EDUCATION • • In A ` A V Jewish Community Council 962-1880 of Metropolitan Detroit KRISTALLNACIIT Bolstering Jewish Identity Focus of ORT Strasbourg The Price of Silence HEIDI PRESS News Editor C laude Sabbah wanted to give something back to the ORT movement in appreciation for the • education he received through its network of voca- tional schools. As headmaster of the Organization for Rehabilitation through Train- ing school in Strasbourg, France, Sabbah is giving Jewish students an oppor- tunity to learn a trade and strengthen their Jewish identity. Sabbah, a Moroccan Jew who as a youth fled with his family to France — his mother was a French citizen by birth — is a graduate of the school he now heads. Follow- ing graduation and military service, Sabbah held a varie- Thursday, November 10, 1988 United Hebrew Schools LaMed Auditorium 8:00 p.m. Featured Speaker: David Wyman, author of Abandonment of the Jews. Moving testimony by witnesses to Kristallnacht. Re-Elect PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Claude Sabbah CIRCUIT JUDGE NON PARTISAN Paid for by The Committee To Re-Elect Judge Helene White 211 W. Fort, Ste. 1500, Detroit, MI 48226 Member: Hadassah • American Jewish Committee • Business & Professional Women's Division of Jewish Welfare Federation. • Honorary Member Regional Advisorary Board Anti-Defamation League CIVIC SEARCHLIGHT: Preferred and well qualified. /##A ay \ MIMI &WM Around the World 1111111, I Know I Am The Best I Can Be .. One Of A Kind Designer Clothing As Individual As You Are — Catch The Feeling. Come See This Wonderful Experience. 60/114/— ' Inside Emile Salon 31409 Southfield 'load 50 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1988 642-3315 1101111111/0/ ■ ok. WE TRAVEL!! In Search of Exotic and Totally Unique Things for You! 626-1999 COLONY INIE1R11011111 ty of positions at ORT schools throughout France and was technical director at ORT Iran, which closed after the fall of the Shah. Sabbah was in Detroit this week as the guest of the Michigan Region, Women's American ORT, which raises funds for the international network of vocational schools. He is on a U.S. tour of ORT regions. "I have a big responsibilitiy about Jewish identity," Sab- bah told his audience at its annual Capital Funds recep- tion honoring Rochelle Lieberman. He said it was the teachers' responsibility to "give good training," but it was his responsibility to pro- duce good Jews. Sabbah's major responsibli- ty is budgeting, but he sees himself a "guardian" of his students. He takes a personal interest and often helps students find Jewish families to host them on the holidays. Sabbah said there are 360 students at the Strasbourg school, coming mainly from France, as well as from Moroc- co, Tunisia, Spain, Israel, Iran, Ethiopia, Turkey, Switzerland and the U.S. Nearly all of the students are Jewish, but non-Jews are ac- cepted as well. According to French law, there must be at least 24 students per. class. (Teacher salaries are paid by the French government.) When Sabbah's classes do not meet the quota, non-Jews are accepted to fill the slots. Included in the course of study are about four hours per week of Jewish studies and three hours of Hebrew. While the Jewish students are studying religion and Hebrew, non-Jewish students have classes in universal values and morals. The school is closed on Jewish holidays. Kosher food is served, and the part-time staff includes rab- bis and Israeli teachers. According to Sabbah, there are 18,000 children in Jewish schools throughout France, with one-third in ORT schools. (France has a Jewish population of about 700,000.) Sabbah is proud of his school. "I have the best school in France," he exclaimed. Not only is the job placement rate very high for students who graduate - from ORT Strasbourg, but factories from all over the country call for his students to fill job open- ings. At the same time when the school advertises that it has limited openings for enrollment, ususally one or two slots, it receives hundreds of applications. Former students come back to teach, and teachers that he had as a youth are now working for him. Even his daughter is a graduate of the ORT school. Once a "foreigner" himself, Sabbah is sensitive to the needs of the students who come to ORT Strasbourg from abroad. Many of the foreign students arrive with only the clothes on their backs. With funds raised through Women's American ORT, dor- mitories are built to house, the students, pocket money is made available and other needs are met. Often, their stays at the ORT school go beyond the normal three-year term. Economic problems or political unrest in a student's home country can increase their stay up to six or seven years. "When these children come they have nothing;' Sab- bah explained. "We must do everything in our power for these children." That includes adhering to