CLOSE-UP Left-Win Gadfly New Jewish Agenda members say if people understood the group, they would love it DAVID HOLZEL Staff Writer W hen members of Detroit's New Jewish Agenda get together, the talk invariab- ly turns to the Middle East. "Jews have been wearing blinders when it comes to the Palestinians," says Ron Aronson, who co-chairs the group's Mideast committee. "But we are becoming more and more aware that there is another people in the country. The Arabs have to accept our reality, absolutely. But we have to ac- cept their reality" New Jewish Agenda's call for negotiations with the Palestine Liberation Organization and the group's support for a Palestinian state in the administered territories are on- ly two of several positions that place the 8-year-old national organization on the edge of the Jewish mainstream. Locally, Agenda participates ful- ly in community forums like the Jewish Community Council. But the group's sympathy for Nicaragua's Sandanista government, its call for a nuclear weapons freeze and its cham- pioning the rights of homosexuals leave a sour taste in the mouths of many. Some Jews look with suspicion at what they perceive as a group of ag- ing '60s activists and old-time leftists. Critics say Agenda — whose Detroit branch has about 100 members — is out of step with the times, is anti- Israel and soft on the PLO, and places universal good will before Jewish survival. Agenda members answer that the Jewish community is swinging perilously to the right — away from its proletarian and unionist American roots. They say American 24 FRIDAY, OCTpBER21, 1988 Ron Aronson: "The Arabs have to accept our reality. But we have to accept their reality." Jews have become fat, rich subur- banites and have lost their social con- sciousness. They say that Agenda's universalist concerns will help the Jewish people survive in an uncertain world of shifting coalitions. "We're honoring some real com- mandments of Judaism," says Aron- son, a professor of humanities at Wayne State University. "The essence of being a Jew is to pursue justice. We're just following Hillel: 'Do not do unto others . . . ' All the rest is politics." "We're most misunderstood," adds Ed Pintzuk, a lecturer in history at WSU. "If people knew us, they would love us." Aronson says it is painful to be out of step with the rest of the Jewish community. For him, though, it is more important to be in step with "a higher Jewish truth" that aims for a pluralistic and progressive future. "Today, there is a worship of power," Aronson continues. "A feeling of 'What's in it for us?' at election time. And that 'What's in it for us?' keeps narrowing." Agenda members are concerned about American Jewry's "total preoc- cupation with Israel and its blind and unwavering support" of the Jewish state regardless of its actions, accor- ding to Alvin Fishman, who heads the Detroit Police Department's infor- mation systems section. Support for Israel's treatment of the Palestinians betrays Jewish values of justice and further isolates the country in the international com- munity, members say. Some American Jews caution that criticism of Israel can hurt the coun- try. Agenda members like Marcia Meisel, a real estate agent, say that