CLOSE-UP Olyra lc Hurdle On the sports field, the Arab war against Israel has ranged from terrorism to political intimidation MITCHELL BARD Special to The Jewish News ne of the common re- frains of athletes is that politics should be kept out of sports, but the truth is the two have always been, and will continue to be, intertwined. As the 1988 Olym- pics begin, this overlap will become an increasing focus of attention. Although the Eastern Bloc nations have agreed to participate, Cuba at first announced its intention to boycott the games because of the In- ternational Olympic Committee's failure to support North Korea's demands for greater involvement in the Summer Olympics in Seoul. Western athletes and governments, meanwhile, assert that the politics should be kept out of the 1988 Olym- pics. Of course, such pronouncements ring hollow after the U.S. boycott of the 1980 Olympics in Moscow pro- testing the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Paradoxically, there seems to be no hesitation on the part of athletes or governments to mix politics and sports when it comes to South Africa. That nation's athletes have become pariahs as a result of international boycott designed to protest apartheid. One young woman, track star Zola Budd, has been hounded throughout her career because she was born in South Africa and, even after becom- ing a British citizen, is punished for her nationality. Most recently, a group of nations threatened to pull out of the International Cross Coun- try Championships if Budd were per- mitted to compete. The United States track czars have also barred her from competing here. , This is not the only political sports boycott, however. Another which receives far less attention is part of the Arab war against Israel. Most people believe that the Arab-Israeli conflict first intruded in- to sports when terrorists murdered a 24 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1988 group of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, but the truth is the Arabs made sports a part of their overall strategy of isolating Israel from the community of nations almost from the beginning. Even prior to the establishment of Israel, the Arabs initiated an economic boycott against Israel, refusing to trade with Israel and blacklisting foreign firms that did. Unlike the economic boycott, however, the Arabs have not gone so far as to blacklist nations whose sports teams compete with Israel though they do exert pressure on those most susceptible to their blackmail. The Arabs do not have much power in the sporting world so they have not been particularly successful in enforcing a boycott of Israel in ma- jor sporting events — with the excep- tion of the quadrennial Asian Games. In 1962, Israel was excluded from the games held in Djakarta and have been prevented from participating since 1974. In the 1974 games in Teheran, the nations of China, North Korea, Pakistan and all the Arab lands boycotted Israel's participation. The Indian government refused to in- vite Israeli athletes to the 1982 games in New Delhi for "security reasons," but the truth was that Arab members of the Asian Games Federa- tion agreed to underwrite the cost of the event if Israel was excluded Israel's inability to crack through the sports boycott in Asia parallels the difficulties it has had in Asian political forums where Israel has also been regularly excluded. There are several reasons for Asian complicity in the Arab boycott. First, there is the wealth and oil of the Arab states. Second, many of the Asian nations want to demonstrate their anti-imperialist credentials. Third, there are large Muslim popula- tions in several of these countries. For example, India has a large Muslim minority; her rival, Pakistan, is a Muslim country, most of India's oil is . Eleven of these Israeli athletes were murdered by terrorists at Munich. supplied by the Arabs, and the Gan- dhis have consistently tried to assume a leadership role among the non-aligned, anti-imperialist nations. The Soviet Union has also cooperated in the boycott to a limited extent since 1967 when relations with Israel were severed. Although the Soviets have competed at events at- tended by Israelis, they have refused to compete in Israel. In 1980, Israel joined the American-led boycott of the Moscow Olympics, but was prepared to par- ticipate in the Goodwill Games organized in Moscow by Ted Turner in 1986. Prior to the event, the Anti- Defamation League was given assurances by athletic 'officials that Israel had been invited to attend. In fact, the Soviets refused to invite Israel because the two nations have no diplomatic relations and Turner cooperated in the boycott. Turner, whose stated goal was to take politics out of sports, rationaliz-