PURELY COMMENTARY Jewish Morality Continued from Page 2 Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Ryan, former chief of the army chaplains, offers advice to our young men and women on the problems that face them in everyday life. As the title denotes, the approach is that of a Catholic, but the advice is ap- plicable to all faiths. Because of his distinguished army career, it is especially interesting to note that General Ryan disputes the Eichmann theory of "following orders:' He declares in all seriousness that "a patriot is not the man who says, as Stephen Decatur once did, 'My country, right or wrong, but right or wrong, my country? If your country is wrong, you must work to make her right, if only because you love her so and it pains you to see her embarked on a wicked course?' Ryan continues: "The men who followed Hitler and Mussolini said, 'My country right or wrong, and we all know the beastliness that the Nazis turned loose on he world. Look at Adolph Eichmann, the Nazi official whom Israel hanged in June of 1962 for having done most to organize the slaughter or six million Jews during the Nazi persecution. Eichmann's defense throughout his trial was that he was 'following orders!' He pleaded that he was serving his country! Could any man have done his country a greater disservice than to have followed the bloody path that led to the destruction of Germany from the air and its division into two separate, hostile camps? "No one can place country above conscience, any more than he can place loved ones above conscience. The Church teaches us that the Fourth Com- mandment, on which patriotism is based, also commands: "Obey your mother and father in all that is not isn." The same ap- plies to the fatherland. If you saw your father striking a crip- ple, you would be horrified and very quick to plead with him to stop. The same should apply to you if — God forbid — you should find your country bully- ing a little land or mistreating minorities within its own com- munity. You love the face of your country too much to see it disfigured by brutality or pre- judice." Unless we adhere to these principles, we will be turning back the clock that indicated mankind's emergence from bar- barianism to humanism! How do Israeli soldiers res- pond to order-taking? In an ar- ticle entitled, "Gaza Report: Ter- ror and the Frontier-Guards," in New Outlook, we read: "A year ago, Israeli soldiers stationed in the Gaza Strip were permitted to do what is still for- bidden in other occupied ter- RFPIRARER 83 1488 Moshe Dayan ritories — to shoot in the direc- tion of a grenade-thrower even he melts into a crowd. But most of the soldiers on patrol told their commanders that they could not do this: they refused on the grounds that such an ac- tion risked injury to innocent bystanders. Revealing this on January 6, General Dayan add- ed, 'And I must tell you that I am proud that our soldiers, daily ex- posed to these killers, refused the permission: " It is true that Israeli soldiers have been given the right to pro- tect themselves in the horribly dangerous Gaza area where life is endangered. Terrorists have endangered the lives of all who visit that area, and that is why Israelis who are there must pro- tect themselves. But orders are not followed blindly by Israelis! They do not tolerate murder! In this spirit we adhere to the idea expressed by Father Ryan, pursued by Israeli soldiers, that blind submission to orders from above is wrong! Let this be the lesson in the Caney My Lai case. The issue at hand now will always need repetitive warnings to those receiving orders to reject them when they are immorally used to sink into submission. Whatever guilt may occur in the ex- perience of Israel will hopefully be cor- rected according to the nation's basic ethical and moral principle. In our life as Americans aspiring to the highest morality, socially and politically, when there are orders to submerge into immorality they will always hopefully be rejected. The human factor will, hopefully, always prevail everywhere. Robert Stolz Continued from Page 2 Austria herself ceases to exist as an independent state. And, this time, it is my turn to be a refugee Stolz's return to Vienna coincided with Schushnig's resignation at Hitler's demand, to the calamity of Austria's falling into Nazi control. Stolz was greeted with warnings that he was un- safe unless he joined the Nazi party and its approved musical organizations. His brother, wh became a Nazi, called to warn him to drive his Jewish friends out of his home. Then began the flight. He went to Switzerland, from there to Paris where he joined his associates in musical circles. In paris began a life of misery. His fourth wife betrayed and robbed him of all his possessions, of wealth he had ac- cumulated. A young, attractive lady he befriended proved to be a Gestapo agent. Soon he was imprisoned by the Nazi police that ruled Paris. Then came the guardian angel in his life — Einzi: Yvonne Louise Ulrich — whom he had met before his incarceration through his fellow musicians shortly after his arrival in Paris. She fell in love with him at first sight — she half his age of 60 at the time. Learning that he was being ter- rorized by his Nazi jailers, Einzi rush- ed to the prison with bribe money, secured his release and helped him back to strength to escape to the United States. Here he resumed his musical ac- tivities and his association with the giants in the musical world. He was rejoined by Einzi in New York and a new life of love and musical attainments began. In the 30 years of his life that fol- lowed, Einzi had a great role in keep- ing his name in the musical world limelight. He gained even greater ac- claim. Now there is a Robert Stolz movement worldwide. Austria was cheered again upon their resettlement. His native land issued a postage stamp in his honor and his music tops the lists in popularity at concerts. The Stolz autobiography, The Barb- ed Wire Waltz, is really a combination of two biographies, Robert's and Einzi's. Wherever there are sounds of music, Stolz is among the echoes. Einzi keeps rolling up honors in his memory In his own recollections in the volume, The Life of the Last Waltz King, Robert paid honor to the lady who sav- ed his lfie and keeps his name and achievements memorable. It is humanitarian, as a leader in rescue ef- forts, that Robert Stolz is honored in the Jewish National Fund forest in Israel, in the atoning for the sins toward him, in the tributes of his native Austria: A noble name is revered and to Robert Stolz's wife Einzi goes a major portion of the credit for attaining it. Dr. Frieda Stollman Truly Earned Her Bar-Ilan Doctorate T here are not many women in our midst with an honorary doctorate. Frieda Stollman earned it as a devoted advocate of all means of attaining highest goals for Jewish education. She had a great share in the Bar- Ilan leadership of her husband, Max Stollman, who also earned an honorary degree from Bar-Ilan University, and her brother-in-law, Phillip, the distinguished chairman of the univer- sity's global board of directors, who also holds an honorary doctorate from this university. Thanks to such family devo- tions, which gained very strong com- munal support, Bar-Ilan is one of the leading schools of higher learning not only in Israel but perhaps in the entire Middle East. This would be saying very little in honor of Dr. Frieda Stollman without recognizing that she did not limit her educational devotions to Bar-Ilan. She was concerned and devoted to the suc- cesses of the Hebrew University and Technion and encouraged support for them. Her concern in Jewish educational programming became especially evi- dent here when she staunchly ad- vocated communal endorsement and support for the day school movement. It was thanks primarily to her staunch advocacy of a totality of effort in support of the full-time Jewish school program that the day schools made the rapid rise of the last few years. The Jewish Welfare Federation recognized her com- munal efforts with a vice presidency — the first woman in the community to be chosen for leadership in that fashion. 'Ib the select and pioneering com- munity builders have gone the annual Federation Butzel Awards, and Frieda Stollman was included in this category. That the students of Akiva Day School, which is a major benefaction of Frieda and the Stollman Family, should Frieda Stollman have been at the funeral service to pay honor to Frieda Stollman as a benefac- tor and advocate of day schools, was an added tribute to her. Individuals and community move- ments could always count on her advice, on the support she gave, always with dignity, always with generosity. The Jewish Natinoal Fund Forest in Israel, bearing the Frieda and Max Stollman names, is only one of the many Stollman projects gaining notable achievements. When we speak of a debt due Dr. Frieda Stollman for many successful tasks for Jewry and Israel it is not limited to the Greater Detroit scene. It is a national recognition. The glory with which her road to multiple ac- tivities is paved is rooted in Israel. When speaking and writing about Frieda, we do so with gratitude for her friendship. There will ever be a remem- brance of her.