CLOSE-UP "I CANNOT IMAGINE THE ISRAEL ECONOMY WITHOUT ISRAEL BONDS" ISRAEL FINANCE MINISTER MOSHE NISSIM —London, April. 1988 C O Fold down a tab for your Bond subscription. issue 01===r6 :,tvdier eer rrred ,* 00000 ./1 /Cr/ 9. .1 ef'1/7/..e // ■ :,,hee:rerktittrrtr r t e • D DO LLAR S Then, for your children or grandchildren, buy an additional Israel Bond 11.6 4 not an oflaina The casting ccr, be mode rcamtilitmetumxinnunimunansmorowrz N9 M Part investment, part charity, part statement of solidarity, Israel Bonds are unique among financial instruments Invest in an individual Variable Rate (7W!,? Bond and receive an attractive, prime-related interest rate. -cds, IND c.r1 - c= - f..eJ CT! O O only by pospecke 'Mich *load be obloined nom fie ulna's or from fie Nno;ocue office = 1›. = tel • , r,'),/,,,//.4: . /4113,7)4re/./err../q0;:- ../...,k.:452.1/.//;ireeri tie 2/ere :Yr; .4"-:!//.:Xlvelecri erviii . et elrek ;tr. ,...;.;. 71 fy.teriri 'vette) 44:,../.64,:yr14,4:. te r /1;,:r ei,lie.res/4 ieretiertr/A0 -sreeri'hrehlr;15. re resa,Aerrhiw Atli- ./42144../erajimrerhive..4ii;Wrwrier/”,.4erer erie.tref:4•1•4.-tieurrrj4erl'etterrwethfilrese....xl.,4- k 'trade I ril_areref/414:144trtkr-t/e)41.:, ./rafte:/petwei.w...wee •i roe:erre,/ 911.4 .-//ereled<92,4, r1/11;ereer:-., / / • - 2.- e/e4. ;1.--, e Wire kr, ;44' a ireereer /e.; /;:l.rrelIeerr/re/1,:e loc; if reverntrtareerie iltrri4V, /e/ •747.: :05,ra/ terrry Kr kr.....sgreer/rr/ / .4,1 r Ar/fra elt aolihvh;n1,4". 1 lei- few.,,w- X4r- et, :rerewir r r4 Jr;...e" 4) rtfer,if.,,A., h dc...4;wr 11• reki-/ c.rter ,r/ 14 burr reLerre4"kr...,44 deWrt (ez e "Ire hre • 2.rdeeernM%retrar /;;Ale y• .46-lha,d.`4,k,/,I ,,,,,,,I, 4 ;- Mire 9e2h;" •,,, ,,,4 . , A ,,,•,,C //r...,fireht; - ; 4;01 firel!,..., elarree../eire, ro nee-se/ le:e/e 5" it /hr ro,.^A ..4,7* - 0:ife o 47ileeli I ;Wirer/ air trey / /iermerd /r/,/ •:Zer.; Merle rrneerJ kArreekser Ai; ;aver( r r/netia/ er /frrer4;ste/4e.f;r4-1,, ■ refit >I eerier/ref/ r/lefi..V.4 dr 1/...b)rr./2;:i /.; .444reer.entrAetre .4-Ace/gag,. er t . ry !Arc, /V fewhai lti..., le ....”644,,,4,;..., ../....G-v, et r/ier,& w 1.4:, ..War,,, - ....4.iiith;71.... 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Yir )241...werkkw ...04/1X. iter/treer/Av.tram " 041,414.iilehr:Givr 4..dee'.'2‘..w/? . . Airett4rree/kce err/ewe...444, I cetera' * eerie /et 4^ lei2/44 ././:,,4.10.4eyree,rerk.4;w1,/ra///) e rr etyy)ey.l.keterrn:;4/eftV/,'llrelrererrief47rdorirtreeierle:•,,erict4:444:w A4544 ei rer bilk, .14, . - ..,14e./r4./9//Xe errer.Vrierv;k/rir 1/:e .-"/Zertz/le!geerr y 41retrettc/Aterr4:,/vterde t/r; rerrrter/elr.44;./reer &rear /A ce were retrreer,/,a/i...f. " Atile,re6/. I( rree;.7.42, arre//errerierk Ara r/iei/hZ, r/../4. vet ,ri t”willt/1:44;.? fri-tevtierrlio Myter/A•Nc.....1.4 ,../.1”./ /yetri...tai,v //ie /avra eflh r.f/i.,/..- tilibrr:',/rek: et. 0.4.7/44i.,45,41,,,,e1/ ;if+ flirwev1411. . e. ;hi% ht.U'llfitifil, /.4 ✓ 2,/e ei:Z1,r/h;c. trete-ire/ /hi:, iieerrl/e- /t; ea rerarrleed / i //te,/r1,,:ete / J//racer/r) ererrl/k ')//r e . rc.ari et :Z.:we., el:lk. e/k/e. trete/14r errikozerrrer.e.rerl 'ter/tete? 1/ /k. . ,I4 ' /r/e r.reereler/rer1/;//Ce ,ke.....,,a; ..te:vo.rrkee e;Krerr;41/le:tr.i/re r/:7. ,:rtreer,:_,Nrre:leegerraremt Aro;t9 er1/./1reilere,„,„,/,• ././fe,kr. --•,:errXe _trer41/4:e .92de ry';r1tre lely r,///:te-...'4•/,..•4:4 1 y 1/954,. leieN. e/..."1:/eir./rd /./k/e, r/Viterrerrer,era Aterrrer l' . 4,71 10, eW1• 1/ 71%//// . PRIME MINISTER MINISTER OF FINANCE I'. MM. Jews because nobody else thought Israel would last long enough to pay them back. It wasn't until 1967, the Six-Day War, that the general public was confident enough to start in- vesting." Many institutional and corporate investors, including the State of Michigan, are being attracted to some of the high-ticket investments offered by Israel Bonds. For example, a $25,000 variable-rate bond that yields a rate halfway between 7.5 percent and the prime is popular with employee benefit plans. The bond has a 12-year maturity, but a pension fund has the right of redemption after three years on 120 days notice. Also available is a 7-year, $250,000 note that pays the prime rate minus .5 percent, and a 5-year, $1 million note that pays the same. These high-ticket investments are a sign of the evolving sophistication of the Israel Bonds effort and a gradual shift in emphasis. While still playing to the sympathies of U.S. Jews for individual sales, Bond officials are making a concerted effort to tap non- Jewish investors who are more likely to invest with their head rather than their heart. Non Jews now account for an estimated 30 percent of Bond sales in dollar terms. Among the institutional buyers of Israel Bonds are H.J. Heinz, Hartz Mountain Corp., the Los Angeles County Employees Retire- ment Association, the State of Michigan's retirement fund, and numerous banks and insurance com- panies. All individual buyers are classified as Jewish ("If they aren't they should be," quipped the Bonds professional). The $1 million note was started in 1975, followed by the variable-rate bond in 1980. Purchase of an Israel Bond, however, is still different from buying its equivalent from Britain, France or Japan. About three-quarters of Israel Bonds (by dollar amount) are sold in the U.S., whereas other countries market their bonds domestically. Unlike investments in other coun- tries' bonds, Israel's have virtually no secondary market. Unless otherwise specified, the bonds must be kept to maturity, when they can be redeemed. Thus far, only a few dealers pur- chase small denomination Israel Bonds on a limited basis. Jerusalem, meanwhile, has steered clear of creating a viable secondary market. In a Jerusalem Post article last month, David Krivine suggested that given Israel's always precarious political situation, a sensitive secon- dary market would be about as stable as a live volcano, with each new political wrinkle or border incident sending prices on a roller coaster ride. Even after maturity, the bonds can have liquidity problems. A New York writer found a $100 bond that her now-deceased parents bought in 1967. The bond had reached maturi- ty in 1979 and she started trying to redeem it in 1987. Since the bond was in her parents' names, "bond authorities demanded that she prove her parents were dead. She provided the death certificates. Later came re- quests for a notarized certificate of domicile, then fiduciary's probate cer- tificate, then a waiver of inheritance tax form on her mother's estate. Since she couldn't provide the inheritance tax form (since the estate had ex- pired), she has written off ever seeing the proceeds frm the bond. "It came not to be worth the money;' she said. "I decided it was a gift to Israel. I'm not really mad because it's a dona- tion?' Regardless of any liquidity pro- blems, however, the primary market has remained remarkably stable, ac- cording to top Israel Bonds managers. Rosenbaum, said that in wartime; bond sales rise markedly in the Jewish community. Negative publici- ty related to the Palestinian intifada (uprising) has failed to make a dent in bond sales, Rosenbaum said, with THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 27