LOCAL NEWS YOU'RE COVERED With Our T-Shirt! Round Table Forum On 'Peace Imperative' Subscribe Today To The Jewish News And Receive A T-Shirt With Our Compliments! From the West Bank to West Bloomfield — and all points in between — The Jewish News covers your world. And with our T-shirt, we cover new subscribers, too. The T-shirt is durable, comfortable, easy to care for and attractive. And it comes in an array of adults' and children's sizes. But most important, your new subscription will mean 52 information- packed weeks of The Jewish News, plus our special supplements, delivered every Friday to your mailbox. A $42.90 value for only $26! A great newspaper and a complimentary T-shirt await you for our low subscription rates. Just fill out the coupon below and return it to us. We'll fit you to a T! 1 I Jewish News T-Shirt Offer Please clip coupon and mail to: Yes! Start me on a subscription to The Jewish News for the period and amount circled below. Please send me the T-shirt. JEWISH NEWS T-SHIRT 20300 Civic Center Dr. Southfield, Mich. 48076-4138 NAME This offer is for new subscriptions only. Cur- rent subscribers may order the T-shirt for $4.75. Allow four weeks delivery. ADDRESS CITY (Circle One) (Circle One) 12 STATE ZIP 1 year: $26 2 years: $46 Out of State: $33 Enclosed $ ADULT EX. LG. ADULT LARGE ADULT MED. CHILD LARGE CHILD MED. CHILD SMALL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1988 J The third annual Muslim, Christian, Jewish Leadership Forum, sponsored by the Greater Detroit Interfaith Round Table, will take place on Wednesday at Mercy Col- lege Conference Center in Detroit. The theme is "The Peace Imperative in our Religious Traditions." Participants will be asked to discuss how each community reaches out toward peace, promotes unity within American diversity and fosters cooperation on common problems. Clergy and laity of all faiths meet with one another in a social, cultural and religious con- text. At the conclusion of the event, which begins with registration and a continental breakfast at 8:30 a.m., there will be a joint celebration on the theme, "Facing Issues of Justice and Reconciliation." Speakers at the forum in- clude Krister Stendhal, retired bishop of the Lutheran Church of Sweden; Dr. Khalid Duran, Muslim theologian who has served as a professor in Islamabad, Pakistan, Hamburg and Washington, D.C.; and Rabbi Walter Wurzberger of Con- gregation Shaaray Tefila in Lawrence, N.Y. Rabbi Wurz- berger is past president of the Synagogue Cuncil of America and the Rabbinical Council of America, and for 25 years was editor of Tradition, a monthly magazine expressing the American Orthodox point of view. The morning session will discuss "The Peace Im- perative in our Holy Books and Traditions"; the after- noon will be "The Peace Im- perative in Relation to Na- tional and Political Allegiances?' Seven workshops will enable participants to learn more about Islam, Christiani- ty and Judaism. They will counsel on coping with violence in our society, inter- religious cooperation on com- munity issues, non-violence in our world today and help- ing our kids to get along with one another. Group leaders are: Dr. Ahmad Sakr, Islamic Founda- tion of Knowledge, Chicago; Dr. William Hackett, Henry Ford Community College; Rabbi Lane Steinger, Temple Emanu-El; Dr. Eugene Per- rin, Children's Hospital of Michigan; James Perkinson, Detroit, George Alcser, Marygrove College; and Im- am Mitchell Shamsud-Din, the Muslim Center, Detroit. Rabbi Wurzberger A reception and dinner will follow. There is a charge. For information, call Rev. Oscar Ice at the Round Table, 869-6306. Shermans Host YAD Meeting Jane and Larry Sherman will host members of the Young Adult Division major gifts section at a dinner meeting for the Allied Jewish Campaign on Nov. 21. The 6:30 p.m. meeting is for contributors of $1,000 and over and will be addressed by Mrs. Sherman. Chairman of the 1988 and 1989 campaigns, Mrs. Sher- man is a former chairman of the Campaign's Project Renewal Committee and na- tional United Jewish Appeal Project Renewal chairman. UJA Honors '87 Campaign Detroit's Jewish Welfare Federation will receive the Pinchas Sapir Award for Con- tinuing Excellence from the United Jewish Appeal, recognizing Detroit's outstan- ding achievement in the 1987 Allied Jewish Campaign, led by Paul D. Borman and Emery I. Klein. This award is given annual- ly to a large, an intermediate, and a small community to honor unique achievements. Detroit first won the award for its 1984 Campaign. Under the leadership of Borman and Klein, Detroit had the highest per capita Campaign increase of any large community. Detroit's UJA allocation was one of the highest of any large com- munity, and Detroit did well for Project Renewal.