Marsha Mitnick of West Bloomfield enjoys activities with her children, Scott (left), The benefits to children of feeling constantly sheltered and looked after by no means end with infancy. "Every child needs someone around who is crazy about them:' says Cornell University psychologist Urie Bronfen- brenner. A bedrock of commitment . True enough, the generously at- tentive mothers of an earlier genera- tion often assumed an air of after-all- I-did-for-you martydrom. The fictional mother in Portnoy's Complaint, Philip Roth's famous 1967 novel, was bitter- ly described by her son as "vying .. . to be the patron saint of self-sacrifice." But in real life, this so-called flaw was usually concealing an unmistakable bedrock of commitment. Whether in the kitchen prodding her children to eat their greens, at the book-laden dining room table spurring her children on to finish their homework, at the piano urging her budding Horowitz to practice, or in the backyard making sure that the Rachel (right) and baby Emily. neighborhood bully was held at bay, High standards these were mothers who really cared The traditional mother of about their kids and weren't afraid to yesteryear was much more than an show their feelings. indulgent parent, of course. She was Such totally invested mothers also a constant goad, nudging her off- may indeed have spawned guilt-edged spring to grow up whole — to become neuroses in some children. But as the as my mother would put it, "a credit late child analyst Selma Fraiberg, to your family and the world!' She author of The Magic Years (Scribner), pushed her children hard to realize once reminded me, such problems are their highest potential for honesty, at least curable. "In contrast," decency, and "clean living!' She ap- Fraiberg observed, "there is little you proached parenthood with a firm set can do to erase the anger, emptiness of values, and there was nothing and despair that so often haunt wishy-washy in her messages to her children denied the lifelong benefits kids when they strayed from the path. of early nurturance and affectional "My mother;' recalls an Irish col- bonds!' Moreover, the so-called vic- league of mine, "seemed to walk tims of the devoted mothers of every around with the Ten Commandments ethnic group often turn out to be printed on her forehead. When it remarkable human beings. Among wrinkled in a frown, then we knew we the products of these mothers' unflin- were in real trouble!' ching devotion are found the builders No doubt many of the children of and leaders of civilization, not the such demanding mothers grew resent- assassins and destroyers — the Leonard Bernsteins and John F. Ken- ful at times. But in the final analysis, nedys of the world, rather than the these kids were lucky. They never had Lee Harvey Oswalds and Charles to stop to figure out just exactly what was expected of them. And as they Mansons. grew, they had a firm base from which to judge their actions. If they wandered from the straight and nar- row, at least they knew what they were wandering from. "Listen," my mother would say, "what you do when you grow up is your business. But for now, dear child, it's my business!' As it turns out, my mother must have been onto something that psychologists uncovered only decades later. Studies show that children do indeed tend to make their parents' business their business. When youngsters are asked to try to im- agine what they will be like as adults, they typically project a portrait of their parents' dearly prized values. Although it may sometimes seem to take an awfully long time, eventual- ly our children are inclined to adopt for themselves those basic principles that, they are certain, mean a great deal to their elders. Clear messages In eliminating all uncertainty about what they expected, the THE DETROIT.JEWISH'NEWS