1111=111 ■ 111•11111111MMI MEDIA MONITOR INN= • IIIIII•1 MI • Ell MI MI MO =I MI • EN MI OM • • I•11 =WO= MI To: The Jewish News 20300 Civic Center Dr. Suite 240 Southfield, Mi. 48076-4138 'Nation' Says The Democrats Can Unite Blacks And Jews ARTHUR J. MAGIDA Special to The Jewish News A s election post-mor- turas are pouring in from around the coun- try, The Nation managed to get a pre-mortuth into an editorial just prior to the balloting. Convinced that "one of the subterranean struggles" of the election was about the future shape of the Democratic Party, The Nation editors postulated that "one unspoken premise of the bat- tle is that there can be no common ground between Jesse Jackson and the Jews. Democrats from Dukakis down supposedly have to choose: the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) or the Arab- American Institute; Israel's security or a Palestinian state; millions in Jewish donations or millions of blacks votes." But reality, claim the editors, is neither so simple nor so black-and-white. Asser- ting that the American Jewish community is not "a monolith," they noted that dissent "ripples" through American Jewry. Among the issues on which Jews differ are their reaction to Israeli handling of the intifada and its 1982 invasion of Lebanon and their recent criticism of AIPAC. The editors also cited a Los Angeles Times poll that indicates that one-third of American Jews favor U.S. talks with the PLO. "Politics, by definition, in- volves tradeoffs," stated The Nation. "And there is no reason to expect that blacks and Jews, more than any other group, are exempt from the process. But politics also involve alliances," such as "the relatively harmonious one enjoyed by many blacks and Jews during the civil rights struggles of the early 1960s." But now, "new and shifting inter- and intragroup affilia- tions appropriate for the 1990s are forming . . . Sparks will fly as the process grinds on — because of the hypersen- sitivity of some Jews to criticism of Israel, anti- Semitic comments by some blacks and racists remarks by some Jews. But blacks and Jews have a larger interest in finding common ground: a Supreme Court committed to civil rights, an end to all forms of racism and Jerzy Kosinsky: Reunited in Poland discrimination, economic as well as political." The Democratic Party, con- cluded The Nation, must build on this common ground between blacks and Jews. Not to do so would "abdicate" the party's "moral and political responsibility" and consign blacks and Jews to the "divide-and-conquer politics of the Republicans." Arafat Accepts UN Resolutions 242 and 338 On the verge of tomorrow's convening of the Palestine National Council (PNC) in Algiers, PLO chairman Yassir Arafat says in an interview in Time that he recognizes the two UN resolutions — 242 and 338 — that America and Israel have made as precondi- tions for peace talks. Arafat maintains that he has declared his acceptance of the resolutions "many times, but [the Americans] are not willing to listen... There is an American policy to neglect the Palestinians people . . . " Time's interview with Arafat lasted eight hours, 'partly aboard an Iraqi jet flying the PLO head to Turkey and partly in Ara- fat's Baghdad headquarters. While renouncing terrorism outside the territories Israel has occupied since the 1967 Six-Day War, Arafat claimed that the terrorism he threatened would continue within the territories is legal under certain provisions of the UN Charter. These allow people to oppose oppression or occupation. He also compared the Palestinian fight to that in the American colonies against "British occupation" and in Europe during World War Two against Nazi occupa- tion. Although Arafat was inter- viewed before the Israeli elec- tion, he was certain there would be another Labor. Likud coalition in the Jewish state. Israel, he said, "can't rule in this atmosphere without it" because the Palestinian intifada has created a war-like situation. "More than 50 percent of the Israeli army," he said, "is in the streets — in the villages, in the towns, in the camps. Definitely, no single party can carry this respon- sibility." If an international confer- ence is convened to settle the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Arafat said he would talk with any representative sent to the talks by Israel, even if they are Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who engineered Israel's "iron fist" response against the intifada, or former Army General Ariel Sharon, who led the Israeli army into Lebanon in 1982. "I am not like the Israelis, like an ostrich," said Arafat. "I have to deal with my enemies." WE'VE JUST frtrn: Acct. # NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE enclose old label 7IP Please allow 4 weeks Effective Date • NM • UM MI NM MI =MUM OM • • MI I= NM IM Kosinski's New 'Romance' Confessions and tears don't appear too often on the New York Times' op-ed page, yet both had a place in novelist Jerzy Kosinski's recently published account of his 12-day trip to Poland last spring, a trip on which he started a "new romance" with "his 1,000-year-old Polish- Jewish soul." Kosinski traveled to his native Poland to present an award to a Polish gentile who has been preserving Judaica. On this, Kosinski's first trip to Poland since he left in 1957, he was reunited in Lodz with his adopted brother, Henryk. "Arm in arm, tear in tear," the two bent in "double sorrow over the double grave" of their parents. In the city of Kazimierz, Kosinski took photos of tomb- stones in a 16th century Jewish cemetery and imagin- ed "every stone screaming at me, 'Restore Jewish Kazimierz, and do it quick: Am I not a part of your very soul?' And from there, on to Auschwitz, "where the Nazis tried to turn the all-fertile Jewish soul into a fertilizer." Volunteer some time for kids with this lung-destroying disease.Your work will help sustain them while researchers dig for a cure. You'll be giving more than your time.You'll be giving life. GIVE THEM SOME TIME AT YOUR LOCAL CF CHAPTER. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation I his space contributed , ❑ public sets', THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 111