.Aottt ftv`w Repent At Cemetery By Rabbi Chaim M. Bergstein It. is a custom in many communities to go to the cemeteries on the day before Rosh Hashanah and pray fervently (for a good year). It is also customary to give tzedakah for the poor at the gravesite, preferably before one's prayers. This ancient custom dates back to times of the Talmud when prayers were said at the gravesites in times of trouble such as when there was a drought and a public fast was decreed. Apparently, the Days of Awe, the High Holy Days, because of their nature of determining one's fate for the year, became occasions for such visits as well. Going to the graves of our parents and the righteous people there, before the day of Rosh Hashanah, is reflective of the idea of preventing any harsh decrees from on High on the day of Rosh Hashanah. Why does one go to the cemetery to pray? There are several reasons. First, it is to arouse us to repent, for we see that life is • temporary. We never know when our time will come to give an account of ourselves to our Creator. Second, it is a holy place. For where there are righteous people buried, there is holiness and our prayers are more easily received in a holy place. We also say to the Almighty, "Help us in the merit of the great people who served you on behalf of the Jewish people." Furthermore, we place ourselves at God's mercy, saying, "without You we are helpless as the dead, so please have compassion." A matter of controversy surrounds the concept of the status of the departed soul itself. Is the soul asked to intercede on behalf of the visitor, especially if the visitor gives tzedakah in merit of the righteous soul resting there? Most rabbinic authorities hold that the deceased are asked to pray on ee at/ THE JEWISH NEWS 20300 Civic Center Drive Suite 240 Southfield, Michigan 48076 August 26, 1988 Associate Publisher Arthur M. Horwitz News Editor Heidi Press Jewish Experiences for Families Advisor Harlene W. Appleman Illustrator Neil Beckman L-2 FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1988 JO. behalf of the visitor to the grave and plead for mercy. Our Midrash and liturgy is filled with the pleadings of the patriarchs and the prophets on behalf of their children and flock. Indeed, the most powerful evidence for this concept is found in Jeremiah's vision where the "Voice on high is heard — Rachel cries for her children." Every child is taught that Jacob specifically buried his beloved wife Rachel before they entered Beth Lechem, so that the children of Israel who would be exiled at the time of the destruction of the First Temple could pray there on the way to exile in Babylon. Her prayers were answered and Jeremiah "hears in heaven" that her supplication bore fruit. Our people would be returned after only 70 years of exile. It is now accepted by most great Jewish authorities on prayer and the Kabbalah that the dead are asked to intercede for the living. Among the many customs of going to the cemetery is that we circle the gravesite. The giving of tzedakah should precede the prayers we say there. Symbolically, many people light a lamp in honor of the memory of the deceased before the prayers as well. In many communities special texts called "Maineh Lashon" are read. The text includes selected psalms, the Nishmat prayer added on the Sabbath and a dramatic prayer addressing the righteous, praising their deeds and the request that they plead on our behalf. Many read a special note or "kvittel" after chanting this prayer and leave the note, torn up or otherwise, at the grave, similar to the notes left at the Western Wall. Some have the custom of leaving a pebble on the site or tear some grass nearby to indicate that they were there. ... the gravesite of Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair has a wall surrounding it in which millions of pebbles have created a large mound, over the years. Apparently, it is in honor of the departed that the living remember them and show that their resting place is visited. In the old cemetery of Safed, the gravesite of Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair has a wall surrounding it in which millions of pebbles have created a large mound over the years. Before entering the cemetery one says a special blessing, accepting God's judgement in giving the dead their lives and then taking them away. The blessing ends with the belief in the resurrection of the dead that the departed will rise again. At the gravesite prior to our prayers we ask God that "the resting of the deceased be distinguished with honor and may his/her merit be of support to me." This all reinforces our belief in the eternity of soul and its goodness and the folly of pursuing a purely material life. It is customary not to visit the same grave twice in one day. One should refrain from disrespectful behavior at the cemetery and should prepare for the visit with good deeds and modest conduct. Once a woman whose child was ill ran in the Temple and circumscribed the floor of the Temple in prayer. This is the source for circling the grave in time of trouble. After facing the grave stone, one should turn right first and go around while always facing the grave and turning to the right. This is similar to the way the Kohanim went around the Altar. It is clear the cemetery is a special place, similar to the Holy Temple, a place of comfort, of prayer and of love between all Israel. Rabbi Bergstein is the spiritual leader of Congregation Bais Chabaa of Farmington Hills.