LIFE IN ISRAEL CARL ALPERT Special to The Jewish News H aifa — Followers of the press here have for some years noted a line of advertisements which, though they vary from time to time, present more or less the same message: "Ra- tional answers to Christian missionaries." At times the public is in- vited to a series of dialogues (real or simulated) on the sub- ject of missionary argumenta- tion; at times textbooks or recorded lectures are offered for sale; at times a course on combatting missionary work is announced, with a diploma awarded on completion of examinations. Behind these ads is Shmuel Golding, a determined, energetic personality who has earned the support and ap- proval of a small group of followers — but the opposition and bitter criticism of others. Golding came to Israel in 1977 and told a strange story. He had been raised in England as a Christian, and at the age of 22 was ordained as a Baptist clergyman, in which capacity he conducted missionary work in many lands. It was only when he was 32 that he was told that his parents had been Jewish, kill- ed at Babi Yar, and that he had been smuggled out of the Ukraine. His spiritual world collapsed about him, and upon closer study he became aware, he says, of contradic- tions and fallacies in Chris- tian doctrine. Because of lack of solid evidence about his origins, he had himself for- mally converted to Judaism in Turkey. Upon his arrival in Israel he wore black Chasidic garb, had a long beard, displayed tzitzit, and disported himself as a strictly Orthodox Jew. He made his home in B'nai B'rak. In the last 10 years Golding has changed. His beard has been neatly trimmed. The tzitzit and kippah have disap- Rabbi Meir Kahane walks with a supporter. Kahane Announces Cosmetic Changes New York (JTA) — Rabbi Meir Kahane, whose Kach party was banned by Israel's highest court from running in Tuesday's Knesset elections, said Monday that he intends to change the name of his par- ty and make some "cosmetic changes" in the party's plat- form so he can run in Israel's next election. Speaking at a news con- ference in New York, the American-born rabbi said he will change the name of his party from Kach, or "thus," to Koach, or "strength!' "On the political level, we will make only cosmetic changes," he said. "We will not change our principles!' Kahane said that the new- ly named party will use only quotes from the Bible to ad- vocate its policies. peared. He does not follow any one brand of Judaism, he says, and no longer calls himself Orthodox. He recognizes even secular Jews as Jews. His avowed goal in life is to save Jews from mis- sions and cults. Golding operates out of a suite of offices in downtown Jerusalem, under the name of Institute of Biblical Polemics. Today he concentrates on repudiating what he calls Bibliolatry — taking the Bi- ble literally. "I used to be in that camp," he says. "Because of Bibliolatry more hatred and violence have been caused than by any other book. We can live by the Torah if it is updated in each generation. It was radical when it was first introduced!' Obviously he does not enjoy any support from Orthodox Jewish quarters. Neither is he beloved by the Christians whom he charges with at- tempts to convert Jews by falsification and fraud. The premises of the in- stitute include a meeting hall where his weekly public lec- tures are -held. A quick look around reveals lots of folding chairs, large bulletin boards with anouncements of literature and activities, a word processor, a photocopy machine, fax equipment and a sound recording laboratory for producing cassettes. Is the income from his cor- respondence course sufficient to keep the institute going? Golding admits that he has a sponsor, from Canada, who provides generous financial support. The criticism of Golding comes not only from the Or- thodox and from evangelical Chritians, but also from within mainstream Jewry. One source labelled him an "apocalyptic Christian who is seeking to fulfill the apocalypse by bringing Jews and Christians into conflict in the streets of Jerusalem." His counselling service, ostensibly to combat mis- sionary teachings, is labelled a subtle way of actually bringing the New Testament to the attention of hundreds, if not thousands, of Jews. His life story has been told in various versions at various times, and contains many discrepancies and contradic- tins, his critics say. Golding is in his early 50s. His Hebrew is still weak, and he conducts his activities in G. Feinblatt/Media Is Missionary Foe Golding Genuine Or A Con Man? Thousands of Belz Chasidim celebrate the bar mitzvah of the son of the Admor of Belz. At the reception, waiters distributed 7,000 fish and meat courses to guests. English, appealing also to tourist visitors to Jerusalem. He talks with intensity and enthusiasm. He singles out 10 statements from the New Testament which he terms false renditions of the Hebrew Bible and offers "$1,000 Reward" to any believer in Jesus who can prove him wrong. Example: A reward for he "who can find any verse in our Hebrew Bible that says 'a virgin (betula) shall bear a child' as is recorded in the New Thstamentr Golding has yet to pay out any part of his $10,000. New Arab Party On Israeli Ballot Jerusalem (JTA) — The new Arab Democratic Party, the first virtually all-Moslem list which took one seat in Tues- day's Knesset elections, is part of a phenomenon that has emerged for the first time in an Israeli election cam- paign — the intervention of Moslem fundamentalists. In past election campaigns, Moslem fundamentalists stood aloof, and the parties that courted Arab voters avoided any religious colora- tion. Now, however, leaders of the Islamic movement are urging Arabs to vote. They favor no particular party, but clearly point to the "forces of peace." In the Arab political lexicon, that excludes the parties of the right. Israeli Arab voters, in theory, account for at least 14 of the izt..) Knesset mandates. In the current campaign, they were wooed by parties that ranged from Labor, which represents a moderate, West- ern European-style socialism, to the Moscow-oriented Hadash Communist Party and Mapam, the leftist United Workers Party. But the most likely benefi- ciary of the fundamentalist involvement is Knesset member Abdel Wahab Darou- sha, 45, who quit the Labor Party in protest against Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin's measures to suppress the Palestinian uprising and formed his own Arab Demo- cratic Party, which is the first and only all-Arab political party in Israel. The first eight candidates on its election slate are Moslems. The ninth is a Christian Arab and the 10th a Druze. Former Speaker Savidor Dies Tel Aviv (JTA) — Menachem Savidor, a former speaker of the Knesset and a member of its Likud faction, died of a heart attack at Ichilov hospital Nov. 2 at the age of 70. Savidor entered political life in 1977 when Likud unseated the Labor Party. He was elected speaker in 1981 and was also, for a time, director general of the Transport Ministry and of Israel Railways. He was forced out of Likud in 1984 after he supported an opposition call for a secret ballot, which led to the breakup of the Likud-led coalition. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 45