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We make sure everything's right at home. - HOm . ,0 661-1060 661-1060 InTERIOR SERVICE PLR() 26 FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1988 onvinced that anti- Semitism was at work at the Democratic convention in Atlanta, New Republic editor-in-chief Mar- tin Peretz writes in the pages of his magazine that he and other lifelong Democrats wonder whether the party "is a place they can call home!' Despite the "resurgent anti-Semitism among blacks," and despite the Democratic platform's "solicitude for the officially accredited minorities" — blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans — the platform contains "not a word about anti-Semitism," notes Peretz in the August 29 issue ("A Dissident Democrat's La- ment".) "Apparently," says Peretz, "Jewish sensibility . . . can be shrugged off. But only at peril." Anti-Semitism at the con- vention emanated, writes Peretz, from Jesse Jackson, whose presidential campaign was "the personal campaign of a personal redeemer in whom millions vested their half-articulated aspirations. But there are no redeemers . . . in modern life, certainly none whose strengths and achievements proceed from the microphone." Peretz claims that "the ideological profile of people close to Jackson — people who became close precisely because of the Israeli issue — is not exactly consoling. Would anyone want to wager serious money about Jackson's true views on the matter?" Among the Jackson asso- ciates whom Peretz finds suspect are two of the black leader's designates to the Democratic National Corn- mittee — Texas' Ruth Ann Skaff, "known primarily as a vocal supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization," and Los Angeles City Councilor Robert Farrell, "who uses the Israeli-Nazi analogy." Peretz is also wary of Jackson's "foreign policy point man" on the platform commit- tee — "anti-Zionist hysteric" James Zogby. Peretz laments that no ma- jor newspaper or newsweekly explored the fact that Jackson's key foreign policy people are best known for their support of the PLO, though the platform debate over the Palestinian issue was "the most furious of the con- vention." "The latent content [of the amendment] was about Jews, not about Palestinians," writes Peretz. "People truly interested in building a Democratic coali- tion," writes Peretz, "would never have permitted this issue, central to the psychological security of one of the party's constituen- cies . . . , to reach the floor. But some of those who in- sisted on it do not want a Democratic coalition that in- cluded masses of Jews!' Jesse Jackson: Personal redeemer "Wittingly or unwittingly, Jesse Jackson has encourag- ed them. Unless Michael ,Y Dukakis . . . makes it clear that neither anti-Semitism not even anti-Zionism will find refuge in the Democratic Party, unless Jesse Jackson frees himself from the biases to which he is still vulnerable —if not this time then next. But the abandon- ment will not only be by the Jews. It will be evident that the party had deserted its own ideals and its own faithful." "Shock Treatment" From Hussein Writing in the Washington Post, the former director of Israel's military intelligence knocks the widely accepted view that King Hussein's renunciation of the West Bank was a savvy ploy to make West Bank Palestinians realize they never had it so good than when Jordan was responsible for them. YY The king's move, writes Yehoshafat Harkabi, was meant "to bolster Jordan and its national identity" and "not meant as preparation for his triumphant return as