help people prepare their tax returns, or joined her favorite political party, or even acted as a docent in a museum. Sal- ly had failed to prepare for retirement as a new phase of her life, distant from her past, and thus she had succumbed to the lure of an alien group. Volunteer work is only one avenue, however, through which retirees can escape from boredom. Adopting a hobby or practicing a craft can lead to equally high satisfaction. Harrison E. Salisbury, author, foreign cor- respondent and New York Times editor, still writing and editing enthusiastically, al- though he is in his eighties and wears a pacemaker, ex- plains, "The better you are at your craft, the less likely you will want to give it up." Poor health can also turn retirement into a nightmare. A recent Louis Harris survey has found that 67 percent of people over 65 suffer from poor health. Nevertheless, there are ways to cope. Based on his own experience, B. F. Skinner, professor emeritus of psychology at Harvard Uni- versity, advises individuals to accommodate their imme- diate environment to their im- perfections. Those who have begun to forget where they put things, for example, might learn from the blind that everything must be kept in its right place. And those who cannot hear might install a light that flashes when the doorbell or telephone rings. Retirees might also substi- tute new interests for those which poor health prevents them from pursuing. If they cannot see well, they can still play a musical instrument. If they cannot hear well, they can still paint or sculpt. And if arthritis has crippled their - fingers, they can still study art history, anthropology, or learn a new language. The marvel of retirement is that it can open up a new world of alternate paths. Although the new world is sometimes lonely and often restricted by physical in- capacities, once the retiree learns to accept its limita- tions, it can turn into the most stimulating stage of a person's life. As Claude Pepper, U.S. Congressman from Florida, has said, "It's not how many years you have left, but what you do in them that counts." 0 The perfect gift for David at college, Lode in her new apartment, Aunt Millie in Florida and Cousin Steve in Grand Rapids 52 information-packed issues plus six special magazines. All for our low $26 subscription price ($33 for out-of-state residents). And a gift card will be sent to each recipient in your name. To order using your Master Card or Visa, call Jeri Poma at 354-6060. Or, clip and return the form below. And as our way of saying thank you, we'll send you, or the gift recipient, a free Jewish News T-shirt. A child leaving the nest, a close friend, a favorite relative — the people you love — will love a gift subscription to The Jewish News. The Jewish News combines the warmth of community with world issues. Using candor and compassion, The Jewish News encourages strength of Jewish identity. Whether someone is far from home or around the corner, The Jewish News becomes a valuable, awaited friend. A gift subscription to The Jewish News buys CLIP THE JEWISH NEWS GIFT SUBSCRIPTION Yes! I would like to send a gift subscription of The Jewish News to someone I love. Please send it to: I have enclosed a check for $26 ($33 for out-of-state). Please clip coupon and mail to: Address: Jewish News Gift Subscription 20300 Civic Center Dr., Suite 240 Southfield, Michigan 48076-4138 City: Size: State/Zip: Adult Ex. Large Adult Large Adult Medium Child Large Child Medium Child Small Name: Your Name: (circle one) Your Address: Your City: Your State/Zip: Send T-shirt to: Me Person Receiving Gift Subscription Ruth Brown is a writer who lives in New York. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 109