CLOSE-UP POWERof ATTORNEY His clients include Edwin Meese and Jodie Foster, but Washington's Nathan Lewin is best known as an advocate for observant Jews. GARY ROSENBLATT Editor hen the attorney general of the United States got into trouble with the law last year, he called Nathan Lewin to defend him. And so far it has paid off. For despite all the controversy and negative publicity surrounding the case of Edwin Meese 3rd, to date it is Lewin who has prevailed by achieving an attorney's primary goal: He has kept his client from being indicted. Heady stuff defending the nation's top law enforcer? Just another day's work for Lewin, 52, a dapper, gray-bearded Ortho- dox Jew who has made his reputation as one of the most respected lawyers in a city overloaded with them by combining a bril- liant legal mind with a fierce passion -for advocacy. And it is that advocacy, channeled into Jewish causes, that has distinguished Lewin in the national Jewish community — though his positions often clash with the Jewish establishment. What makes his career unique is that in addition to his full- time private practice, where his rates are reported to be $300 an hour, he has been a leading props. lt, primarily on a pro W 24 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1988 bono basis, for religious freedoms in general and Orthodox Jewry in particular. He is a founding member and key force • behind the National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs (COLPA), a volunteer group of about 600 attorneys and social scientists established about 25 years ago to defend the legal rights and observances of Orthodox Jews. Lewin spends up to 20 percent of his time on pro bono cases — an extraordinarily high rate for a name partner in a major law firm. Lewin says he chooses cases that he feels are important and where he can make a contribution. Over the years he has consis- tently chosen and played a pivotal role in cases raising issues of religious freedom, from drafting the provision of the federal Civil Rights Act that protects religious observances of private employees, to defending an Air Force' chaplain who sought to wear a yarmulke on duty. The yarmulke case was one of about two dozen that Lewin has argued before the Supreme Court. He lost that one, but most recently won on behalf of his client, the Chasidic-owned electronics supplier, 47th Street Photo, arguing that gray markets Nat Lewin at his desk (one of two) in his spacious Georgetown office. On wall at left, a map of the Holy Land, one of several hundred in Lewin's collection.