member of New Jewish Agenda,
Fishman said he's concerned that

Bush's policies on a number of issues
are "potentially detrimental to the
United States:'
"But I'm always optimistic," he
added. "The people, as Walt Whitman
said, are stronger than the politicians.
We'll just have to dig deep in our
reserves and keep coming back for the
simple reason that we have no choice?'

Local Winners

Most Michigan members of the
House of Representatives' Jewish
delegation emerged victorious in
Tuesday's presidential election. On
Wednesday at press time, it was not
known whether Rep. David Gubow, D-
Huntington Woods, had secured
another term.
Rep. Maxine Berman, D-
Southfield, defeated political
newcomer Ben Mayers. Rep. Burton
Leland, D-Detroit, defeated
Republican challenger Dennis
Polidori. And Rep. Dave Honigman,
R-West Bloomfield, ran unopposed.
Other winners included:
U.S. Rep. Sander Levin,
Incumbent Michigan Supreme
Court Justices Charles Levin and
James Brickley;
The remaining judgeship results
— district, appeals and circuit — were
not complete at press time. But 48th
District Judge Ed Sosnick was ex-
pected to be declared the winner in
the race against Robert Houston for
Oakland County Circuit Court.
In West Bloomfield, voters re-
jected a 1/2 mill increase that would
have allowed the city to purchase
Shenandoah Golf Club for a recrea-
tional facility.



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