ELECTIONS 8 STALEMATE II? On the eve of Israel's elections, it appears that the turmoil of the intifada has helped lead to another political deadlock between Labor and Likud HELEN DAVIS Israel Correspondent ■ ho would have imagined that the unnatural alliance between Labor and Likud — the two arch-rivals of Israeli politics — would have run its four-year course? When the the deadlocked 1984 elktion compelled the two major political blocs to form a national uni- ty coalition, pundits confidently predicted that the two-headed monster would be aborted well before November 1988. Indeed, most doubted that government would live through the rotation of party leaders midway through its life. This cliff-hanger government not only survived to the bitter end, but now, as Israelis prepare to go to the polls on Nov. 1, the Likud Party of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and the Labor Party of Foreign Minister Shimon Peres are being compelled to contemplate the unthinkable: a repeat of the deadlock that will force them back into their unhappy em- brace. This year's election, coming in the midst of the Palestinian uprising, has thrown the spotlight onto one of the toughest, most intractable problems to confront Israel since its establish- ment in 1948 — what to do about the occupied territories and the Arab population. Not surprisingly — and not with- out justification — the coming elec- tion is being touted as "the most critical in the history of the state." At the same time, though, the campaign has been effectively neutered by the apparent decision of both parties to avoid any real discus- sion of the subject. With no end in sight to the 11- month-old intifada, neither of Israel's major political blocs appears confi- dent that their diametrically oppos- ed remedies for the problem is win- nable at the polls. Neither has been bold enough to ask the voters to judge them on their performance so far or Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Shamir began active campaigning in August. on their proposed solutions to the pro- blem. The reasons are not hard to find. The intifada is an embarrassment to both Labor and Likud; neither anti- cipated the spontaneous outburst, both are equally involved in trying to contain it, and neither can offer the voters a quick end to the impasse. Peres, who champions a policy of territorial compromise with the Arabs and peace negotiations with a joint Jordanian-Palestinian dele- gation, had the rug pulled from under him by King Hussein of Jordan this summer when the monarch cut his links with the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Shamir, on the other hand, is a champion of the old Camp David autonomy proposals — a non-starter with the Arabs — and rejects any no- tion of abandoning control of any part of the biblically promised Land of Israel. Whatever policies they pursue, however, at the end of the day both parties — which agree that there can be no negotiations with the PLO — are locked into a stalemate with the Palestinians, who continue to insist that the PLO is their sole legitimate representative. Moreover, the embarrassing si- lence from Israel's two major blocs is likely to be highlighted even further later this month, just before the elec- tions, when the Palestine National Council — the Palestinian "parlia- ment" — is scheduled to meet in Tunis. In an attempt to capitalize on the intifada — and to win diplomatic points with the incoming administra- tion in Washington — the Pales- tinians are expected to adopt their most conciliatory position since the PLO was founded in 1964: an implicit recognition of Israel's right to exist. Never mind that this will be coun- ter-balanced by the declaration of an independent Palestinian state and by the creation of a provisional Palesti- nian government. The pressure will be on Israel to respond, and there is unlikely to be a response. True, there are other serious issues to be debated between the Labor and Likud parties as they approach the election; there are, for example, significant differences on social and economic affairs. But on the subject of the intifada — the cen- tral, single issue that concentrates the minds of Israelis — the difference between Labor and Likud has been reduced to style rather than substance. And with most Israelis ap- proving of the harsh measures taken in an effort to quell the uprising, it ap- pears that more voters may opt for the hard-line position of Likud. Whether or not Likud will receive enough votes, though, to form a coali- tion without Labor is problematic. Some analysts predict that Likud may be able to put together the nar- rowest of majorities (61 of the Knesset's 120 seats) by bringing in the religious parties and several of the small, more radical right-wing parties; others suggest that Likud and Labor are destined to form another unity government and are not as pessimistic about the prospect as they would have us believe. In any event, Israeli voters do not find much to choose between the per- sonalities of the leading contenders for power. Shimon Peres, a relatively youth- ful 65, enjoyed unprecedented popu- larity during his two years as Prime Minister (the polls awarded him an approval rating of about 70 percent). As Israel's leader for the first half of the national unity government, the Labor Party head pulled the troops out of Lebanon and administered the bitter medicine that was necessary to bring down the rate of inflation (then around 450 percent; now about 17 percent) and to pull the economy back from the brink of catastrophe. In addition, he cooled down the overheated political debate following seven turbulent years of Likud rule, mostly under Menachem Begin. The advantage of incumbency, however, deserted Peres almost as soon as he switched roles with Shamir, his coalition partner, and left THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 25