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October 14, 1988 - Image 45

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1988-10-14

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is redefining

Bolan is a third-year varsi-
ty runner. He was one of the
Bears' top five runners last
year. "Because he has pro-
gressed so rapidly and the im-
provement has been pretty
vast, we've been trying to
figure out exactly what our
strategy's going to be, as he
has matured," says Amos.
"Because he's very quick, he's
an excellent half-miler in
track. He's very, very fast.
We're trying to keep him
under control so he's not out
there too quickly . . . Yet he
has excellent leg speed and
has good kicking power at the
end, so we're trying to keep
him as even as possible, so
I've been kind of putting the
collar on him the first mile."
Bolan's best time this year
is 16:53. He was in the top 10
at the Holly Invitational and
the top 25 at West Bloomfield.
Amos hopes that her boys
can join her girls as state
qualifiers. The girls entered
this week 6-2 in dual meets
while the boys were 4-4. Can
the boys qualify for state?
"It's very dependent on
Adam," she says. "If he's not
there, no."

Goldstein Still
Is Undefeated

freshman at West Bloomfield
High School, is making a
strong transition to high
school swimming. One of the
top swimmers in the country
in her age group, Goldstein is
now swimming against girls
up to age 18. But she was
unbeaten in dual meet com-
petition entering this week.
Goldstein has set a school
record in the 200 individual
medley and qualified for the
state championships in five
events: the 100, 200 and 500
freestyles, 100 butterfly and
200 IM. She also swims on
the Lakers' 400 free relay
team, which is also a state
"She's an exceptional
talent," says West Bloomfield
coach Bob Crosby, who feels
that Goldstein can contend
for a state title in several
events. "It takes somebody
with that sort of natural abili-
ty to be in that category."
The Lakers were 6-1 coming
into the week. While Crosby
says he has "a nice supporting

cast of swimmers," he says
that Goldstein "made an im-
mediate impact in our pro-
gram and against her op-
ponents. It's been a real
pleasure to plan out strategy
for swim meets knowing that
you can really stick her about
anywhere and she's going to
get two first-places for you."
Crosby says that Goldstein's
times are not what they were
in age-group swim meets
because she is still adjusting
to the high school regimen of
more frequent meets and two-
a-day practices. "Usually it
takes until the end of the year
where they get back down to
their better times."
Other Jewish swimmers at
West Bloonifield include
Erica Rice, Wendy Schmidt,
Lauren Trahey, Marla Meyers
and Cari Resnick.

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Laker Pair
Tee Off

Adam Treitman and
erratic Dave Hubert were two
of the key golfers for West
Bloomfield High School this
Treitman, a senior, was
"probably our number one
player," says coach Art Link.
Treitman shot an 80 for a
top-20 finish in the Oakland
County meet, shot an 80 at
Oakland Hills in the Country
Day Invitational and hit
another 80 for a top-8 finish
in the Metro Suburban Ac-
tivities Association meet.
Treitman's key assets, says
Link, are "determination and
competitiveness. He's got a
solid swing, nothing outstan-
ding in any specific area. But
he is a real competitor and
never gives up until the last
putt's in the hole. Being with
us for four years has made a
big difference. He's come a
long way since he was a
freshman and couldn't break
50 . . . He's a fine leader and
a real gentleman of the
Link notes that Treitman
and Hubert, a sophomore, are
"definitely opposites." Treit-
man has "a short, compact
swing and doesn't hit the ball
extremely far, but keeps the
ball in play and has a good
short game."
Hubert "can hit the ball a

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